Flex :: Integrating Flex With Spring?

Aug 28, 2009

cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'flex:remoting-destination

i got this error when i tried to build my file i wrote the 'flex:remoting-destination' in a web-application-config file

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Java :: Secure A Hybrid Spring MVC + Flex Application With Spring Security

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I'm obviously missing something but while the Spring Flex documentation describes how to configure a hybrid MVC+Flex application at the servlet level it appears to only consider security from the perspective of a flex-only application.

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import QuizApp;
var ms:QuizApp = new QuizApp;


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<graniteds:flex-filter url-pattern="/*"/>

to the ApplicationContext.xml - then when trying to deploy my webapp (via glassfish) to a server i get this error:

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 86 in XML document from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/commonContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'graniteds:flex-filter'.

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Is this possible to do the same in flash/flex when building air/stand-alone applications? I would like to tag both exe file and dlls.

Update with solution: Although the ANT-based solutions provided here aren't as smooth as the one where the svn info is burnt into .exe/.dll files (in my opinion), it has solved my problem and is now implemented in our productions. My setup is based both on Kevin's and frankhermes's answeres but uses SubMCRev.exe instead of svn.exe or jar files. In our implementation we dump the svn revision to the logfile at startup. The output from the SVN target below looks like this: Built with SVN Revision: (local modifications found)


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Jul 4, 2009

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Flex with add-ons such as BlazeDs to integrate with Spring. I have no experience using Flex, I just read some articles and tutorial about it, but I really would like to learn something new :-) Google Web Toolkit, maybe with something like gwt-ext. No experience, but I really like to learn. It's plenty of support out there if I need, but I think I will struggle to maintain Spring MVC and GWT in the same project, I read that it's not so easy but there are a couple of patterns to follow.

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Aug 19, 2009

Which is the best way to integrate existent spring-MVC-Project with flex. I'am using Spring-2.5 lib with annotations. e.g my list controller:


I have also a colors.jsp which displays the colors. Now I would like to integrate flex as an UI-Layer. I only need to integrate the Spring-View with shown RequestMappings above.

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I want to use Spring BlazeDS Integration.I write them like this.



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Feb 23, 2010

How Flex knows to call the particular service in Spring framework.

I give in Flex side:

<mx:remoteObject id="myObj" destination="mySpringservice"/>

And remote-config.xml file:

<destination id="mySpringservice">


And how server knows to the particular flex remote object calls to particular spring service. any thing need to configure in service-config.xml file?

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Aug 29, 2010

We have a Flex-BlazeDS-Spring-JMS application. The issue is sometimes we get a Blazeds error: NoSuchMethodException. It is not able to find the Java service. The weird issue with this it does not happen all the item...1 time it goes through and returns the result, the 2nd time it fails, 3rd time fails and so on. Also not all methods fail, only 2 method calls fail.


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Flex :: Spring Security Using Container Preauth

Sep 20, 2010

I've got the Spring Security preauthentication sample configured and working with JBoss. The next step is to somehow get the user information into a flex client GUI. What are some methods that will let me get the Authentication or UserDetails object that's created by spring-security on http access into the flex client? Since I'm logging in externally, I can't use channelset.login(), right? All the examples I've seen so far assume that the user logs in manually through the flex client, but the requirement is for container-based authentication. Using flex3, spring 3.0.4, spring-security-3.0.3

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Flex :: Query Execution Using Spring And HIbernate Together?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm going to be using Flex 4 with Spring and Hibernate.Everything is configured and working. I know this as I can do simple queries, like listing all values in a table.Problem is when I try to perform a 'select' query, then I get all the values, as I was getting before, and not the specific attributes through Select query.I'm a beginner, so kindly overlook my lack of more technically sound words..but I don use them as I don wanna mis-quote.This is class used to store data coming from the MySQL database--

package flex;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;


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Java :: Does The Spring-Flex 1.5 Sample Work

Feb 8, 2011

The reference doc ( here ) tells us to download the sample application: Included in the project distribution is a collection of samples called the Spring BlazeDS Integration Test Drive. This samples project is set up to be built with Maven and then imported into Eclipse for running the application via WTP.

