Stop Moving At Specific X Coordinates?

Nov 19, 2009

Im going to attatch the fla on here...I am also going to give you the script viewable completely a beginner so i made my self notes
also this is not all my coding im just learning off of it to create my own project... What coding would i use to tell the mc to stop scrolling once it reaches a certain x coordinate? for example x=0 (left side of stage) or x= -484 which is when right side of picture is at right side of stage... and can i setup math for it to automatically determine the correct x coordinate (based off mc width) to stop at?? if there is easier scripting to do the same....fill me in
oh and x is off of the stage typically...this is panoramic pics im scrolling


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Jul 25, 2011

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1. Character - The symbol in the center of the stage.

2. Level - The bounds surrounding the stage. Everything in this picture is contained within the level except for the character.

3. Water - The blue square. The water symbol is located within the level symbol.

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var image:Bitmap;
case 4:
var chart:IF= new IF(); //Flash CS5 doesn't need the dimensions passed on
image= new Bitmap(IF);

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//variables that will modify the rising bubbles


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Nov 12, 2009

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var myXArray=[57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837]; //cordordinates for x
var myYArray=[53, 183, 313, 443, 573, 573, 573]; //cordordinates for y


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Moving MC - Fish To Stop Swimming After Clicked It And Start Swimming After Another Click

Jan 1, 2012

what wrong with the functin 'stopFish' Without this function the fish in the tank swims but when I add it, it doesnt anymore. I just want the fish to stop swimming after I clicked it and start swimming after another click.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving To A Specific Frame In A Movieclip?

May 10, 2005

I have a problem and I've looked everywhere for a solution but haven't found one yet. I'm trying to move the playhead to a specific frame inside a movieclip but can't find any code that will allow this to happen.

In more detail: I have 5 movieclips that act as my main pages on my main timeline. from inside let's say, from the 5th movieclip on frame 100 i want to move out of this clip and into the 3rd movieclip BUT NOT to go to frame 1 but move to frame 50 of the 3rd movieclip. I've tried everything but no matter what happens the first frame is always displayed, and i don't want that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving To Specific Frame In MovieClip

May 10, 2005

I'm trying to move the playhead to a specific frame inside a movieclip but can't find any code that will allow this to happen. In more detail: I have 5 movieclips that act as my main pages on my main timeline. from inside let's say, from the 5th movieclip on frame 100 i want to move out of this clip and into the 3rd movieclip BUT NOT to go to frame 1 but move to frame 50 of the 3rd movieclip. I've tried everything but no matter what happens the first frame is always displayed, and i don't want that. How to jump to a specific frame inside a specific movieclip?

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if (_root.signUp == 1){ // the FlashVar variable flag
var buttoSym= "_root.thumbMain.thumbSymbol.b" + _root.signNumber


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ok here is the scene



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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Stop Moving Object

Dec 13, 2006

I am making a new site, and was making buttons that looked a little similar like this buts on the left) and wanted that to do with Actionscript.I followed a tutorial on Kirupa on moving stuff with actionscript

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
speed = 30;


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Completely Stop At A Specific Frame

Jul 26, 2010

I am very new to Flash and I am making a little 30 second clip just to fool around with Flash.Now at the end of my film I just want everything to stop (if possible, once a specific frame is hit move to another frame.)I've heard that you could use ActionScript to perform this but I really have no clue

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