ActionScript 3.0 :: Know Focusout Generated By Mouse Or Keyboard ?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a text input, when event focusout happen, how to know this event generated by mouse or keyboard ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect A Mouse Rollovers On Dynamically Generated Movie Clips?

Feb 15, 2006

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var total = 6;
myThumbs = new Array();
for(i=0; i<total; i++) {


Everything works fine except when I roll over the mc the value of this["myThumb"+i] is undefined.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Available On FocusOut

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I searched the forum first to find similarities but I couldn't find one. Sorry if this is a double however. If you try to compare a widget's instance through "" after it has raised a "focusOut" event, then you won't get the actual instance.


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Here is a functional example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">


When you change from txtOne to txtTwo, the Alert is showed and after pressing OK, the focus will return to txtOne. I don't want that to happen. How to solve this?

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addEventListener( FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, handleFocusOut ); My method is trigerred when the field loose focus for another field (nice)Problem : It is trigerred alose when the whole flex application lose focus (when my field has the current focus inside my form)

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this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
private function onFocusIn(ev:FocusEvent):void {
if (this._showsCaption) {


Currently I can implement this with a Spark TextInput, but when I click on the TextArea, the focusIn event never fires and the onFocusIn() handler is never called.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Click Disables Keyboard?

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So I'm trying my hand at writing my first tower defense game and I've discovered a snag. One part of the game involves keyboard input, but if I click on an object to create a tower, then the keyboard stops responding until I click on the background. My keyboard listeners are attached to the stage and the object being clicked is a button in a MovieClip added to the game's MovieClip.

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Professional :: Can Crossover Mouse And Keyboard Events

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Keyboard Events Until Mouse Click?

Jun 2, 2011

i'm using actionscript 3 in FlashBuilder 4.5in my top-level class that is derived from the Sprite class, i added a keyboard listener:stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, HandleKeyboard );i don't get any keyboard events until i click the mouse button in the screen area - then the events work fine.i tried setting the stage.focus to stage and other various things,

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Flex :: Redirect Mouse/keyboard Input?

Oct 9, 2009

Is there some other simple method to redirect mouse/keyboard input from one object to an object behind it. I have used mouseEnabled = false where the object in front is only a UIComponent and it works. However mouseEnabled,mouseChildren=false is not working for an SWFLoader.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Combine Keyboard And Mouse Listeners?

Jun 19, 2009

I have a pretty linear slide show presentation.It starts with a navigate function that listens fr keyboard presses(space, right or left arrows) and also a mouse click listener, and these either advance or rewind the show a slide at a time.On about a dozen of the 60 slides, I call an external swf or flv/f4v and i have built in conditions based on frame number, so that I can kill movies and unload swfs before moving on.Make sense?So, i'm wondering, is there a way to code all the exceptions once and have them bind to the mouse listener and the keyboard listener?Or should I just code all the exceptions in the mouse listener function and the keyboard case listener?Or am I totally going the wrong direction?Thinking out loud, I guess i could write 2 different simple functions, one that is straight advance frame -to- frame, and one that is for the "exceptions" frames, that kills a movie or unloads a swf, and set a boolean variable based upon what frame the movie is on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Only Mouse, And Only Keyboard Events?

Mar 21, 2008



what is a way to specifically import only mouse, and only keyboard events? side question but related, also the "addListener" that is used on MovieClipLoaders for example, what specific event import is that using?( the events.* will not work for my particular project and i need to import all of these classes individually )

var mainShapeMaskLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mainShapeMaskListener = new Object();
mainShapeMaskListener.parent = this;[code]....

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IDE :: Generic Event Listener For Both Mouse And Keyboard?

Mar 1, 2009

Can I use a generic Event listener for both mouse and keyboard ?Something like this ?

private function controlAction(e:Event):void {
if (e is KeyboardEvent) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Function Receive Keyboard Or Mouse Event?

Nov 3, 2010

I've decided to add keyboard capabilities to my program. All my functions I have written require a mouse event to be passed to them. I'm just wondering if there is a better way to run these mouse event functions rather than to take out the contents of these functions and create a new function that is called within a mouse event function OR a keyboard event function. What I mean is I am starting to change the mouse event functions I have to only have one line inside of them which will run a separate function. This same separate function I will run using a keyboard input as well.

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Send Keyboard And Mouse Events To Flash Movie?

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Flex :: Get Mouse And Keyboard Events, Masked By PopUpManager

Jul 29, 2011

I am implementing an application timeout feature (flex4). What I am finding is that mouse and keyboard events, which I have listened to with :

FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, resetLastActivity);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, resetLastActivity);

are being masked by the existence of any popup windows. The code is in a component, in the constructor. The component is added to the main application in the block.

How can I get these system generated events to not get stopped by PopUpManager display objects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export All Mouse And Keyboard Inputs To Txt File?

Jan 19, 2009

I am trying to create a project where every input (mouse and keyboard) is logged to a text file with a time stamp from a .swf file. The premise is to record this data for usability research. For example, I want to record how long the user waits between clicking on buttons, which order they click on buttons, etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse And Keyboard Events Not Working In Browsers

Mar 22, 2011

I have a SWF file that uses Mouse and Keyboard Events. When I test the SWF file in the flash IDE the events work fine. When I run the SWF file stand-alone with the Flash Player, the events work fine as well. But, when I open the SWF in a browser, neither mouse clicks or key presses register. Even if I puslish the SWF as a HTML, it doesn't work either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard And Mouse Input Does Not Trigger The Appropriate Functions?

