Flex :: Modify Its Properties Since It Already Exists?
Mar 19, 2010
I have a Rect object that I'd like to create and set its properties only once. After that, I want to just modify its properties since it already exists. This is my general idea
if(theRect == undefined){
var theRect:Rect = new Rect();[code].............
but can't get the desired effect. Everytime this code block runs, and depending on which version I've used, it either gives me a "can't access null object" error or the if statement always evaluates to true and creates a new Rect object and I get the "creating" Alert. What's the right way of creating that Rect but only if doesn't exist?
how can you modify the audio properties of videoclips in flash i did some searching, and found options for modifying audio properties of audio files but unable to locate any modifable properties for video in flash
I'm getting the "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." error on my application. Is there a function I can use to detect this before it causes an error... maybe something like:
I know there's one, because i've used it before, but i can't remember what it is right now.
I'm using flex to develop my first desktop app and I'm working with sqlite for the first time as well. I'm creating my database and all the tables and I would also like to add a few rows of data into a couple of the tables so that the users have some data to work with on first install.
The only problem I'm having is every time I run the program it keeps inserting the same data over and over again. I'm just wondering if its possible to do a - INSERT INTO IF NOT EXISTS. or some other kind of work around.
In flex, how to check if a variable exists? I have tried using
if (this['some_variable'] != undefined) { //do something }
There is a run time error saying the property some_variable does not exists. I have checked with null instead of undefined, still the same error.
Based on the replies I have used this.hasOwnProperty('variable_name'). I found that its returning true if variable_name is a public but false if its private/protected. How to check for a private variable?
I need to access information in my XML. The information I need is not stored on every object in my XML, only on the parent. But how can I check if there is a parent or not, so it wont throw an error when selecting the first object in the tree (having no parents)?
I have a form that is written in MXML that allows a user to create/add a User.I need to add a form that allows a user to modify SOME but NOT ALL of the fields for this user.The forms are so similar, I don't want to have to create two separate forms, one for Add and one for Modify.For example, in the Add form, the user specifies a user id. In the Modify form, the "user id" field is not editable.I'm wondering how I can initialize the MXML form (i.e. pass in a parameter?) so that it knows whether it is in the Add state or the Modif state.I know I can't do the following but this is what I would like to do (pseudocode):[code]
I Have a VBox, and set the verticleGap = 0. Inside the VBox I have a Repeater. When I run the App, the items listed from the Repeater have a large gap between each line. Is there a way to set the verticleGap on the Repeater, or reduce that space?
i'm trying to modify a image, which is casted from a String:[code]In the inactiveElements Array are a bunch of ImageIds (way_0, way_1,..) and i'm trying to set the alpha-value of each Image.[code]with the trace i got the right String of ImageId but the cast to Image fails.[code]
In my Flex application, channelSet is reset on each browser refresh.If you've authenticated and refresh the page and check channelSet. authenticated, it says false, but your remoteObject calls will still work because the server session still exists.I have a service call that checks for a session on the server and can identify that one exists when a user has already authenticated and not logged out, but how can I bypass login and still set the channelSet.authenticated to true without calling channelSet.login() when they come back to the page(before a timeout occurs, of course)?The user session isn't closed if you exit the browser. Currently it does in fact make you log in again. But there is an existing session so blazeds returns a re-authentication error if you're not the user in the session, and it also allows you to login with any password if you are the user because it sees that the session has already been authenticated.So how can I make it so the session is invalidated upon closing the browser or refreshing? I could do it by automatically logging out when the app starts, but that doesn't seem very elegant.[code]
I have a dataProvider and there is an object in the dataProvider. I want to know if there is a way to see if you can check to see if part of the object exists. So lets say I have an object with usernames and passwords and I want to add a username to that dataProvider
way to modify/replace the icon of a Playbook program?
Like display a red star on it - to indicate there is new message for the user.
I've tried tracing NativeApplication.supportsDockIcon and NativeApplication.supportsSystemTrayIcon properties, but they are both false on Playbook simulator.
each time I want to modify the style in Flex, I have to change the style and compile, if there is tool for dynamic change the style just like firebug for Html
- then we do FileReference.load() then bind the data to our image control.
