Flex :: Sequencing Through Several Images?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm using flex and have a few images that I need to sequence through. I may add some text under each image. What I'm trying to do is automatically sequence through these images such that a black fading effect appears briefly between each image and the next - sure you've seen that sort of thing before. should these images be considered as states of a component or what? how to get that black fading effect between the images and the next.

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the easy part is to create the image and the mask for it:

// The jpg
var elementImage:Image = new Image();
elementImage.source = "/assets/materials/9/main-body.jpg";


but that's not working here. the event listener reacts even if i hover over the trasparent parts.

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<comps:ExercisesScroller id="scroller" x="300" y="100"

and so forth this works. But instantiated in CDATA it does not work:

import components.ExercisesSCroller;
private var custScroller:ExercisesScroller;
private function init():void {


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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="1280" height="750">


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/* listOfPeople is a list of arrays with a["name"] a["sex"] a["dob"] and
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<s:List width="100%" height="100%" id="results" dataProvider="{listOfPeople}" change="clickPerson(event)">[code]....

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Printing Images In Flex?

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Flex :: Unable To See Images In 4.1 Sdk

Jul 8, 2011

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Now I dont get any errors, but after building the project, and running it, I do not see any images in the entire application. I also compiled the code again with 4.5 (with mx.control.Images class) I see the images properly.


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Flex :: MouseEvent Of Images?

Jan 2, 2012

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image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void{fromThumbnail(e,i)});

to pass i. However, when I click on any image, the function thumbnail prints the last i.

Is there solution for this problem?

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How to load images in as3:Load them all at once, for example like this (pseudo as3 code):

for each (var url:String in images){


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Flex - Automatically Generate Images From SWF?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm looking for something that automatically generates images from the content in some SWF and stores the images on a server to be fetched if the user doesn't have Flash Player installed. The purpose is to at least show a static diagram instead of just a table with data, if Flash Player isn't installed.

It's quite easy to create an image from a DisplayObject using Actionscript, but that requires someone opens the SWF in the first place. I would like this to execute on the server side. Is it possible? Is there a headless Flash Player that could be used with PHP for example?

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Flex :: Programmatically Load Images In It?

Dec 7, 2009

I need to load several images as Bitmap or BitmapData objects. The images are hosted outside the Flex project, and they're referenced by an external configuration file, so I can't embed them. Because the images won't be displayed directly to the user (they're being added to a PDF that is generated for download), creating a grouping of Image objects, attaching them to the application, and waiting for their LoadComplete handler to fire seems inefficient.

What is the best way to load these images into an application? Programatically load images in it?

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Flex :: Images Will Not Dynamically Refresh

Apr 23, 2010

I am writing a Flex application to receive xml from an httpservice. That works because I can populate a datagrid with the information. The xml sends image pathnames. A combobox sends a new HttpService call onChange. This repopulates the datagrid and puts new images in the folder that flex is accessing. I want to dynamically change the image without changing the pathname of the image.
<mx:Canvas id="borderCanvas"><mx:Canvas id="dropCanvas">
<mx:Tile id="adTile"><mx:Image></mx:Image>

This is my component. I assign my Image sources using this code:
var i:Number = 0;
while ( i <= dg_conads.rowCount){
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = null;
img.source = imageSource+i+".jpg";
i++; }

My biggest problem is that the images are not refreshing. I get the same image even though I've prevented caching from the HTML wrapper and the ASP.Net website. The image automatically loads in the folder and refreshes in the folder but I can't get the image to refresh in the application. I've tried
And neither worked.

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May 27, 2010

I'm building a slide-show like application in Flex and I'm trying to load images dynamically. The images are in a folder outside the application folder. This is the folder structure:



The problem is that the images never show up, I only get the icon for a missing image.

Edit to add: I've tried this both with and without the use-network flag set to false when compiling.

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Flex :: Checkbox Images In List

Jun 1, 2010

It seems like it should be a simple concept. I need a vertical list. This list has an image with a checkbox and pathname of that image underneath it. The user should be able to check the checkboxes of the images they want to appear in their "shopping cart". The images, checkbox label, and list are populated by an XmlList. How can I do this in Flex 3.5 and Actionscript and have a button that when clicked, display a list of the checked items??

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Jun 29, 2010

O.K I'm really confused about some resizing behaviour in flex and I'm hoping somebody can explain whats going on to me.I have a container movieclip 3 movieclips deep.MC2 is inside MC1 and MC3 is inside MC2.I have another movieclip that contains a bimap image that is 55 pixels wide and 38 pixels high.When I add this movieclip to MC3 the movieclip becomes 55 pixels wide and "48" pixels high.

