Flex :: Tell When A Component (and It's Children) Are Done Updating?

May 28, 2011

I'm resizing a chart and want to take a picture of it when all the children of that chart are done updating.

For example I'm drawing some stuff on the chart after the size changes. I've tried chaining a bunch of callLater() but I'm still running into problems on slow computers.

Raising an event when the last children has executed doesn't seem to work as it might take a while to draw (hence the callLaters).

Is there a best practice to find out when something is done updating?

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Flex :: Custom Component Not Updating Display List?

Jul 12, 2011

I've created a component which is basically a meter (extends skinnable container). The skin to the component contains two rectangles (background and the actual meter). This component receives an arraycollection with the following fields value, max and min(the arraycollection I am passing is Bindable). When I initialize and pass the data to be used to draw It works great (keep in mind - only works the first time). I've created a button that changes the data array and shows the current meter value. Apparently the meter's value is changing everytime I modify the ArrayCollection I've set to be used for rendering.(dont want to say "dataProvider" because it is not a Flex dataprovider, just a variable )... here is the code...

public class meter extends SkinnableContainer {
[SkinPart( required = "true" )]
public var meter:spark.primitives.Rect;


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how I would access the children in the loaded movieclip?I have tried

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<details name="Cars">


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<s:ArrayCollection id="_ac_ps">
<fx:Object label="Block and lot" data="_blocklot" searchType="districtblocklot"
info="" />


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<dir name="images">


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Jun 23, 2011

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so, basically,i am checking to see if the cancel button component in the Child component, while i am still in the parent Compoent, was clicked, if it was clicked, call the cancelButtonHandler. The problem is by the time the addNewChild handles the event, that cancel button was still null. My question is how do i solve this without using the itemCreationPolicy on the cancel button?

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public var appID:int;

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// Get the ID
sqlStatement.text =
"SELECT Max(id)FROM applications";
var result:SQLResult;
result = sqlStatement.getResult();
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.appID = result.data[0];

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Textarea Control Not Updating Properly

Apr 19, 2010

I am writing a flex application that involves modifying a textarea very frequently. I have encountered issues with the textarea sometimes not displaying my modifications.[code]When you run the above code in a flex project, it should repeatedly print, character by character, the sentence "The big brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.". But, if you are typing into the textarea at the same time, you will notice the text the timer prints is distorted.I am really curious as to why this happens. The single-threaded nature of flex and disabling user input for the textarea when I make modifications should prevent this from happening, but for some reason this doesn't seem to be working.I must note too that, when running the timer at larger intervals (around 100ms) it seems to work perfectly, so I am tempted to think it's some kind of synchronization issue in the internals of the flex framework.

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Flex :: ComboBox LabelFunction Not Refreshing With Updating Of An ArrayCollection?

Aug 11, 2010

My first issue is that when my ArrayCollection only has one item, for some reason I cannot select that first item. The change function set on the mxml never gets called when I try to select that one item. If I set a prompt, it works. I know that the item is not already selected because when debugging, the selected item shows null. I do not want to use a prompt. I want the first item in the ArrayCollection to be selected automatically. So if there is only one item, I want the selected item to be that. FYI - I am using a labelFunction to format the data in the Array Collection. why I cannot select the first item or set the first item in the ArrayCollection to be the selected item?

My bigger issue is that when my Array Collection gets updated, my label function must not be refreshing because when I first open the dropdown, it has specfic data. When the Array Collection gets updated and I open the dropdown again, I see the old data in the dropdown, yet it doesn't exist anymore.

So let's say I have a ComboBox that has a datasource of an array collection of one state code and it's state name. Their is a labelFunction that puts a dash in between the state code and the state name. Their is no prompt, so the ComboBox would look like GA - Georgia and when you open the dropdown, that would be all that is there. I want that item to be selected automatically. why the old data shows up when opening the dropdown after the array collection was updated with new data?

<mx:ComboBox labelFunction="getFormattedNpaNxxCollectionList()"
dataProvider="arrayColl" change="doSomething()"/>
public function getFormattedNpaNxxCollectionList(item:Object):String
return StringUtil.substitute("{0} - {1}", item.stateCode, item.stateName);

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Flex :: Grid Renderers Updating Without UpdateDisplayList Being Called

Oct 14, 2010

I have an item renderer for a grid that has a fairly basic updateDisplayList function:

override protected function updateDisplayList( w : Number, h : Number ) : void
super.updateDisplayList( w, h );
var labelWidth : Number = Math.min( _labelDisplay.measuredWidth, w );


The next time I scroll the renders update to look like they should - but updateDisplayList is NOT called here (on the renderes). All that happens is that the renderers are re-positioned in the grid. Both the background and the label are displayed incorrectly initially so it's not just the label mis-behaving.

