ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild Problem When Window Loses Focus?

Mar 21, 2011

I am unable to replicate this issue in Flash - only in a browser window. It appears that if I lose focus of that window for a period of time or scroll down the page where the embedded flash isn't visible, when I scroll back up or return to the window, the event timers appear to play catch-up.The timed "removeChild" commands do not run and leave remnants on the stage. I do not get any errors however, and everything else seems to continue running as normal.

ActionScript Code:
// XML File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Sep 12, 2009

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[FocusEvent type="focusOut" bubbles=true cancelable=false eventPhase=2 relatedObject=null shiftKey=false keyCode=0]
[MouseEvent type="mouseDown" bubbles=true cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=355


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textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusInHandler);
textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOutHandler);

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private function init(e:FlexEvent):void
focus=new FocusManager(myform);


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var originalFrameRate:uint = stage.frameRate;
var standbyFrameRate:uint = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivate)[code]....

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If it can then is there any event that fires when it does?

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Actionscript 3 :: Error #1006 RemoveChild Is Not A Function. Timer Delay RemoveChild

Mar 29, 2010

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I'm getting issue with only one line - inside a conditional statement.It's running "OK". The movie runs as I want it, but the remove/addChild transitions are not at the speed I want it at. I am getting an error message in the output, but other than that, the movie runs fine.

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


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Mar 8, 2011


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get "on Blur" And "on Focus" Events For Window?

Dec 3, 2010

Is it possible to get en event when the window running my flash gets focus and loses focus?

I would like to be able to start and stop the video automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Focus Not The Same As Focus?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a TextField called textField on the first frame of the main timeline, and this simple code.



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C# :: ASP .NET Loses Session Between Pages

Apr 20, 2011

I encountered a weird error, I lose sessions when moving between pages.

I lose Sessions because i use Flash (swf) menu to navigate between pages.

So when i navigate to a page using the Flash menu, I lose the session.

It doesn't let me answer my own question so here is the answer:

Thx for answering, but the problam wasn't the flash..

I just found out that the session was opened on And the flash was redirecting to

So the session losts between domains, and not between pages because of flash :) I just made all my site use the www domain .

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IDE :: Png Loses Transparency When Published As Swf?

Dec 22, 2008

I'm working on a project where I want to use a transparent png, and when authoring in Flash CS3 (using actionscript 2.0) the png image appears transparent just as it should. However when I test it the .swf file loses the transparency entirely. The png image was saved for web from photoshop as png-24.

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Text Loses Style When Published?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a project that consists of 11 invisible buttons laid over a map of a building; when the user mouses over a "room," the name of the room appears. The building map is on an angle so I rotated and skewed the button text to match the map. All the text looks fine within each button symbol, but when published 4 or 5 of them lose their skew...the rotation seems to still be intact.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Swf Loses Its References?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm trying to get some things done but run once in a while, well at least, into some issues.Here is one:

I have an swf that is an image viewer/browser that has references on same level, an ImageProperties.xml and some folders full of small jpeg tiles.I actually have a few of these, each in its own folder.Above these folders I have another swf that is the main one, and I am loading from there the other ones with the code pasted at end of this post.

This works if I replace the URLRequest by just the name of the swf to load and I put the main swf with the loader function and the loaded one at same level. But if I leave URLRequest going one level deep "16/xxx.swf" and have the loader swf one level up then it loads the viewer but doesn't show the image.


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Nov 9, 2004

My interactive .SWF that is called loses all interactivity when loaded, however, the .SWF works perfectly on its own. The .SWF that is called basically has 4 buttons that moves a set of 4 images 50 pix to left so it can be viewed when button is pressed.

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IDE :: Disabled TextInput Loses TextFormat?

Mar 20, 2009

I have TextInput with formatting applied. I want the TextInput disabled after the user enters an answer. But disabling the field causes the formatting to disappear. Is there a way to maintain text formatting and still disable the input

import fl.controls.TextInput;
var myTextInput:TextInput = new TextInput();


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Dynamic Text Loses Format

Nov 5, 2009

I'm having some serious problems with my dynamic text fields. The case is, I format the dynamic text fields to have character spacing and line spacing both equal to 1. Everything seems fine in the SWF when the text is actually typed INTO the dynamic text field, but when I make it fetch text from Actionscript or an external XML file Flash player renders the text as if it had 0 character spacing and 0 line spacing.

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