Flex :: Mx:Canvas 's Show Event Equivalent In S:Group

Feb 5, 2011

As of Flex 4, I'm using s:Group instead of mx:Canvas.

With s:Group , show event is not fired when the container is visible like with mx:Canvas. creationComplete event fire only once. How can I detect show event or something alike in Flex 4 or should I just use the mx:Canvas instead ?

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Actionscript :: Dynamically Adding Child Components To Canvas Vs Group In Flex?

Aug 4, 2011

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However if I base it off Canvas this doesn't happen.

Why is that the case?

Here is the code.

public class MyComponent extends Group
public var x1:int;


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Aug 6, 2009

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Feb 10, 2011

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<mx:DataGrid id"myDataGrid"
itemEditBegin="myDataGrid_itemEditBeginHandler(event)" />

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<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid"
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ActionScript Code:
function but1Click(eventObject:MouseEvent) {


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Sep 2, 2010

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<OBJECT id="flashContent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<PARAM value="always" name="allowScriptAccess" />
<PARAM value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" />


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Jul 12, 2011

Since flex memory management is poor, objects once instantiated dont die very easily (even when they go out of scope), one would need to check on various properties of components. I am using one such thing to know if the screen (which is a display object) is in current view. For this I am turning on a boolean property (currently visible), and I am setting it true on show event of the display object.

What I need to know is, which event (something opposite of show, e.g left?) could be used when the screen is replaced by another display object?

Something like focusIn and focusOut from dotnet.

Or if there is some property which could directly tell me if the display object is currently in view (hasFocus doesnt seem to be giving me expected results).

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Flex :: 3 - Invalidation In Show Event Handler Breaks Lifecycle

Oct 20, 2011

Create a tab navigator (or viewstack, whatever) and add a couple tabs. On your tab add a show event handler. Inside the event handler call invalidateProperties() and invalidateDisplayList() on one of the children of your tab. Put a break point on the childs commitProperties() and updateDisplayList(). You'll notice that the updateDisplayList() gets called before commitProperties() which results in incorrect behaviour.

I noticed this problem when setting a DataGrid's dataprovider from inside the show handler. Setting the dataProvider causes the grid to invalidate both properties and displayList, updateDisplayList() will get called first, then commitProperties() which will result in the grid not updating the rows. It appears the root of the problem is that the show event gets dispatched from within LayoutManagers validateDisplayList() loop, so invalidating a child object from within the show handler results in its updateDisplayList() getting called immediately.


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Flash :: "Show Transform Controls" Equivalent?

Mar 16, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Z-index Equivalent - Show A Clip Above Another Clip!

Nov 3, 2004

I am developing a game wherein a gamer has to drag a clip to another clip. I load the destination clip by


And I do the drag techniq by


on(press) {
on(release) {


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Flex :: Windows.sendkeys Equivalent In Adobe Air?

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Is it possible to capture user typed inputs from keyboard and overwrite user entered text with pre-defined words in Flex/Adobe Air? I'm looking for a functionality in Adobe Air something like "typinator" does.

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Flex :: Spark's DataGrid CalculateDropIndex Equivalent?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there any function (or any easy way to implement it) equivalent to calculateDropIndex for spark's DataGrid?

(using Flex Hero

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Actionscript 3 :: DraggableColumns DataGrid - Equivalent In Flex 4.5?

Dec 22, 2011

I am migrating my Flex 3.2 to FLex 4.5. the property draggableColumns of <mx:DataGrid> is obsolete in the <s:DataGrid>. Have you an idea to have its equivalent in Flex 4.5?

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Flash :: Flex - Standard Equivalent To HTTPService Class CS4?

Jul 17, 2009

Is there a standard equivalent to the Flex HTTPService class in Flash CS4?

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Flex :: Equivalent Of Osflex:TreeGridCellRenderer For The Flexlib Package?

Aug 10, 2009

the equivalent of osflex:TreeGridCellRenderer for the flexlib package?

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Flex :: Equivalent Datatypes For Various Wsdl Data Types?

Apr 21, 2011

WSDL defines a number of datatypes supported by web service . Is there a documentation stating the various equivalents of those datatypes on flex side. In general for any language that we use to consume web service, how do we get to know the equivalent datatypes of the wsdl types.

One of the web service that I am consuming is returning base64Binary (an image binary data) , What is the equivalent datatype of this on flex ?

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Flex :: Adobe Flex - Doing Group By At Client End (DataGrid To Pie Chart)?

Dec 23, 2010

I am in a situation where user gets the cars data from the database based on the selection and displays it in datagrid like below ( for example)

Company Model Year No
GM Chevy 2010 10
GM Chevy 2009 5
GM Pontiac 2010 12
Honda Civic 2009 12

and there will be a link next to datagrid to get Pie chart based on the data displays in the data grid . The pie graph should display grouping by company and the count . I mean for the above example that should give with two pie items , one for GM showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 3 ) and Honda showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 1 ).

I thought of getting it from the database by querying and grouping it .But here the problem is after getting the data above in the datagrid user can able to filter at client end ( By year or model ) and can say get graph . This time that should only display the graph for the data visible in Datagrid .Grouping on database for every operation is becoming expensive. Since we have already data available at client end , is there any way to group it at client ..?

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Flex :: Toggle A Mask To A Group In Flex (works For BorderContainer)?

Oct 6, 2011

Here's my test application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

I would expect the mask to be applied when the checkbox is selected, and removed when it issin't. But it doesn't seem to work.However, when you change to , it works like a charm. Can anyone explain to me why?

Note: In my actual application, i'm applying this in a skin to a component that is extending SkinnableComponent which can't use BorderContainer so a solution to this would be great.

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