The samples in question, must either be spring-flex-testdrive-spring3.zip which is linked to in the document or spring-flex-testdrive-spring3.zip based on the notion that this is release 1.5.0.M1 (docs and samples).After I configure maven as described with the proper environment variable:

MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

I then execute (per instruction) the command to install: mvn clean install from the extracted samples directory (in my case C:spring-flex-testdrive ), I receive the following error:

C:spring-flex-testdrive>mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]


I have managed to get a "Spring BlazeDS" application working (with Flex), but now I'm at the point where I need to implement security, and if the samples would compile and run correctly.

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Flex :: Spring Hibernate Maven Archtype

Jun 30, 2011

Is there a good Maven archtype for Flex Spring Hibernate integration which can be used as template?

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Flex :: Spring/BlazeDS Message Interceptor Use Cases

Jan 28, 2011

The Spring BlazeDS integration (in our cases 1.0.5M1) allows us to define MessageInterceptor instances and register them in the message broker. what this mechanism should or shouldn't be used for?

From the API documentation I can see that the framework itself uses interceptors for Spring Security integration. We were thinking of using these interceptors as a way of enforcing our own special kind of security (we track our users using our own services in the application context), where a condition is evaluated every time a message is sent across the wire.

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Flex :: How Spring Project Use Vanilla HTTPServlet Via Java

Mar 22, 2011

I'm trying to figure out the best way to leverage a vanilla HttpServlet from a Spring-Flex (with BlazeDS) project I'm working on. My team has an HttpServlet that they've used in the past (that some other team built) that processes a request given some key/value pairs passed over HTTP GET. I want to use this HttpServlet class to do the same work, but I want to call it in Java, when my Flex client invokes a method on a Service. Ideally, the class invoking the HttpServlet can use the standard @Service and @RemotingDestination annotations (see here).

So, this is the HttpServlet:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
[Code] .....

How to write my @Service class. I've tried going down a few different roads, but haven't had much luck. So far, I've considered and come up with secondary questions on the matter (but I've yet to work out the solution):
Do I need a @Controller for this sort of work?
Do I need a Servlet Factory?
Can the HttpServlet be a Spring managed bean, and call the ASP page another way?
(I like this idea least) Should I call the HttpServlet from Flex, and leverage logging and data the Servlet needs with a Remote Object?
The reason for my stubbornness in wanting to do this from Java is that I want to do some logging, and maybe leverage some other Singleton beans in the scope of the @Service class. However I work this out, I want to be as close to "Best Practices" as possible.

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Flex :: Spring - Log All Request From BlazeDS Client Using Filter?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a spring BlazeDS integration application. I would like to log all the request.I planned to use Filter. In my filter when I check the request parameter. It does not contain anything related to the client request. If I change the order of my filter(I have spring Security), then it prints some thing related to spring security.I am unable to log the user request.

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Flex :: Check Spring Security For User Authentication And Get Roles?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm using Spring, Spring Security, BlazeDS, Flex and spring-flex.I know that I can call channelSet.login() and channelSet.logout() to hook into Spring Security for authentication.channelSet.authenticated apparently only knows about the current Flex session, as it always starts off as false, until you call channelSet.login().hat I want to do: Check from Flex to know if a user is already in a session.

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Java :: Flex BlazeDS Dashboard - Use Spring / JDBC Or Hibernate?

Nov 4, 2009

I am developing a IT Monitoring Dashboard for the company I work at. The system will primarily perform monitoring of files, databases and servers. There will be a small part of the system which will allow the users to configure static data about the system eg: file locations, server names etc...

So as the app. will be a dashboard a lot of the application will consist of publishing data to the flex client to update all the monitoring views. So there will be limited database activity ie: insert/update/deletes.


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