Flex :: Internet Explorer 8 - IE8 Flex Not Triggering FocusOut Event?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a textfield in flex with a focusOut event on it. I can type in the box and in Firefox and Chrome when I click elsewhere on the page (outside the flash element) the focusOut event will be triggered. However in IE8, the texfield never loses focus when you click elsewhere on the page, outside the flash object. I've tried with focusManager.browserMode set to true and false with no difference (I believe that effects incoming focus anyway).

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Flex :: Internet Explorer - Catching Ctrl + Z With Flex Running In IE8?

Jan 17, 2011

For some reason I cannot catch the Ctrl + Z keyDown event in my Flex application when it runs in IE. It works fine in FF/Chrome/Safari.

I have a simple Group control where I listen for keyDown and try implement my own Undo logic. I need to catch Ctrl + Z because any other key combination would feel unnatural to most users.

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Flex :: FocusOut Event Trigerred When Apllication Loses Focus?

Sep 16, 2010

I have done an ovveride of the standard TextInput component In this component I have :

addEventListener( FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, handleFocusOut ); My method is trigerred when the field loose focus for another field (nice)Problem : It is trigerred alose when the whole flex application lose focus (when my field has the current focus inside my form)

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Flex :: SWF Not Working In Internet Explorer

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Adobe Air Air.navigateToURL Bug With Internet Explorer

Jun 10, 2010

I have a really bizarre problem with my adobe air app. I have a method which launches a local HTML file and passes some querystring items to it.

Here is the code:

function printWin(def) {
def = encodeURI(def);
var req = new window.runtime.flash.net.URLRequest('print.html');


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Flex :: Internet Explorer - Determine If User Has Pop-Up Blocker

Mar 31, 2011

My application pops up help windows outside of flex on several occasions. I need to warn the user to allow pop ups from my app if they have the pop-up blocker on. Does anyone know how to determine this from inside of flex and then how to have the browser pop up the "allow pop ups from this site" thing after that?

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Flex :: Internet Explorer 9 Does Not Update With Changes On Server From Application

Jan 6, 2012

I have a flex application that when i update on the server i can see the changes in both firefox and and chrome but I.E continues to show the application before the change... Its as if I.E had the application Cashed somewhere. I dont understand where it could be holding it. I have tried clearing my cookies and i still get the same view before my changes. Has anyone else had this problem before with Internet Explorer?

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ActionScript 3.0 ::configure Flex To Publish To Firefox Rather Than Internet Explorer?

Sep 1, 2009

just started out using flex (man it rocks compared to cs4! wish i had switched earlier).I have two questions that i can't seem to find the answers to

1) how do i configure flex to publish to firefox rather than internet explorer?

2) is it possible to publish to the standalone flash player without bothering with a browser ...as you can do in the Flash IDE ?

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Internet Explorer - Firefox/IE Statusbar Are In Front Of FLEX Page?

Jan 12, 2011

I created the page in FLEX, but i have problem with scroller (the page content) and the bottom status bar from IE/firefox. They are easily overlapping each other (with statusbar in the front - hiding the content of the page) - is there any way to read the height of these elements regardles of the browser (to change 'paddingbottom' accordingly ) ? (I know that disabling them is prohibited from security reasons).


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Flex :: Loading Html With Flash Page Using Https In Internet Explorer?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a html paga which loads a flash(flex) swf file. Using https it loads successfully with Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer.Another page, a simple aspx page, does load in Internet Explorer using https (and no flash in it).Haven't found anything so far on the internet to solve this... Anyone?UPDATE: When I right click on the white screen, 'About Adobe Flash Player 10...' appears... so Flash is loaded. Also, in Charles (http sniffer tool) I can see that the swf is loaded over the network.

So, apparently, Flash Player is running inside my html page, the swf is loaded over the internet but the swf is not displayed in internet explorer browser... Very strange. How can I debug this further to see what the problem is?Meanwhile, in the left down corner, IE keeps on saying: 'Waiting for https://....In all other browsers it works like a charm.You can see that IE shows a Certificate Error, but that's also the case in other browsers. I already clicked on Certificate Error to install the Certificate, but with no success.

