Flex :: How Can Supress Warnings For Specific Lines
Nov 24, 2010
I use FDT for my flex programming and there are some warnings that I want to suppress.for example:Private function is never used. Found 'list_ itemRendererFunc' at line foo column bar.I actually paste this function name as a string to a datagroup's itemRendererFunction property. how do I mark this line that will not show the warning?
I'm using FDT and Flash 10, and have just discovered Flixel, but when I import the source into my classes directory I get loads of errors and warnings.
I have fixed the errors, after reading this post, but I still have a lot of warnings left.
Is there any way to stop FDT from giving me warnings on a specific package? I guess Eclipse would have the same option?
I did suppress warnings in flex compiler using "-show-binding-warnings=false". But what I am interested to achieve is to suppress run time warnings (especially binding warnings - since I am getting data in model mostly in XML structures and it is fine for me if its unable to bind to its nested child nodes) in console (I am working on flex on Eclipse with the flex plug in). Is there a way to achieve it?
I have been trying to test my application to make sure that all the important classes can serialize/reload themselves properly (especially those which implement IExternalizable):
[Test] public function testMyObjectSerialization():void { var myobj:MyObject = new MyObject();[code]....
And I would like to be warned when I try to serialize a strongly-typed object which does not have a [RemoteClass] set (because that almost certainly represents a bug in my code).So, is there any way to configure the AMF serializer to give warnings?Also, it seems like this might be possible using services-config.xml... But the documentation seems to imply that services-config is channel-level, and I'd really like it if my unit tests could run without talking to the server (and I'm not using LCDS, so a bunch of the services-config wouldn't apply to me anyway).
I've recently started working with an application written using Adobe Flex 3. We're using several deprecated functions and unfortunately we can't remove these dependencies.
The documentation says to set -show-deprecated-warnings=false into the Compiler Additional Options. This isn't accepted, but I've found that using -show-deprecation-warnings=false will be accepted by the dialog, but gives an error about declaring the option twice when I try to compile the project.
Ideally, I'd like a way to disable the warning on a case-by-case basis. disable the warnings either per-file, per-project or globally?
I've got an ActionScript 3 source file (.as) that has hundreds of untyped variables. This file works perfectly although it outputs a warning for every untyped variable which gets me ~800 warnings clogging the Error panel in my IDE.
Although warnings are helpful in my other source files, I want to suppress warnings for this one .as file, because I'm in no mood to specify data types for them all.
I'm using FlashDevelop 3 on Windows 7, and compiling an AS3 AIR project using the Flex 4 SDK.
I am taking XML type variables in model and binding with component properties in action script code. Its perfectly fine if its unable to bind the child nodes or other sibling properties of the XML itself and I dont want eclipse to generate this run time warning! I did suppress warnings in flex compiler using "-show-binding-warnings=false". But that does not seem to be working for run time binding warnings. Warning: unable to bind to property <'some node name'> on class 'XML' (class is not an IEventDispatcher)
In Flash Professional CS4, I get "migration issue" warnings when I use mouse/keyboard input handler names such as onMouseDown, onKeyUp, etc., even though I have added event listeners for them. These names are perfectly legal for functions, but since these were automatically fired in ActionScript 2.0, we are now (albeit sensibly) warned that their use is no longer automatic in AS3.I understand the purpose of the warnings, but they aren't useful for me. I want to suppress these warnings, but without suppressing any other warnings, which I generally do find useful.I found a flex-info.xml style document in the Flash User Data dir.[userdatafolder]/Adobe/Flash CS4/en/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/FlexInfo.xml.However, this file contains a disappointing comment: <!-- Flash does not support most flex-config options. -->, and doesn't seem to respond to my directives even after restarting flash. Found an issue "Erroneous, annoying "Migration issue" warnings" on Adobe bug tracker. A fix is confirmed for the Flex SDK, but no mention of Flash...
I did have the capability to compile my mxml files via the browser on my local machine. I've had to do a reinstall but now I'm having problems trying to compile.My current setup is:
I've tried compiling in Firefox 3.5, IE8 & Chrome but all receive the same error:
Compilation results
Errors, warnings or exceptions were found while compiling null.Visit the online Flex documentation or API reference for further information. An error occured on the server.
Server error is: 'Error occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.lang. NoSuchMethodError: flex.license.License.(Ljava/util/ Map;Ljava/lang/ String; Lflex/ license/Logger;)V'
I've followed the instructions from adobe:
http:[url]....I can compile without an issue via CMD but I prefer to use the browser as I find that much faster.
I have a demo application using Adobe Air that accesses my own SSL web service that uses a self-signed certificate. In .NET clients, I can explicitly handle (and ignore) certificate warnings and suppress them via the ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. I've examined the URLRequest and URLLoader classes but haven't found anything.
I get the following warning when I run my application:
warning: incompatible embedded font 'Arial' specified for spark.components::Label (Label104).This component requires that the embedded font be declared with embedAsCff=true.
The application I am working on is a mix of Halo and Sparks components as I am migrating it to Flex 4. The text that is showing in the text fields is defaulting the systems serif font. There are a few problems with this warning.
1) I am not embedding any fonts in the application. I am not even assigning the Arial font to any of the components.
2) If I check the "Use Flash Text Engine in MX components", then all the text fields in the app throw the warning. Not just the sparks text fields.
Why does flex 4 think that I am using an embedded font with the sparks components? Is there any way to get around this warning and have the text fields use a non embedded font?
