ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Keyboard And Mouse Controls In Safari 5 (Windows)

Aug 19, 2010

After Apple released Safari 5, it seems that even after you focus on the Flash (by clicking on it), Safari still recognizes those commands for itself. One annoying problem is than when I am editing in text field, Safari will go to the previous page upon pressing backspace. Is it possible to overcome the problem by any AS3 code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Click Necessary To Use Keyboard Controls After Changing Frames?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a 4 frame game that moves from frame to frame depending on what the player does.On the first frame, I have an intro and a button to get to the main portion of the game, frame 2.  The frame loads up and the game code runs, but until the player clicks again on the stage, the keyboard controls do not function.The code for the button is straight forward. I have a button object and the following code in the frame:
playGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goodLuck);    function goodLuck(evt:MouseEvent): void {        gotoAndPlay(2);        removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goodLuck);    }

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Windows Safari 5 Bug When Using Backspace In Flash Web Application

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Actionscript :: Safari WIndows And Transparent Flash - Reducing Interference By Using Tags As Opposed To Scripts To Embed The Flash?

Jan 20, 2010

// Edit: The issue now appears to be confined to Safari for Windows.

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All videos use wmode=transparent and are embedded via tags. All work fine in every browser I have except Safari.Code looks like so on safari.php

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" name="test" width="289" height="263" align="middle" id="test">[code].....

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Safari On Windows Not Caching Files?

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Javascript :: Sending A Array Not Working In Safari For Windows

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When I run this on Safari for Windows, arrayInput is null. However, this method works fine in Safari for Mac, IE, FF, Chrome, and the variable holds the actual array.

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Flash :: Safari And Mouse Events?

Sep 14, 2011

i have a question about the mouse down / mouse move events in Flash. I've developed a small intreractive that requires mouse co-ordinates to be captured when the mouse is down and when the mouse is moved anywhere on the screen. It was working fine like this until recently when I checked my interactive in Safari and it no longer recieves mouse co-ordinate information when the mouse cursor leaves the Flash interactive stage area.However, it still works fine in Firefox. Is there anything I can do to get this functionality back when using it in Safari?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse.Show Doesn't Work On Safari(Mac) And Mouse.hide On Firefox

Jul 27, 2011

These issues only appear on Safari and Firefox on Mac.I tested with Opera and Chrome and Windows (inc. IE), but they work fine.

Mac OS 10.6.8
Firefox 5.0.1
Safari 5.1
Flash CS5.5

1 Hiding the original black arrow cursor (Firefox only)When cursor rollovers to an Invisible button (oneBtn), I want to show custom cursor (newCursor) and hide mouse. But Firefox shows the custom cursor as well as the black arrow...

2. doesn't work only on Safari, Mac.When rollout to the invisible button (oneBtn), the custom cursor (newCursor) hides but the mouse doesn't appear. This happens only on Safari.

newCursor._visible = false;


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Sep 29, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Windows Media Player Style Controls Into Movie

Jan 2, 2005

I'm trying to make Windows Media Player style controls into my movie. I know how to do stop, play, and pause already, but I don't know how to do the progress bar. I tried searching in the actionscript help menu. I couldn't find any actions that retrieve total frames in the movie and current frame number.

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Send Keyboard And Mouse Events To Flash Movie?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm looking for a way to "inject" some events into a flash movie running on a browser. I know about ActionScript's ExternalInterface.addCallback function, however I'm trying to achieve this with any "random" flash from the web. Eg. send a "SPACE" keyboard event to a youtube video.

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Professional :: Mouse Cursor For Firefox/Safari Bug?

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Chrome 12.0 Works
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Wheel Scroll In Safari?

Aug 4, 2008

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Flash :: Make Flex Only Consume Mouse Scroll And Keyboard Events?

Feb 5, 2011

This one's been irking me for a while. When I'm using the mouse scroll wheel to scroll up and down in a webpage, and a flash movie comes into the path of the cursor, the scroll wheel stops working. Also, when a flash movie has focus, you can't use browser shortcuts like Ctrl + L or Ctrl + R.

I'm writing a flex application now and I'd like to find a solution, so that at least my users aren't plagued by this inconsistency of the user interface behavior.

I should think there would be a way to tell flash to propagate such events as the mouse scroll wheel and keyboard input back up to the browser unless they occur in an element for which they are useful, like in a flex textarea. I can't find any solutions out there though, nor even anyone talking about it.

Specifically, how can I make it so that:

When the user is scrolling with the mouse, the browser scrolls unless the mouse is over a flex container with scrollbar, or another component that wants to scroll.When the user presses a button or combination of buttons on the keyboard, it will be propagated to the browser unless there is an active keyboard listener, or the cursor is in a text field, etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Wheel Scrolling Slow To Start In Safari 4 On A Mac?

Aug 27, 2009

I am experiencing no scrolling below a certain scroll velocity on both mouse and trackpad on my Macbook in Safari 4.I have the mouse wheel events working on my mac through the javascript bridge from http:[url]..... I also have normalized the delta in my actionscript to be -2 if below 0, and +2 if above 0. Testing the delta on the javascript side, the mouse wheel at the slowest I can scroll it reads well above or below 0, and the trackpad reads around .025 to -.025... so I'm wondering why is it that Safari doesn't see this until higher speeds?Scrolling works, I just have to give the wheel some speed before it kicks in. It works perfectly in Firefox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Asynchronous Keyboard Controls - Stop Listening To An Event As Soon As Another Event Has Been Dispatched?