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Flex :: Don't Resize Images On ItemRenderer

Jul 22, 2010

Which parameter should I put not to automatically resize an Image that is put on an ItemRenderer?

Ex (in which the image gets resized):

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="estado" dataField="estado" width="30"
editable="false" resizable="false">


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Flex :: Random Box Of Images Gallery

Jul 26, 2010

Is there any ready built images gallery as shown in this link? [URL]. If I were to build it by retrieve from database contains links to images and display on each containers, would TileList be useful as I'm will be using it for displaying Classifieds images.

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Flex :: Display Images From FileReferenceList?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a FileReferenceList from which I'd like to display images in a DataGrid; currently I'm getting the following error: Only one download, upload, load or save operation can be active at a time on each FileReference.Here is my DataGrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="imageGrid" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{imageFiles}">


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Flex :: Combine Two Images Together Using The XOr Operator?

Oct 28, 2010

Isn't there some way to combine two images together using the xOr operator? I realize I can step through pixel by pixel, but with all the graphics options available to Flash, I am reluctant to take such a ham-fisted approach. How can this be accomplished efficiently?

var pixel1:uint;
var pixel2:uint;
var xorMergedPixel:uint;


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Flex :: Horizontal Scrolling Of Images?

Mar 9, 2011

I am new to actionscript development and can't figure out where to start. I am trying to create a picture gallery in Actionscript (Flex would also do, but no Flash). Basically, it should be a horizontal list of images with captions below the picture. It should be possible to scroll through the images on a touch enabled device -> no scrollbars

I have looked into ScrollViewport put don't know how to implement a basic version in pure Actionscript.! I have included a small sketch I have seen alot of solutions with a scrollbar. But I want something like on iOS where you scroll with your finger through the images.

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Flex :: Air - Images Store Locally From Xml?

Mar 30, 2011

I have one xml link. that link have collections of images(apx 1000 images). when i flex applications start at the time load all images in locally. then when i need that images then use it. How i do this... give me some links and logic.

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Flex :: Conditional Embedding Of Images?

Apr 26, 2011

We are working on a flex project where we want to balance two challengesa) want to ensure that there is minimal need to be connected to internet- so it can be used offline. This will be used in rural locations with flaky connectionsb) Reduce file size by only embedding those assets in compile mode as is requiredBroadly, the project will go down one of three flows in the module called, based on user choice- Path A, Path B and Path C, which will require image set-A, set-B & set-C respectively (based on settings in the module)We want to send over all images in Set-A or set-B or set-C right upfront in the module called, based on choice made in primary project, to minimize need for connectivity once accessed. At the same time I want to avoid sending all three sets and bloating up download size three times.

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Flex :: How To Resize Images (Bitmap) Using AS3

Jul 8, 2011

I am loading an image using a Loader. Once loaded, I can get the bitmap data using Bitmap(event.target.loader.content).bitmapData.
However since the images I am loading are quite large (around 2000 x 1600), I would like to reduce the size and create a new smaller bitmap maybe 200 or 300 pixels wide, sort of like a thumbnail. I think it has to do with creating a new BitmapData with the new size. However I am not able to get that working properly.

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Flex :: Playbook AIR SDK Images On Surface

Jul 21, 2011

I am trying to write a Playbook app using the AIR SDK, I need a surface of some kind that I can load a large image onto, then subsequently place some smaller images on top of and add the whole lot to a ScrollPane so I can pan it around the screen. I have tried by adding the image to a sprite and displaying that in a group in the application but the image does not show up. What is the correct surface kind I should be using here and how should I be loading the images? (currently using "Embed" and loading the image into a BitmapAsset.)

var scroll:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();

This code causes a non-moving icon to be drawn behind the scrollContent, I want to add something on top of the scroll content that moves with it.

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Flash :: Pop Art Images Generation Flex?

Jul 29, 2011

My client has asked to generate pop art images for the user uploaded images, Does any one of you has done some work related to this? is this sort of work is possible in flex, flash, as3, etc,

There is one software named pop art studio, which generates such images. we have Image magic software with us, does image magic generates these sort of pop art images? i don't have much idea about Image magic.

one solution for this would have been, if these images were our images, then we would haven taken them as the separate parts of one image, and applied color transform or any other thing on those parts, and would have generated these sort of poparts displayed in the picture , but client requires this option on user uploaded images, so all this is not possible in that case.

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Flex :: Embedding Images And Then Displaying Them

Oct 27, 2011

I have 2 images that are used hundreds of times throughout my application. Although they are only ~2.5 kilobytes each, they're multitude is causing the browser to load nearly 7 megs of data if reference them like this[code]...

Instead of having this issue, I would like to embed the image once, and then repeatedly reference the embedded object. I'm not exactly sure how to do this. From what I've read online, doing the following should work[code]...

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