Flex :: Dynamically Load Image For Drag And Drop?

Jun 27, 2010

I am implementing drag and drop from a DataGrid onto a List in a Flex 3 AIR application. I would like to have the drag image be a photo (jpg) referenced by a String field in the data grid item, named 'imagePath'. I'm having trouble getting the image to show up during dragging. I have triple checked that it is not because of an invalid path to the image. I have tried Image's source() and load() methods in every way I can think of. I am calling this method 'dragCurrentToList(event)' on a mouseDown event.[code]This works perfectly if I set the image source to the following bindable variable but I don't want to hardcode the image name.[code]

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Edit 1 : Got so far till now :
public function beginDrag( mouseEvent:MouseEvent ):void


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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,makeA Box);
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// sprites
import caurina.transitions.*;
var drag_mc:MovieClip = energy_sprites.play_wave;


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But it doesn't works. How can i fix this problem.

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var mrT:MC_mrT = new MC_mrT;
mrT.x = stage.stageWidth*.5;[code].............

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Flex :: Drag And Drop Of FXG Graphics

Apr 27, 2011

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<graphics:arrow2 id="object" mouseMove="mouseMoveHandler(event);" />
I get an error: "Call to a possibly undefined method Graphic."

This works if I change my drag-object to Image and replace the 'Graphic' below with 'Image'. What should I use to be able to reference the fxg graphic in the drag-drop? My drag drop functionality is as follows
private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
var dragInitiator:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();
DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, ds, event);
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Tree Drag And Drop Functionality

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[code]I want a tree in this structure, having line between the nodes, also, instead of Open and Close Folders, I have added my own graphic there with label. I did by extending TreeItemRenderer Class. Now, I if iam dragging and dropping a child node ex:label5, and try i drop it above label1 here, it is getting dropped there. i.e.,it is becoming like.[code]

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Flex :: Drag And Drop From Datagrid To Uicomponent?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm trying to drag an item from a datagrid and drop it onto a UIComponet. Basically I just want the UIComponent to know that something has been dropped onto it and allow it to access the data of the dropped item.

I thought just listening for the drop event would do it but it seems not.

I found lots of documentation on dragging from one IList to another but nothing for this.

<mx:UIComponent xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
initialize="init(event)" dragDrop="itemDropped(event)">

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Actionscript 3 :: Drag And Drop To A Sprite In Flex?

Sep 13, 2010

I need to detect when a user d-b-n-d an object into a sprite. I'm adding the 3 event listeners I need, but only one of them works:

ontainer.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER, dragEnterHandler);
container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_EXIT, dragExitHandler);
container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_DROP, dragDropHandler);


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