Nov 1, 2009

i have a question to ask about asynchronous key controls This was what i did


and i checked with [URL]...?newspage=6249 and it looked more or less the same, so why is it that when i move my character and when i hold down a key, it just keeps on listerning to that keypress event listener, instead of just executing the other event. So say, i tap left and after which i tap right, it will work just fine, but if i hold left and tap right, the event listerner will still be listening to the left key. So, i was wondering could anyone point me in a direction as to how should i make my code stop listening to an event as soon as another event has been dispatched?

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Flash :: PC Control - User Mouse Clicks Or Eventually Keyboard - Pressing Some Keys

Nov 23, 2009

I'm completely new to AS3/Flash programming, though I program in C/C++/C# in my job. These days I got a project idea which I think Flash would better fit than the other languages I mentioned above. I want to create an on-line automation application that can:

1. Control user mouse clicks, or eventually keyboard, pressing some keys;

2. Communicate/connect to the user's bluetooth device, establishing connections to the mobile devices attached to it - the web application in this case would act as a server.

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Flash :: Flex - Click Event - Objects On Stage To Be Listen To Mouse And Keyboard Input

Oct 19, 2010

If I plan to implement 100 objects on stage to be listen to mouse and keyboard input, is using "function" call responsive enough? How good does eventlistner work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Controls Not Working As Expected In IE?

Mar 31, 2010

I am developing a simple galaga clone for my site, its at [URL] . You will notice the controls work fine in firefox, opera, safari, chrome, etc. However, in IE, the controls are only triggered if the mouse cursor is hovering directly over the player ship.

The playership object is created in the main document class which passes a reference to the stage to the playership class.

private var ourShip:playerShip = new playerShip(stage, ourHUD);

Which is then added to the stage from within the document class (gameMain)


The playership class then monitors the mouseX and reacts accordingly. The code for the ship controls which are linked to the enter_frame eventhandler is

public function controlShip(e:Event):void {
var a1 = stageRef.mouseY -;
var b1 = stageRef.mouseX -;
var radians1 = Math.atan2(a1,b1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse And Button Controls Mc Position?

Feb 5, 2011

i am trying to set up a movie in as3/cs5 that works as follows:on the stage there are 3 (maybe 4) movieclips - that are divided into 6 areas.the movieclips themselves have some parallax effect on them (see attached .zip).what i am trying to do is add some script into the movie to do the follow things - first one is that when the mouse goes to the furthest edge of the browser/movie stage - the movie slides to the next/previous section of the movieclip - or rather moves the movieclips to show that section.the other thing is to add buttons to slide the mc's to the corresponding on the stage there are 4 mc's (divided into sections) if the mouse goes very far left or very far right - the mc's slide across to the next or last section/s - and if the buttons are clicked the movie will slide to a define position on the stage.does anyone know how this can be done? i've been looking for source or tuts but with no joy! [URL]

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Flex :: Wny Linux Sends Unicode Keyboard Events While Windows Sends ANSI

Sep 27, 2010

Unde linux, the foreign keys such as... do not seem to work with this code:URL...The output is wrong under Linux, but Windows is Ok.the output of foreign keys such as ΓΌ with Linux looks same here, totally broken, two chars appear: URL...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Controls Based On Mouse Position?

May 25, 2009

I'm trying to make a faux 3D rotation animation where if the user mouses to the right the object rotates right and if the user mouses to the left the object rotates left. Depending on how far they move the mouse the rotation should speed up or slow down.I spent a lot of time making an object in 3d studio max and importing the animation of rotation as JPEGs onto the timeline. I figured the most efficient way to go about this would be to make the mouse control the timeline instead of the object itself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Mouse Speed Timeline Controls?

Feb 25, 2011

Here is my [code]...

But the previous script is still in effect no matter what frames i put the AS in.

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Embed Flash Games Into Windows Forms Compact Framework Under Windows Mobile 6?

Feb 5, 2010

I want develop an application on windows mobile.In this app, i need to show some Flash games to the end user.ow should I do?embed an Flash ActiveX Control (in Windows mobile Form application) ?embed an IE control?BTW (because i do not have a windows mobile device now)Can I views flash in IE of the windows mobile device?for play flash, Macromedia Flash Player 7 for Pocket PC should be installed on your windows mobile emulator.DIT2:after practice i found following package should be installed before your windows mobile progr

Vista SP2
Visual Studio 2008 SP1
Windows Mobile Device Center


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Can't Click The Mouse In New Windows

Sep 20, 2009

how to use flash, which is a daunting task.  To make matters worse, my mouse will not click whenever a new window opens.  For example, the dropdown windows that pop up when you click the corner of some of the tools.  (like the tool to draw a rectangle or oval, etc.)  Icons will highlight when I move my mouse over them, but clicking does nothing at all.  I have the Adobe Post Production Suite, and it does this for all of the programs I have tried so far.  For example, when recording in Soundbooth I can't click the record button or the stop button.  Thus far I have been using the enter button and shortcut keys to get by, but this doesn't work all the time because some features don't have shortcuts. My laptop is a Dell Studio XPS.  It's a little over a month old, and I've never had this kind of problem before.  I tried running the programs while using a Wacom tablet to see if my mouse had gone bad, but nothing changed.  I've searched the forums and haven't found anyone with similar problems.  This really has me stumped. Another problem that I think is related: I can't change the colors of objects in flash.  Whenever I open the color palette and put my mouse over a color, it shows up as gray.  (All the colors show as the same shade of gray.) I've used lots of programs since I've had this computer, and never had anything like this happen.  The only thing I can think of that might cause a problem is that my computer is a widescreen.  This sometimes causes a problem with certain applications because the windows are too tall.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Position Controls Speed Of Sliding Horiz. Pictures?

Apr 3, 2002

Trying to create (and learn) an effect I see often where a series of photos (side-by-side) will scroll across and when your mouse draws nearer to the centerpoint it slows down enough to be able to click on it.

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