Flex :: Get DataTipFunction To Return The Output Of 'labelFunction' + SomeText?

Feb 17, 2011

I've a AdvancedDataGridColumn which has both 'labelFunction' and 'dataTipFunction' defined.I want dataTipFunction to return the output of 'labelFunction' + someText.

P.S : The problem here is dataTipFunction doesn't have access to 'column' object.

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Flex DataGrid LabelFunction Not Getting Called?

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Flex :: ComboBox LabelFunction Not Refreshing With Updating Of An ArrayCollection?

Aug 11, 2010

My first issue is that when my ArrayCollection only has one item, for some reason I cannot select that first item. The change function set on the mxml never gets called when I try to select that one item. If I set a prompt, it works. I know that the item is not already selected because when debugging, the selected item shows null. I do not want to use a prompt. I want the first item in the ArrayCollection to be selected automatically. So if there is only one item, I want the selected item to be that. FYI - I am using a labelFunction to format the data in the Array Collection. why I cannot select the first item or set the first item in the ArrayCollection to be the selected item?

My bigger issue is that when my Array Collection gets updated, my label function must not be refreshing because when I first open the dropdown, it has specfic data. When the Array Collection gets updated and I open the dropdown again, I see the old data in the dropdown, yet it doesn't exist anymore.

So let's say I have a ComboBox that has a datasource of an array collection of one state code and it's state name. Their is a labelFunction that puts a dash in between the state code and the state name. Their is no prompt, so the ComboBox would look like GA - Georgia and when you open the dropdown, that would be all that is there. I want that item to be selected automatically. why the old data shows up when opening the dropdown after the array collection was updated with new data?

<mx:ComboBox labelFunction="getFormattedNpaNxxCollectionList()"
dataProvider="arrayColl" change="doSomething()"/>
public function getFormattedNpaNxxCollectionList(item:Object):String
return StringUtil.substitute("{0} - {1}", item.stateCode, item.stateName);

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Flex :: Datagrid - DatagridColumn LabelFunction Additonal Parameters

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Would it be possible to add an additional parameter so that I could pass the property values for the formatter which I intend to use? Like for example:


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Flex :: Generate Serial Number Using LabelFunction In Datagrid?

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Flex :: Labelfunction Interferes With Combobox Item Editor

Jun 27, 2011

issue is that when a user clicks a datagrid cell that has a combobox editor and then immediately clicks away from the cell, the text value in that cell disappears. I have an itemEditEnd handler on the datagrid and it shows the value of the property I use as the editorDataField just fine. But the labelFunction (which gets called after the itemEditEnd handler) on that grid column sees it as zero. Why aren't the labelFunction and item editor playing together nicely? Here is the DataGridColumn:


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Mar 30, 2011

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Flex :: Force A ComboBox's LabelFunction To Be Called For The Selected Item When Locale Changes?

Sep 3, 2009

I have a ComboBox with a label function like this one:

private function fieldLabelFunction(item:Object):String {
return resourceManager.getString('dashboard',"SS." + item);

When I change locales, the labels display correctly in the ComboBox's dropdown list, or if I change a selection. However, the currently selected item's label doesn't refresh at first. Is there a way to force the labelFunction to get called again?

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Flex :: Make An AdvancedDataGrid Re-display Its Labels When The Results Of The LabelFunction Change?

Mar 31, 2010

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a custom label function whose value can change based on other form status (specifically, there's a drop down to choose the time display format for some columns).Right now, I have this labelFunction:

internal function formatColumnTime(item: Object, column: AdvancedDataGridColumn): String {
var seconds: Number = item[column.dataField];
return timeFormat.selectedItem.labelFunction(seconds);


... and the timeFormat object is a combo box with items whose labelFunction attributes are formatTimeAsFractions and formatTimeAsInterval.The columns that have time formats have formatColumnTime as their labelFunction value, because extracting the seconds in that function and passing it in to the formatters made for a more testable app (IMHO).

when the timeFormat.selectedItem value changes, I want to force my grid to re-calculate the labels of these colums. What method must I call on it? invalidateProperties() didn't work, so that's out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - DataGridColumn LabelFunction > Accessing Current Data?