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Flex :: Internet Explorer - File Upload - Io Error #2038 Over HTTPS

Sep 1, 2011

i have a flex file upload application over https it works fine on all IE browsers. Recently a client with IE9 reported a complaint that she's not able to upload files. can see the error generated is IO Error #2038. The adobe documentation says 2038 is File I/O Error.This error occurs when an application can't get file size, creation date or modification data using the FileReference API.

All i can think of is browser issues like, browser cache, some new configuration in IE9 am unaware of or permission on the client directory.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex SWFLoader Event.COMPLETE Not Triggering?

Aug 31, 2009

While trying to load a Bitmap onto a SWFLoader the Event.COMPLETE event is not being triggered

mySWFLoader.source = new Bitmap(Bitmap(someEvent.content).bitmapData);

but if I use a URL as source the complete event is triggered:

mySWFLoader.source = "http://example.com/123.jpg";

Is there some kind of restriction while using Bitmap as source?

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Flex :: Triggering Function Event On Selecting A Row In An Advanced Data Grid

Feb 22, 2011

The Following code seems to only be working when i have editable="true" on the Advanced Data Grid. But I don't want it it be editable.

The docs don't say anything about it needing to be editable, and i dont see why it should need to be.


a_data_list.addEventListener(AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN, clickedRow);
public function clickedRow(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent):void
trace("datagrid line was clicked");

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ActionScript 3 :: Event To Detect Internet Connectivity In Flex

Jun 15, 2011

Is there any event to detect internet conectivity in flex or actionscript3.I tried URLMonitor and networkInfo classes,is there any other event to detect because in URLMonitor class I need to add an url to it which is not possible in my case and in networkInfo class,it does not get called every time. My requirement is when the application and suddenly if the connection goes off I need to raise an error.

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Flex :: Alert Preventing FocusOut From Actually Changing The Focus

Oct 26, 2011

Here is a functional example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">


When you change from txtOne to txtTwo, the Alert is showed and after pressing OK, the focus will return to txtOne. I don't want that to happen. How to solve this?

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Flex :: Listen For FocusIn And FocusOut Events For A Spark TextArea?

Feb 16, 2011

I am writing a flex application and I have two Spark TextAreas. I want to create an EventListener so that when the user clicks on a text area, the text inside the TextArea is cleared:

this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
private function onFocusIn(ev:FocusEvent):void {
if (this._showsCaption) {


Currently I can implement this with a Spark TextInput, but when I click on the TextArea, the focusIn event never fires and the onFocusIn() handler is never called.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Event.target Available On FocusOut

Mar 4, 2010

I searched the forum first to find similarities but I couldn't find one. Sorry if this is a double however. If you try to compare a widget's instance through "event.target" after it has raised a "focusOut" event, then you won't get the actual instance.


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Flash Has Gap Around It In Firefox But Not Internet Explorer 6/7

Sep 29, 2008

With an image in the top left corner, this page displays the same in IE6/7 and FF:


but when Flash of identical dimensions replaces the image, it works in IE6/7 but I get a gap around Flash in FF:


I've tested on Windows XP/Vista, and I'm using Flash CS3 to generate AS2 content for Flash Player 9.

I've searched over an hour across the web for a solution, and done all sorts of fiddling with CSS properties and removing whitespace but no joy.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


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Internet Explorer Flash Performance?

Nov 11, 2009

Steps to reproduce my problem:Create simple dot DisplayObject in flash

dot.graphics.beginFill( color);
dot.graphics.drawCircle( 0, 0, 2 );

Draw dot to bitmap many times a frame

bitmapData.draw( dot, null, null, "normal", null, _smoothing );

Test FrameRate in combination of browsers,flash plugin versions on Win32


Framerate to be close in most cases


I am seeing a 25% decrease in framerate under IE7 using Flash10b.ocx(10.0.22) and 50% decrease in framerate using Flash10c.ocx(10.0.32). PLugins under FireFox, Safari and in Mac OSX don't exhibit the same slowdown.

I would like to get help/confirmation on a performance problem that I see in Internet Explorer. The Adobe and Flash community is great on the Internet but I have been surprised to see no information on this, just a few reports about movie playback on 10.0.32 vs. 10.0.22.

My guess is that in IE flash plugin is passing draw calls to Win32 and that this is slow.