- after we make a rotation on it and change the data of image.
- and to finish we upload it to a server.
To change the data of image i get the matrix of the displayed image and transform it then i re-use the new matrix and bind it to my old image:
private function TurnImage():void { //Turn it[code]...........
Now the mater is that i really don't know how to send the data as a file to my server cause its not stored in the FileReference and data inside FileReference is readOnly so we can't change it or create a new, so i can't use .upload();.Then i tried HttpService.send but i can't figure out how you send a file and not a mxml.
I'm trying to copy/modify the spark skin for the default button, but not sure how to find that skin. When I hover over <s:Button and Ctrl + Click it, it takes me to the Button class, but there isn't any skin information there.
I have a collection of UIMovieClip components which reside in an s:HGroup tag. In ActionScript code I am modifying the width of a child clip in one of the UIMovieClips but these changes are not reflected by the s:HGroup.
This appeared as I was trying to use a mouseEvent to move an object.I placed the variables for mouseX and mouseY in the public class. I did the same for direction X and Y but there was no error message for those.
In my example below I have several objects. I want to change the label of all objects in one go, without calling each element by id. I know how to do this in HTML, but not in Flex.
This is how I would usually set the color of 3 objects to grey in one line.
Is there any way I can change the labels of all 3 buttons with a single line of code similar to the jQuery example?
I have a Flash Builder application which uses URLs within its code and I want to be able to change these URL values without having to recompile my application, i.e. I want to have a plain text file I can edit which is used to populate these URL values when the application begins. I've worked out what feels like a kludge to do this with ResourceBundles, but maybe there's a better or more straightforward way to go about this.
There are many dynamic languages that target Sun's JVM (Groovy, Scala, Jython, Jruby etc) and I was sure there are many that target Adobe's AVM as well. But I was surprised to find only haXe do something similiar. related question on this site
I think the eclipse e4 SWT project doesn't compile to ABC (ActionScript Byte Code) directly, but first converts Java to AS3 and then the Flex compilter does the rest.Could it be that no one yet wrote a simple Java / Python / Scala AVM2 compiler that can be used as an alternative to the proprietary Adobe Flash Builder (formerly Flex Builder)?I don't mind paying Adobe for a fine producy, but writing Java in eclipse is so much faster and convinent than the half baked adobe plugin suite. are there really no efforts other than haXe?
Over the past three weeks, I have lost at least 120 man hours because of some lesser known functionality in ActionScript 3. One of the problems was that, with Internet Explorer, if there are too many messages sent through LocalConnections, it will slow the messages sent through, but in the standalone player and in Firefox, this threshold is significantly higher. Another was that the static values of a class are instantiated even if the member itself is not being used:[code]Since FooClass had a static reference to a Singleton, that Singleton was instantiated so when I loaded a Module which used that Singleton, it would bind to values in an unpredictable way.Additional cases where things behave in an unexpected way:
So here's the question (and I'm sorry for omitting this in the original post), is there any consolidated documentation for this type of behavior anywhere? Is there any (even non-Adobe) documentation on these issues (websites, forums, books, ANYTHING)? I know that these things are definitely easy enough TO document, but has anyone done so?
Is there some library for flex, that will let me: define properties to fully exclude from serialization define classes to serialize without the property names (as if they were an array)
In regards to as3 project: Is there a way to inherit the properties of a given DisplayObject? I am looking for a single method that will grab something like the x, y, width, height, color, etc. Whatever is involved in the common classes between the two display objects.
I don't think I was clear enough... Let me give an example of the type of functionality I am looking for.
var sp1:Sprite = new Sprite(); sp1.x = 30; sp1.y = 30; sp1.width = 500; sp1.height = 30; var tf1:TextField = new TextField(); tf1.inheritTransform(sp1);
So, in this case I know that the method 'inheritTransform()' doesn't exist, but I am wondering if there is something similar. Or maybe I am missing the point of extending a class in some way? I don't see how the two would relate in such a case.
I have a simple AS3 class that just holds private variables. Each private variable has a getter function, but not all of them have setter functions. At runtime, Is there a way of telling which properties do not have setters but are read-only? Then I can decide to give the user an input field to edit the properties that have setters.