Flex :: FocusOut Event Trigerred When Apllication Loses Focus?

Sep 16, 2010

I have done an ovveride of the standard TextInput component In this component I have :

addEventListener( FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, handleFocusOut ); My method is trigerred when the field loose focus for another field (nice)Problem : It is trigerred alose when the whole flex application lose focus (when my field has the current focus inside my form)

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Flex :: Flash Sprite Loses Focus On MOUSE_DOWN Event

Jan 15, 2011

My Sprite class keeps losing focus when I click with the mouse - specifically after the MOUSE_DOWN event (before the click is complete).

I have set mouseEnabled to false on the children, no change. I added a listener for FOCUS_OUT and noticed that the FocusEvent.relatedObject property is NULL, which is confusing me - doesn't that mean there is no new focus target, the focus is just getting lost?

The exact sequence of events I get, by tracing them, as I click:

[FocusEvent type="focusOut" bubbles=true cancelable=false eventPhase=2 relatedObject=null shiftKey=false keyCode=0]
[MouseEvent type="mouseDown" bubbles=true cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=355


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Flex :: Alert Preventing FocusOut From Actually Changing The Focus

Oct 26, 2011

Here is a functional example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">


When you change from txtOne to txtTwo, the Alert is showed and after pressing OK, the focus will return to txtOne. I don't want that to happen. How to solve this?

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Flex :: Custom TextInput Component Loses Focus But Still Contains Cursor?

Oct 29, 2011

I have a custom TextInput that listens for the FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN and FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT events:

textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusInHandler);
textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOutHandler);

My onFocusInHandler function basically removes a "promptview" that tells the user to type in a value, with the onFocusOutHandler doing the opposite.

For example, if the TextInput text was backspaced to a blank value and the user clicks out of the TextInput box, it would show a "Please enter a value" light-gray prompt in the TextInput.

This works fine until the user clicks our custom "Clear" button. The clear button sets the text to "", and I can tell the FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT is received because the prompt text is set to visible (its not being set anywhere else). The problem is, the cursor remains in the box as if it still has focus, so if the user immediately starts typing, both the prompt text "Please enter a value" and the user-entered text appears over the gray text, which looks pretty ugly and unreadable.

Why does the TextInput receive the FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT event if it's not actually losing focus?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Out When A TextField Has Focus And When It Loses Focus?

Jul 13, 2009

Does anyone know how to do this in AS3?

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Flex :: Internet Explorer 8 - IE8 Flex Not Triggering FocusOut Event?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a textfield in flex with a focusOut event on it. I can type in the box and in Firefox and Chrome when I click elsewhere on the page (outside the flash element) the focusOut event will be triggered. However in IE8, the texfield never loses focus when you click elsewhere on the page, outside the flash object. I've tried with focusManager.browserMode set to true and false with no difference (I believe that effects incoming focus anyway).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hitting TAB Loses Focus To The Browser?

Jun 8, 2010

Creating a flash project where I need to hit TAB in order for the playhead to go forward a frame. Then I need the user to hit a letter (for example hit 'a') to move forward again. Hitting the above keys is working,

As soon as the user hits TAB, flash seems to lose focus to the browser, and the user has to click on the swf on the screen before they can proceed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loses Focus - How To Regain It

Sep 15, 2009

i have this problem. ive made this simple animated menu for a webpage, buttons do stuff on ROLL_OVER, and everything is great, but when menu is scrolled of screen and then goes back it loses focus and ROLL_OVER doesnt work until i click anywhere on my menu gotta finish this quick or they might want their money back

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild Problem When Window Loses Focus?

Mar 21, 2011

I am unable to replicate this issue in Flash - only in a browser window. It appears that if I lose focus of that window for a period of time or scroll down the page where the embedded flash isn't visible, when I scroll back up or return to the window, the event timers appear to play catch-up.The timed "removeChild" commands do not run and leave remnants on the stage. I do not get any errors however, and everything else seems to continue running as normal.

ActionScript Code:
// XML File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Lagging When Browser Window Loses Focus?

