ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Won't Stop Moving

May 11, 2010

I have this code where I want edge_btn to move to the left side of the stage, but I can't figure out how to get it to stop. It just keeps going. Also, I have edge_btn rotating the entire time in the beginning of the timeline.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Stop Moving Object

Dec 13, 2006

I am making a new site, and was making buttons that looked a little similar like this buts on the left) and wanted that to do with Actionscript.I followed a tutorial on Kirupa on moving stuff with actionscript

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
speed = 30;


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Flash :: Stop Flickering Of Moving Object?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a ball moving around the screen, position updated on ENTER_FRAME. My problem is that there is a considerable amount of flicker going on. I have thought about using something like TweenLite to move the ball but as the position is being updated frame-to-frame I don't think that will work.[code]...

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this._x = Stage.width + 250;
this._y = Stage.height/2;
// This function will Position the object in Place


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Make Object Stop Moving?

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Currently I'm trying to make a basic game (using AS 2) but I'm having trouble getting the basic physics to behave. I have a ball which is supposed to fall until it touches the ground. It can also be dragged around the screen by the cursor.I want the ball to fall only if it isn't being held, but for some reason the condition isn't working properly. No matter how I structure the condition, the ball still falls even when it's being held (in fact I can move it from side to side, it is still being held even though it's falling downward).I've tried putting this on the ball to make it fall conditionally:

if(hitTest(_root.ground1) == false){


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Feb 22, 2010

As the title says: Stop object from moving further when collision occurs.

Right now I'm trying to make a sliding puzzle. So far I have a block which I can click and drag around, and a few walls which are the boundaries. What I'm trying to do is make an area where the block can slide within the boundaries. So when you try to drag the block into an direction it will stop, whether you got mouse_down or mouse_up. My script so far

//Sliding Blocks
MCBlock1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);


Also I need to use a lot of boundaries, so if there's a way to apply this script easily to several objects

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var left:Boolean = false;
var right:Boolean = false;[code].......

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Feb 23, 2012

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I tried both of thes and they gave the same result.

var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 1, 1.5,20,true);
var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "width", Strong.easeOut, 20, 200,20,true);

I think it is applying the transformation according to a center of the movie clip. but I don't know how it can be changed.

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my title explains what im need but im using flash cs4 and heres what i have so far:

var centerX:Number;
var centerY:Number;
var centerZ:Number;


ok so RBall is my first moving object and my orbiting object will be called orbit

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Stop Moving At Specific X Coordinates?

Nov 19, 2009

Im going to attatch the fla on here...I am also going to give you the script viewable completely a beginner so i made my self notes
also this is not all my coding im just learning off of it to create my own project... What coding would i use to tell the mc to stop scrolling once it reaches a certain x coordinate? for example x=0 (left side of stage) or x= -484 which is when right side of picture is at right side of stage... and can i setup math for it to automatically determine the correct x coordinate (based off mc width) to stop at?? if there is easier scripting to do the same....fill me in
oh and x is off of the stage typically...this is panoramic pics im scrolling


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ok here is the scene



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AS3 :: Flash - Stop Character From Moving Through Walls?

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I want to stop the movieclips movement when it hits a wall (another movieclip). The example below works, but after the collision the movieclip 'blocks' all movement to the left...

For now the example with the leftArrow key;

variables to check the key, if it's hitting the walls and if it's moving or not:

var leftArrow:Boolean;
var speed:int = 10;
var hitting:Boolean;


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Feb 21, 2009

I am a beginner to AS and I am having trouble here: I want to move a dog across the stage. I have two frames one with a movie clip with a dog animated like it is walking and the second frame he is standing still. I want to take him to the end of the stage and stop him when he gets to frame 2.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop The Process While Moving To Another Section?