Mar 3, 2011

Ok, here's my requirement in short-I have a datagrid that is updated every time data update is received. Now, all I want to do is check if the present value in every cell in a specific datagridcolumn is less than the new value then color that particular cell green, if the present value is greater than the new value then color it red, else leave previous color as it is. Simple?Now, the coloring part is important but comes later. As of now, I need to know how to get present cell data in the labelfunction of the datagridcolumn.

// column is a datagridcolumn
column.labelFunction = function(oData:Object)


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Flex :: Can't Read Output Of Httpservice

May 8, 2010

I have an HTTPservice[code]...

I plan to add other variables to the output time, so need to access each time and worked separately. I may also need to return multiple responses each with their own worked and time values. How do I do that. I was thinking to not use XML. Is there a more lightweight option. Flex shows I have the following options: array e4x flashvars object text xml

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PHP :: Flex - Output Of C File In Real Time?

Oct 31, 2009

I have a C executable (named myprogram). When I run it by ./myprogram I get some output statements on the standard output of my Linux shell. I used run.php to get access to whatever is being printed to the standard output:

$output = shell_exec('./myprogram');
echo $output;

Then I called an HTTPService having id="service" to access this run.php file and I also set the text attribute of a TextArea to {service.lastResult}. When I run my Flex app, the interface kind of halts for a moment and then the TextArea displays all the 20 lines at once. But if program is run from Linux shell they appear one by one. Is there a way by which I can display a line as soon as it gets printed to standard output? This will then make the TextArea show the output in real time.

Or is Flex unable to do this? Rather how can a PHP program achieve such effect i.e. showing, whatever is being printed on standard output, concurrently in the browser in real time? Myprogram outputs 20 lines each after some microseconds. I want only the first line of standard output to appear in TextArea of Flex or in the browser (but in real time) while the program may then continue running the program.

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C++ :: Decoding Output Of Adobe Flex Base64encoder?

Jul 6, 2010

I've developed web services in C++ and have implemented the ability to provide a base 64 encoded string to send files with other meta data. While I have successfully decoded the string when the encoded data is a text file, images and other binary files are not decoding correctly. Can you point me to a C++ library or implementation of base64 decode that works with Adobe Flex Base64encoder? What RFC does the Flex encode/decode implement?

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Flex :: Get FlexUnit Output In JUnit Format?

Mar 12, 2011

I am setting up FlexUnit to run from the command line and want to capture the results in JUnit format, so that I can pull them into Hudson.

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Flex :: Flash - Builder Output Is Blank?

Apr 20, 2011

When a compile and run the application, the output is entirely blank. The HTML wrapper page does contain the flash application, but the content is blank, even though I have a simple label component on the stage.Also I noticed that when I right-click on the flash object, the default context menu appears, displaying the "Zoom In", "Zoom Out", "Show All", etc..options which are removed from the application by default.If you are interested, here is my code, as easy as it gets. :)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Catch Mxmlc Output With Php?

Dec 9, 2009

I am compiling an .as file with mxmlc on the fly using PHP.

exec("mxmlc example.as",$retval,$success);


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Flex :: Return Value Instead Of Null?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm trying to call a function and pass a couple of properties to it however it's complain the object i'm attempting to target is null.

<mx:ViewStack id="vs" width="100%" height="100%" y="53">
<mx:Canvas id="view1" label="Community" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="#ff9900" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp">
<mx:Label text="Community"/>


It's returning null the first time I click an image however subsequent attempts traces a value (I assume because it is set then, just not when the app loads). how to recognize it when the app loads?

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Flex :: How To Return The Error

Aug 29, 2011

I have an app with 4 different php service calls. They work fine on localhost and remotehost. I tried to add a 5th php service call ("myservice") to my app. When I did that, the app worked fine on localhost but I came across the following error message when I tried the app on my remotehost:code:0Message:Class "myservice" does not exist: Plugin by name 'Myservice' was not found in the registry; used paths:

: /path/to/my/directory/
#0 /path/to/my/directory/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(550): Zend_Amf_Server-


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Oct 11, 2011

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