Sep 12, 2009

I have this SWF that is pulling videos from YouTube through their API. Everything is working nicely until I go to another browser tab or cause the window the SWF is in to lose focus otherwise (largely by using any program aside from the browser). When I return to the tab/window that the browser is playing in, if I have been away for anything over like 20 seconds, the time text that indicates where the play head is plays catchup jumping over 3-5 seconds at a time. While the video is not making these jumps, what is happening is that any buttons for controlling the video become unresponsive until the time text actually has caught up with the current position in the video play head. Thereafter all functioning for my other buttons (play/pause, full screen toggle, and sharing) returns to normal. I am using a Timer that calls every millisecond.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Event.target Available On FocusOut

Mar 4, 2010

I searched the forum first to find similarities but I couldn't find one. Sorry if this is a double however. If you try to compare a widget's instance through "event.target" after it has raised a "focusOut" event, then you won't get the actual instance.


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Flex :: Mouseevent - In OnMouseOut Is Trigerred On Child?

Jul 27, 2010

In flex, I am using the following code:

mx:HBox id="box1" mouseOver="onBox('box1')" mouseOut="outofBox('box1')"
// adding label
// closing HBox


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Flex :: Debugging Focus And Keyboard Event Propagation In AS3

Dec 18, 2009

I have a custom TitleWindow component that is registered to listen for keyboard events from the user (so that esc closes the window, enter saves, etc.). However, in my testing I've found a couple cases where my keyboard event handlers don't fire. My best guess as to why this is happening is that there is some child component somewhere that has stolen focus and is stopping the keyboard events from propagating.

Unfortunately, due to the large number of components in my TitleWindow, I have no good way of knowing who has stolen the focus. My question then is, are there any good tips / techniques / tools for debugging focus issues and event propagation in Flex? Basically, I need something that will tell me who has the focus at any given time and who's handling an event at any given time... is that possible?

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Flex :: Listen For FocusIn And FocusOut Events For A Spark TextArea?

Feb 16, 2011

I am writing a flex application and I have two Spark TextAreas. I want to create an EventListener so that when the user clicks on a text area, the text inside the TextArea is cleared:

this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
private function onFocusIn(ev:FocusEvent):void {
if (this._showsCaption) {


Currently I can implement this with a Spark TextInput, but when I click on the TextArea, the focusIn event never fires and the onFocusIn() handler is never called.

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Flex :: ComboBox In DataGrid Loses Values When Scroll Horizontally

Dec 14, 2009

I have a very strange problem in a Flex 3.4 Datagrid. One of the columns is a ComboBox - I have my own custom renderer for the ComboBox. I use it to select my data and then make a "save" to the db. Upon return the comboBox loses its value. Even stranger is that when I scroll the datagrid area to the left (by moving scrollbar right) - the values in the ComboBox change!! When I scroll the datagrid right (by moving the scrollbar left) - the values in the ComboBox don't change.

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Actionscript 3 :: Number Data Type Automatically Loses Precision In Flex?

May 19, 2011

private function getPercentage(max:Number, value:Number):int
return Number((value*100) / max);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Radiobuttons And The Focus Event?

Jul 18, 2011

Is there a 'onFocus' event for individual radio buttons, or is it limited to the radiobutton group ?If there is a focus event for the buttons,  how to I set it up ?  I've set up an event listener with an 'onFocus' event,  'gotFocus' event,  'focus' event and nothing is triggered...

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Flash :: Focus Out Event For TLFTextField?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm having an issue where I don't get a "FOCUS_OUT" event called when I click around the stage. I do get the "FOCUS_IN" event when I click the TLFTextField.Here is some of the code I have:

txt_search.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
txt_search.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOut);

private function onFocusOut(e:FocusEvent):void[code]...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Override TextField Focus Event?

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to override the default focus event on the in-built TextField class? So for example when a textfield gains focus a custom event is triggered rather than the default one? I know we can use the onSetFocus event, however we have over 1200 swfs that use TextFields so want to do it on a global scope rather than having to modify each individual swf. that on an Android tablet selecting a TextField brings up the android keyboard that not only shrinks the flash content, but defaults to the alpha keyboard when all we want is numeric (it's a Maths app).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Safely Switching Focus During Backspace Key Down Event?

Sep 1, 2008

I have a simple form that I'm building. It has a variable length list of entries, and I'm using a TextInput for each entry.

Because the list is variable in length, I'm allowing the user to delete elements from the list. One of the ways they can do this is to press the backspace key when the cursor is in an empty TextInput. I am handing KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN and checking for the backspace key, to accomplish this.

The problem I am having is that after I remove the deleted TextInput, I want to leave the focus in the TextInput above. I can do this using 'setFocus', and that works fine, however it seems that the backspace is still processing, and so after the focus is set, the content of the TextInput is delete which I don't want.