Oct 26, 2011

I have the following code on Home Page which contains some tween animations. When I move to About page and immediately come back to Home page again (before all the animations on Home Page done animation), I see some animations are still in the middle of completion. Actually I should see the animation from starting when I go to Home page from any section.

var timeline3:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax();
timeline3.append(TweenMax.fromTo(Home_mc, 1, {x:1000, y:0, alpha:.8}, {x:0, y:0, alpha:1,


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Randomly Moving A Moveclip?

Nov 10, 2003

lets jsut say like were randomly moving a moveclip around how do i click on it and stop it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Stop The Clips From Moving Change To True?

Jul 8, 2008

I am definitely not competent with code in any significant way, and although I am confident that this code is even Action Script 2, I am not certain.A client has requested that I make a simple rolling filmstrip that loops with pictures. For this I searched the Internet for hours looking for a tutorial or a downloadable Flash file that has something close to what I want. Surprisingly, amid the dozens of purchasable applications and such I stumbled across, it seemed that none had exactly what I was wanting, which seems simple.

Anyway, I was able finally to find something useful.It allowed me to do what I wanted fairly simply.However, there are two things that I cannot figure out.The original "template" file was designed so that the filmstrip moves automatically, but when the cursor is hovered over the strip, the speed of the movement increases either way relative to how close to either horizontal edge the cursor is.

I went in and edited the code to turn that off. Now, the strip stops moving whenever the cursor is on the left side of the strip, and starts when it is on the right side. Also, the strip does not start automatically on most browsers I have viewed it on.The Action Script is posted below:

//totalclips on stage - make sure in the properties panel they are named imgbox1,imgbox2,imgbox3,etc...
var totalClips = 6;

//to stop the clips from moving change to true;

var holdPosition = false;

//applies a max speed for the movie clips (false if no max speed)

var maxSpeed = .1;[code]............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Player Stop When Moving To Different Pages?

Aug 22, 2009

I new to Flash  and Action Script 3.0.  I've just designed my first Flash website (for a band), and one of the pages has an MP3 player on the audio page.  It plays fine, as long as you're on that page. But the problem is, when you go to a different page in the website, it keeps playing, and then when you return to the audio page, a new instance of the song that's playing starts playing on top of the song that's already playing. It's a jumble of sound that can't be stopped unless you close out of the website.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Video Playing When Moving To Another Frame?

Mar 13, 2012

I have made a frame which contains four videos that play when the user clicks on the button relating to that video. However, when I click on another frame, the video's sound continues to play. But when I click back to the video page the FLV Componant Player has reset itself and is not playing anything, but I still hear the sound of the video that I played earlier. Any ideas as to either stop or pause the video that is playing when clicking away from that frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Circle Stop Moving At Obstacle (Square)

Jul 10, 2009

I have a circle and a big square. The circle can be moved using the keyboard. I want the square to act as an obstacle, so the circle cannot be moved into it and the circle stops when it hits it, just like a if i were to try to walk into a building. Is there an easy way to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Video Playing When Moving To Next Frame?

Apr 22, 2011

I can hash a flash template to make it work, changing URL's, pictures etc, so have not had a grounding in the coding side of things.

My problem is that I have a new website that I have published in CS5 from a template by flashmo. I have substituted one of the pages to play videos ( I originally wanted to have 1 video with 4 thumbnails that would play when clicked but that is above me). On that page I have imported 4 flash video files, one set to autoplay, the others using the skin to start when necessary.

The issue is that when I navigate away from the page "Examples", the sound keeps on playing and if I navigate back to "Examples" another instance of the video starts with both soundtracks playing.

I have researched and found other people with the same issue, but the solutions always seem to involve entering a stop(); function on the buttons that navigate away from the Examples page. This is where it all falls apart for me.

below is the code from the first frame of the timeline. Am I looking in the wrong place to stop the video playing. There are other lines of script later in the movie, but I am ssuming this is where it all runs from ?!

fm_button.visible = false;
var menu_label:Array = new Array("Home", "Examples", "Packages",
"Links", "About", "Contact");
var total:Number = menu_label.length;


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