In a packaged AIR app, I need to add a file called debug to C:Program Files (x86)The AppMETA-INFAIRdebug for the software to function 'correctly' - I think it is a database error but I can not find anyway to solve it at the moment.Is it possible to add this debug flag, but to suppress/hide any modal error boxes that may appear from another possible yet unknown bug?
I'm getting a Flash Builder warning message for multiple variable declarations of variable arr1 in the following AS3 [code]...
I could eliminate this warning with a few more if/else statements, but the code runs fine and I can't see why I should add complexity if the warning is acceptable. Would like to hear anyone else's opinion though if you think differently.
Assuming the warning is fine to live with, how to suppress the warning manually in Flash Builder? That is, only the warning for this example; other warnings must still be displayed.
And I want to bind these values to textBoxes, so that when user types information to the textBoxes it is populated in the class too. Is Flex 3 bidirectional so that marking the class with [Bindable] I can bind the values to a textbox for example?This is my mxml file in which I try to bind the class:
I have been working on a map viewer based blitting technique. As part of the map I need to draw approximately 50000 lines and performance is currently really poor.
My code is on the main timeline.I call a function loop to draw lines between them.The lines are drawing between the right x, y values BUT between those values on the main stage, not those values within the kite.For example, dot1_mc is at x100, y0 inside kite. the line that should go from its center, draws from stage x100, 0.How do I draw the lines inside kite so that they draw between the dots?Heres my code that draws the linesPHP Code:
function loop():void{ lineDrawing.graphics.clear(); var a:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot1_mc.x, kite_mc.dot1_mc.y); var b:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot2_mc.x, kite_mc.dot2_mc.y); var c:Point = new
In my Flex 4.5 mobile app, I have an actionScript item renderer (that derives from Flex's LabelItemRenderer). I want to fit in exactly 2 lines of text, and then truncate the rest. The width and height of the label are fixed and known statically. How can I do this? The StyleableTextField.truncateToFit() method only works for one line of text.
I've set wordWrap = true, so the text now flows into the second line - but I need to truncate the text if it doesn't fit in two lines. I need it to show all the text if there is only one line. (in both cases the label should be vertically middle-aligned in my renderer) I know how to override layoutContents to do sizing and positioning etc of the StyleableTextField. So I'm looking specifically for ideas to implement custom text truncation with the StyleableTextField).
I'm stumbling my way through designing my first Flex app, using Flex Builder 4 Beta 2. I'm trying to use a ComboBox, but they always seem to have lines around it and I can't figure out how to get rid of them. The ComboBox looks like this: [URL] All I did was drag the ComboBox from the Controls section in the Design section of the UI onto the screen. I haven't changed any settings, no special css, just used the default ComboBox and this is what I get.
I have a lot of the following warnings:Duplicate variable definition.variable 'elem' has no type declaration.Illogical comparison with null. Variables of type Boolean cannot be null.Will they affect the performance of my flash application? Will they affect the compiling time?
Is it possible to disable warnings mode by default in AS3?Each time I create a new .fla I have to go to File > Publish Settings > Flash > ActionScript 3.0 Settings > Warnings Mode.While I'm there, I also take off "Automatically declare stage instances".It's so boring. Is there a default .fla template file that I can edit, or do I need to poke around in JSFL - either to find a toggle, or to copy a template file from somewhere else?
I'm trying to draw lines on a canvas object. When the width of the Canvas is less that the width of the line, it draws outside the Canvas over other elements. I read about this problem and I try to resolve using a inner Canvas with a longer height so a scrollbar appears.But I also read that this problem can be correct using a mask but I do not know what is the better way. Which do you recommend?
I have one left panel in which there are different shapes like start,end connectors..... when i drag line image inside canvas i want to draw line/connector between two shapes how would i do it
I created a TextArea object. Then I typed some text in it. Then i got this text useing TextArea.text property.How can I split text I got by lines and convert it to the array of strings?
IntelliJ displays yellow markers in the scrollbar on the right for warnings. Is there a way to disable warnings or just the yellow markers in the scrollbar?Follow-up: The file in question is from Adobe Flex SDK 4.1 frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/controls/listClasses/ListBase.as. I have all inspections disabled. I've also disabled the JavaScript Intention Power Pack plugin. I have Highlighting Level set to None. With all this I still see warnings.
I save alot of web pages while surfing the web , but when opening them I always get the annoying "Adobe has stopped a potential unsafe operation" security warning. Most times this is from a little flash banner, ect.Is there anyway to disable this warning? The computer doesn't even have internet access.
Flex has a plotchart component and a linechart component.. but I am looking to make a chart that has lines connecting points as well as larger dots with rollover info. Is this easily possible? Would I have to create a custom component from scratch to achieve this?
it's a little ridiculous; and probably unbelievable, but when I have more than five hundred lines of actionscript in tags in my MXML FLEX Main.mxml, all syntax highlighting, error and syntax verification, error reporting, "Problems" pane, and even sometimes compilation fail. Upon removing any chunk of code, it works again.I don't see why Adobe could release a product such as Flash Builder 4.5 Premium, have this big of a problem; and nobody notice. Therefore I believe the problem has to do with my computer, or my project; as there's now ay more people have had this happen if I can't even find it on Google.
Additionally, many objects that have been defined in the MXML properties above the code, even those in All States, are now showing as warning: Access of undefined property down the side of my document. However, these warnings are not showing up in the "Problems pane", and aren't even yellow squigly underlining the right sections of code to pertain to the message.Steps I have taken to TRY and fix this:I have tried restarting, as well as re-installing the IDE (Adobe Flash Builder 4.5).I have tried creating a new projectI have tried splitting my code into smaller .as files and including them.I have tried compiling my application.