Flash - Stop Warnings From Showing In A Specific Package - FDT / Eclipse

Apr 1, 2011

I'm using FDT and Flash 10, and have just discovered Flixel, but when I import the source into my classes directory I get loads of errors and warnings.

I have fixed the errors, after reading this post, but I still have a lot of warnings left.

Is there any way to stop FDT from giving me warnings on a specific package? I guess Eclipse would have the same option?

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var _XML:XML;


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_application_Styles.as(24): col: 38 Error: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before s.[code]....

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* Security Sandbox Violation * SecurityDomain
'http://agi.armorgames.com/assets/agi/AGI.swf' tried to access
incompatible context


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Warning: 'flash' has no property 'prototype'
Warning: 'StageVideo' has no property 'prototype'
Warning: 'AsBroadcaster' has no property 'addListener'
Warning: 'AsBroadcaster' has no property 'removeListener'
Warning: 'flash' has no property 'prototype'


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Jul 22, 2009

I am creating a simple game for kids.  On the first page, I added an "input text" field for their first name. I called the variable firstname.When they move to the next page, I used a "dyanamic text" field so I can call them by name on this page. It works. However, When I test the game, on the first page, where the firstname is input, it shows_level0.firstname  instead of just a blank space for them to input their name. I know I fixed this in the past and it was something simple, but I can't remember how to do it

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In these files:


The only function that get's documented in ASDocs is "printf". But I know it can do more than one. As an example, in the livedocs [URL] There are more than one functions documented.

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Im going to attatch the fla on here...I am also going to give you the script viewable here...im completely a beginner so i made my self notes
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Jul 14, 2011

i want to make a puzzle..a photo seperated in 10 pieces(10 scenes)withdifferent speed.each piece does a move from right to left and back again.when i push a button in the correct frame i want to go to the next scene to do to the same thing,if its the wrong frame i want to play another scene.and is it possible to all that staff with one button?

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