Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Changing Properties Of Several Objects In Flex

Sep 7, 2010

In my example below I have several objects. I want to change the label of all objects in one go, without calling each element by id. I know how to do this in HTML, but not in Flex.


This is how I would usually set the color of 3 objects to grey in one line.


Is there any way I can change the labels of all 3 buttons with a single line of code similar to the jQuery example?

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public function ComboboxOrFail()


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private var _list:ArrayCollection;


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I want to send a name of opponent to a webserver after Delete button is clicked. Can I access correspondent value in datagrid on click event?

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Sep 17, 2009

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So here's the question (and I'm sorry for omitting this in the original post), is there any consolidated documentation for this type of behavior anywhere? Is there any (even non-Adobe) documentation on these issues (websites, forums, books, ANYTHING)? I know that these things are definitely easy enough TO document, but has anyone done so?

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Nov 10, 2009

Is there some library for flex, that will let me: define properties to fully exclude from serialization define classes to serialize without the property names (as if they were an array)

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Flex :: Inheriting Properties From A DisplayObject?

Dec 21, 2009

In regards to as3 project: Is there a way to inherit the properties of a given DisplayObject? I am looking for a single method that will grab something like the x, y, width, height, color, etc. Whatever is involved in the common classes between the two display objects.


I don't think I was clear enough... Let me give an example of the type of functionality I am looking for.

var sp1:Sprite = new Sprite();
sp1.x = 30;
sp1.y = 30;
sp1.width = 500;
sp1.height = 30;
var tf1:TextField = new TextField();

So, in this case I know that the method 'inheritTransform()' doesn't exist, but I am wondering if there is something similar. Or maybe I am missing the point of extending a class in some way? I don't see how the two would relate in such a case.

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Flex :: Modify Its Properties Since It Already Exists?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a Rect object that I'd like to create and set its properties only once. After that, I want to just modify its properties since it already exists. This is my general idea

if(theRect == undefined){"creating");
var theRect:Rect = new Rect();[code].............

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Oct 14, 2010

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e.g. item.$width

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