Instead of drawing each time on the bitmap using draw, cache the draw calls to a bitmap and use CopyPixels. When I do this the performance is the same across browsers, within 10%.

bitmapData.copyPixels(dot.bitmapData,dot.bi tmapData.rect,new Point(dot.x,dot.y),null,null,true);

Loop I am using:

function enterFrame(e:Event) {
for (var i:int=0;i<particles.length;i++) {


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C# :: Run The Exe File In Internet Explorer By Using The .net Application?

Sep 30, 2010

I have the exe file of micromedia flash player. I am able to run this file from the .net application by using the following code

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Internet Explorer 9 :: Flash - Off By One Pixel In IE9 Only?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a website with a Flash banner. This has worked fine in all major browsers (IE7/8,Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) for some time, but when I upgraded to IE9, the banner is displayed with a 1 pixel shim on the right-hand edge, which is throwing the layout off.know past versions of IE would display line breaks as white space and I wonder if that's what's going on here. I'm using the AC_FL_RunContent() function to display the Flash file.I'm not sure where to look to debug this, but I'd like to fix it sooner rather than later

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Actionscript 3 :: Internet Explorer - Facebook IE?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to use the Facebook Actionscript graph api but I seem to be having problems in IE (other browsers like chrome and firefox seem okay so far).

From what i can tell, it's logging in fine and returning the user id but when i do a lookup on that user with Facebook.api(_user, handleUserRequest); I get an error.

Is there any known problems with the Facebook Actionscript graph api that affects IE only?


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Internet Explorer Flash Blocks?

Sep 24, 2011

i am accessing flash content in IE.I am getting this error all the time.Error - Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash

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Xml - Get Request Being Aborted In Internet Explorer 9?

Sep 27, 2011

If you'll visit the site lab.buffspec.com SPECIFICALLY using Internet Explorer 9 and select a gildan 6.1, a hanes 6.1 or a gildan hood and then click on the get pricing button you will see that despite updating the quantity the total price isn't shown. This happens in Internet Explorer 9 only for these 3 shirts, the others work fine. And this behavior occurs only in IE9, the site works fine in firefox and chrome. When I select Developer tools in IE9 and go the network tab and start capturing, I find that the request shows '(Aborted)' and the initiator tab shows '(Pending)'.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Remove Right-bar On Internet Explorer

Jul 8, 2009

I can't remove the right-bar on Internet Explorer[url]...

In Firefox and Safari everything is perfect... I use overflow-y property to do it. Is maybe not supported bye IE ?

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IDE :: Loader Does Not Work In Internet Explorer

May 31, 2009

I have a preloader with the following code
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PRO GRESS, onProgress);
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onProgress(erogressEvent):void {
var loaded:Number = e.target.bytesLoaded;
[Code] .....
It works great with Firefox and Safari on a mac but when viewing in internet explorer on a pc, the loader does not work at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Accessing Internet Explorer?

Feb 9, 2009

i'm developing aplication in which there is one section for games....bt in games which i have put there,this games open internet explorer when user clicks on buttons in games. also there is restriction that i can not modify the buttons in game ..I dnt want this games to open web browser whn button isclicked..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Causes Crash In Internet Explorer

Jan 30, 2009

The attached AS3 file is a simplified implementation of the Karplus-Strong plucked string algorithm, and demonstrates the use of the SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event to synthesize audio on the fly. This will run all day long in Mozilla Firefox (Windows) or Safari (Mac). It crashes in IE6 and IE7 on Windows XP/Vista (you may have to give it some time, it probably won't crash

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Bizarre AS2 Error With Internet Explorer 6

Aug 18, 2009

I'll try my best to articulate the problem here. I have a client who is using IE6 on a hand-held device. They need an AS2 scripted file for Flash Player 7. I have the following script that serves as a welcome screen. It plays the welcome movie, then pauses for 4 seconds, then proceeds to the "intro" frame to begin the next movie.[code]...

It works fine on every browser I've used in-house. For some reason, however, the client says it gets hung up and won't proceed to the "intro" frame to play the next movie. I've tried eliminating the initial stop(); script, but then it doesn't play the movie at all and just goes to the next frame.

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Flash :: Site Not Showing In Internet Explorer?

Sep 5, 2009

I have been asked to get a website up and running.  It is a Flash site, which works fine in Firefox and Safari, but its just a white screen in IE.  Does anyone know why?the website isand the scrip is : -

if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||


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