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Flex :: Spark List Not Updating - Missing Items

Apr 4, 2011

I have a Spark.List with several items ("folders") each containing an ArrayList of files inside, when I select one of these "folders" it should display the list of "files" on another Spark.List. Its working right now by doing this:
private function onFolderChange (event:*):void {
var list:List = event.currentTarget as List;
if (list.selectedIndex != -1) {
currentFolder = null;
currentFolder = list.selectedItem;
fileListDataProvider = currentFolder.files;
fileList.selectedIndex = -1;

The problem is that when the "file" thumbnails cover more then the List viewport and a scroll is needed sometimes by changing from a "folder" to another "folder" the file List loses files. For example lets say there is a "Folder 1" with 30 "files" in it (10 visible and 20 hidden by the scroller) and "Folder 2" has 5 "files" (all visible), if I switch back and forth between "folders" sometimes it will display everything right. Sometimes it will display a scroll on "Folder 2" when there is no need and sometimes it will only display a few (5 or 10) "files" in "Folder 1" even though it has 30. Something is wrong with the fileList, its updating its items but not really updating well. I've tried setting the itemRenderer to null and reapplying, setting the dataProvider to null and reapplying, doing validateNow().

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Custom Progressbar Not Updating PercentComplete

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying to create a custom progress bar which has common functionality implemented like twining and setting the total value etc.,Every thing seems to be working but for some reason, percentComplete is always 0 instead of increasing the value even when I call setProgress()[code]If you notice the trace, the value is incrementing, but the percentComplete is 0.

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Flex :: CheckBoxes In DataGrid Not Updating After Change In Binded ArrayCollection?

Jul 14, 2009

I have extended CheckBox class to use it as itemRenderer to centered it in DataGrid cell and reflect ArrayCollection changes. Here is the .as:

package myComponents
import flash.display.DisplayObject;


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Flex :: Overlaid ColumnSet Vertical Axis Not Updating In ColumnChart

Oct 18, 2011

I have a neat chart that is rendering overlaid columns with values in excess of 6000 but my vertical axis stays at 0-100, as if my dataProvider was being ignored.
The problem here is with "msAxis" autoAdjust didn't change anything. Do I need to force its values manually?

<mx:ColumnChart xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Flash Player In Chrome Is Not Updating Unless The Browser Is Resized?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a strange issue where Flash Player in Chrome is not updating unless the browser is resized. The app is an online design tool, written in Flex, and one of the features allows the user to upload an image and crop it. The image loads fine, and the crop action does not reload the image but uses Bitmap.copyPixels to create the cropped version.When I test on localhost (though a local server not just straight from the file system) the issue does not happen. However on our QA server the image does not appear unless you resize the browser, when I suppose a screen refresh is forced.I've tried all the usual suspects in AS3/Flex to force a redraw, updateAfterEvent, invalidateDisplayList, etc.we came up with is to resize the browser by a pixel, but this is obviously not ideal and I'd prefer a solution to a work-around.Here's the Bitmap code for reference...

var cropData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( _crop.width, _crop.height );
var originalData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( _loader.width, _loader.height );
originalData.draw( _loader );[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Children Spawned With Timer Makes Old Children Inactive?

Mar 24, 2009

In this game attached I need the old Children (rats) to hurt the character when he walks into them, however only the most recently added Child is active in that way... also the rats seem to appear above the character instead of below, is there any way to resolve these issues??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Children Inside Children - 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property NumChildren

Jan 12, 2011

I have a Sprite called pageContent. Inside pageContent are 12 more Sprites with unique names, a couple of Buttons, and some TextFields. Inside each of the 12 Sprites I have either one or two TextFields and one TextInput. My question is, since they are children inside a child of pageContent, how can I access them? Here is how I am trying to do it:


In my mind, this should totally work. But surprise, surprise, it doesn't. I have debugged it and it works fine for the first two lines, but when it tries to get numChildren of a Child of pageContent (line 3), I get this error: PHP Code: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property numChildren through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

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