To get around this, I've created a one-shot timer with a 0ms delay which changes the focus after the KeyDown event has completed.

My workaround is successful, but feels very heavy handed. Is there a better way to achieve the same effect?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1120 Error - Add A Focus Event To A Text Box

Oct 16, 2011

I'm trying to add a focus event to a text box. For some reason the Focus_in works fine, but when I go to add the focus_out event it tells me that the name I am trying to assign to the listener is an undefined property???? of course it is I just created it and the one I created just before this for the same text box works just fine. here is the code: midTermGrade_txt.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusBevel);midTermGrade_txt.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, offfocusbevel);As stated alread the first line of code works perfectly

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Override TextField Focus Event

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to override the default focus event on the in-built TextField class? So for example when a textfield gains focus a custom event is triggered rather than the default one? I know we can use the onSetFocus event, however we have over 1200 swfs that use TextFields so want to do it on a global scope rather than having to modify each individual swf.

The idea is that on an Android tablet selecting a TextField brings up the android keyboard that not only shrinks the flash content, but defaults to the alpha keyboard when all we want is numeric (it's a Maths app).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Know Focusout Generated By Mouse Or Keyboard ?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a text input, when event focusout happen, how to know this event generated by mouse or keyboard ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What The Focus 2 - Automatic-focus - Clicking To Be Able To Detect Key Input

Mar 8, 2011


when i have this line active(the red one) it gives me automatic focus, so no clicking to be able to detect key input so i got that going for me which is nice BUT when i have it active(not commented out) i get this big yellow line which goes away when i click it(seeBelow)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TLF Focus - Set The Keyboard Focus For A TLFTextField And Cursor?

Sep 14, 2010

can I set the keyboard focus for a TLFTextField? I tried stage.focus = myTLF but there is no cursor...

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Flex :: Make Flex Grab The Focus Of The Mousewheel?

Aug 7, 2009

The entire box at the top is a Flex application. The box on the left with the list of pinball machines is a VBox. As you can see, if you try to scroll with your mousewheel, it doesnt respond. The reason this is shut off is because I found that if it's turned on, when you scroll up/down, the whole page goes with it. So if you scroll down four or five times, the application goes out of sight.I tried finding a solution to this when I programmed this last year but wasnt able to find any answers.if there's a way to make Flex grab the focus of the mousewheel and not let the browser move as well?

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Flex :: Event Like ItemEditEnding Or Any Other Way To Stop Event Before ItemEditEnd Event In Datagrids?

Apr 12, 2011

I have editable grids which are 2-way binded to my model. What I want is to validate my data when user edits any cell before it get updated in model. I have applied my validation at ItemEditEnd handler, but, I want to apply validation in between itemEditBegin and itemEditEnd events.

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Flex :: Event Flows For Built-in Event And Custom Event

Aug 22, 2011

I hava a custom component and it contains a child icon. If I add a mouse-click event listener to both component(click-listener1) and icon(click-listener2), the event dispatched sequence is click-listener2, then click-listener1. I can understand it. But if I add a custom event to component (listener1), and mouse-click event to icon(listener2), when icon is clicked, the component will dispatch the custom event. In my test, the event dispatched sequence is listener1, then listener2. It doesn't match with event-bubbles rule.

In my opinion The custom event is dispatched in listener2, which triggers listener1. Why event flow sequence is not listener2, listener1?

In component.

icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, iconClickHandler);
private function iconClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


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Flex :: How Does Focus Works

Feb 17, 2011

I try to figure out how does focus mechanism work in Flex. Here comes the example of what I mean:Let's assume that we have a simple web application, which contains custom component that extends Canvas and implements mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent. This component overrides focusInHandler and focusOutHandler methods and shows some feedback on how they are called (thinner or thicker border). This custom component also contains some Text.[code]

If you click once on a violet canvas it receives focus (focusInHandler is called), then if you click again the focus is lost (focusOutHandler called) - why?Of you click on a Text the Canvas receives focus (focusInHandler called) and keeps it when being clicked wherever on the area (focusOutHandler nevet called) - why?

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Flex :: New Grid Row With Focus?

May 26, 2011

I am trying to make an editable DataGrid to insert a new row when user presses TAB in the last column of last row.y Grid:

<mx:DataGrid id="myGrid"
dataProvider="{initDG}" editable="true"


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