May 25, 2011

After about a week of arduous debugging and restructuring I've finally got my game engine to compile and run without any errors or wierd output. However, my control code, which I've moved almost untouched into it's own class, is failing to function due to events not triggering. It can be found at the bottom of this post, but I had to delete the contents of a few functions to make it fit in the char limit. The functions that are empty, aren't like that in the actual code, they didn't seem relevant to the problem.The important part to note in it is my block of addEventListener lines, flanked on either side by a trace message. Both of those traces fire successfully, so that would seem to indicate that the event listeners are being added fine.

The problem is that no events fire. At all. None of them. Keyboard and mouse input does not trigger the appropriate functions, I've tried traces just inside each of them, and they are never triggered.ctually, one event does fire correctly. The one that runs every frame. That goes perfectly, but the others do not.Is there any obvious flaw in my code that could cause it? Other than this, the entire application runs perfectly, without a single compile error and nothing in the output box except my traces.

package {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dispatching Keyboard Events - Mouse Click

Jul 16, 2009

I have a key.addlistener setup to listen to key events. What I want to be able to do is to dispatch key events by for example a mouse click or just on load. I've tried a lot of possible solutions such as dispatchEvent with type as "onKeyDown" and "keyDown" etc.... but key listener simply do not treat it as a keyboard event.

var eventObj = new Object();
eventObj.type = "keyDown";
eventObj.code = 13;
eventObj.ascii = 'e';

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Keyboard And Mouse Controls In Safari 5 (Windows)

Aug 19, 2010

After Apple released Safari 5, it seems that even after you focus on the Flash (by clicking on it), Safari still recognizes those commands for itself. One annoying problem is than when I am editing in text field, Safari will go to the previous page upon pressing backspace. Is it possible to overcome the problem by any AS3 code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Click Necessary To Use Keyboard Controls After Changing Frames?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a 4 frame game that moves from frame to frame depending on what the player does.On the first frame, I have an intro and a button to get to the main portion of the game, frame 2.  The frame loads up and the game code runs, but until the player clicks again on the stage, the keyboard controls do not function.The code for the button is straight forward. I have a button object and the following code in the frame:
playGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goodLuck);    function goodLuck(evt:MouseEvent): void {        gotoAndPlay(2);        removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goodLuck);    }

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Detecting A Simultaneous Mouse Click And Keyboard Imput

Jul 22, 2011

I am making the board game Shogi in actionscript 2 and I have a question on how to detect a particular imput.I have a movie clip on the stage, I want it so that if I hold down the keyboard button "p" and then click on the movie clip, it will go to the movie clip's frame 2 (not the entire flash project's frame 2, just the particular icon's frame 2. I need this because I am using movie clips as game pieces and in Shogi, certain game pieces can be promoted. I also was wondering how to detect what frame it is on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Input Won't Work Until Mouse Button Is Pressed?

Feb 3, 2011

I can't figure out, the Keyboard Input won't work until Mouse Button is pressed. Here's the code to the class I'm having trouble with. If anyone can see what's causing the trouble that would be great.

// Import necessary classes from the flash libraries
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - How To Detect No Mouse Movement And Keyboard Activity

May 11, 2011

AS3 script that detect if the mouse has no movement for 1min +no keyboard activity, it will call a function to change the frame in TimeLine.

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Professional :: Use Keyboard Events To Trigger A Button Rollover Event Instead Of A Mouse?

Jun 1, 2010

I created a button that has a movieclip in the rollover state. When you rollover the mouse, the movieclip will animate to appear as if the button will scale from a small to a large button even though it is the movieclip that is playing and not the button itself. But I also want to add a keyboard code to play the rollover instead of the mouse. I learned to write actionscript to play different scenes with the code below, but I'm not sure if I can play a button rollover with the same code.

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, key_pressed);
function key_pressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (event.charCode==49) {

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Flash :: Make Flex Only Consume Mouse Scroll And Keyboard Events?

Feb 5, 2011

This one's been irking me for a while. When I'm using the mouse scroll wheel to scroll up and down in a webpage, and a flash movie comes into the path of the cursor, the scroll wheel stops working. Also, when a flash movie has focus, you can't use browser shortcuts like Ctrl + L or Ctrl + R.

I'm writing a flex application now and I'd like to find a solution, so that at least my users aren't plagued by this inconsistency of the user interface behavior.

I should think there would be a way to tell flash to propagate such events as the mouse scroll wheel and keyboard input back up to the browser unless they occur in an element for which they are useful, like in a flex textarea. I can't find any solutions out there though, nor even anyone talking about it.

Specifically, how can I make it so that:

When the user is scrolling with the mouse, the browser scrolls unless the mouse is over a flex container with scrollbar, or another component that wants to scroll.When the user presses a button or combination of buttons on the keyboard, it will be propagated to the browser unless there is an active keyboard listener, or the cursor is in a text field, etc.

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