Flex :: Transform A String Into Object Name SelectedItem In The DataGrid?

May 20, 2010

I need to get the value of the item clicked and the name of the columns.[code]But this way it returns 'undefined'.But if I put the name already in function, I can get the correct data, example:Alert.show(''+datagridlist.selectedItem.create); // create is a column name in mysql.But this variable must be created dynamically, example:[code]I'm at it on time and I can not convert the string to column name.

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Flex :: Transform A String In Function And Concatenate With An Object?

Mar 2, 2010

I have the following code in actionscript 3:

var async:AsyncToken;
async = bridge.retornamenu();

The bridge is a remote object, instantiated. The retornamenu() is the function that I want the remote object open in amfphp.

However the retornamenu() is a dynamic function, which turns another function, but I can not run it at runtime,


var stringfunction:String = "retornamenu()" // this name is dynamic.
var async:AsyncToken;
async = bridge.stringfunction;

But this way does not work, not perform the function retornamenu();

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Flex :: Get Global Y Coordinate Of Datagrid Selecteditem?

Aug 5, 2011

Here's the situation: I have a populated datagrid and I want to move a form to be inline (same y position) with the datagrid's selectedItem. I cannot rely on a mouseClick event because the selected item may change with a keyboard event. The datagrid does not have an itemRenderer, just plain old dataField.Anyone done this before?

Here's some stubbed out example code for all those interested based on Jacob's answer.


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Flex :: Display A DataGrid SelectedItem's Details In A Form?

Oct 18, 2009

I used HTTPService POST method to call a php file that returns me an xml type of result like


This result is obtained after the php files queries a database. The database contain other information too like (height, gender, education and address)Now i have a DataGrid (having two columns: NAME and AGE) and a Form below the DataGrid. I have displayed the above mentioned xml data in the DataGrid using the dataprovider="{userRequest.lastResult.User}" attribute.

I now want to use the itemclick=itemClickEvent(event) so that when a user click on a row of the DataGrid other information related to the clicked row like (height, gender, education etc) may appear in the form which is placed below the DataGrid in the GUI. For now my itemClickEvent, look like:

private function itemClickEvent(event:ListEvent):void
//Don't know what should i assign to following labels...


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Keep Track Of Last SelectedItem In Datagrid?

Apr 13, 2011

I"m using Flex 4 and an AdvancedDataGrid. I need to keep track of the previously selected item. I can't think of where to capture this though. In an itemClickHandler method, the grid's selectedItem value is already the current selected item.

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Flex :: Evaluating String For Datagrid HeaderText?

Dec 2, 2011

I am creating headerText for a datagrid (dgTop250). How do I get the variable headerStr to evaluate correctly in the last line of the function? With the code below I get the entire string as the column header in the datagrid, not the evaluated expression that I need. Variable colName is evaluating correctly. I tried creating an Object of headerStr and using Object.valueOf() in the last line, but got the same result as before.

public function get250(event:ResultEvent):void {
(var i:int = 0; i <= dgTop250.columnCount; i++) {
var colName:String=dgTop250.columns[i].dataField;[code].......

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Flex :: Compare Data From DataGrid DataField With String Value?

Feb 16, 2012

The question seems to be simple, however it create problems for me. I have a dataGrid with two dataFields: peerID, name. The information in a grid updated dynamically when new user joined the group (I'm creating a chat). I need that information about user deleted from a grid after it's disconnect. So, on "NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect": event i want to compare "event.info.peerID" value with all peerID values in a grid and delete info about disconnected user.

I'm trying to use next construction:

for (var i:uint, len:uint = txtDataArray.length; i < len; i++)
if (txtDataArray.source[i] == event.info.peerID)


But it doesn't work at all!

I'v noticed that construction txtDataArray.source[i] (or txtDataArray.getItemAt(i) ) returned [object GridColumn] insead of value. So, I have two questions:

1) How to get the value of exact cell?

2) How to organized info delete after user disconnect?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Datagrid - Break Line In Case Of Very Long String

Nov 29, 2009

I am trying to implement simple chat application using flex. In it all my chat messages are stored as array collection items, where each item is a string (correspondent to one chat message). I am using datagrid to display all messages. One message goes to one cell of datagrid. Here how it looks: [URL] I want to add a feature for the tool to handle big lines of text. Is there a way to implement line break in case it's very long.

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Apr 5, 2010

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Flex :: How To Set 'selectedItem' Property

Oct 15, 2009

i am working in Air application in Flex3 , i need know how to set "selectedItem" Property when we have 2 values like(data and label) label property to combobox selection, data value for our input.In (selectedItem="{stylename}") stylename will have "data" value but i need to set that "lable" property as selected value in combobox.Like if stylename is "checked" then the ComboBox selected item need to be "Checked".How to implement this in flex.

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Flex :: Set SelectedItem In DropDownList?

Sep 10, 2011

I am making some simple project and I have problem with selectedItem. I have sth like this

<s:State name="Form" enterState="makesService.send()"/>

so when I enter this state I take makes from database and populate them to dropdownlist.

but I have also button and on click event I'm changing state to this Form and I want to select specific make from the dropdownlist but I can't. I'm not sure whether I'm doing sth wrong or the problem is that I'm selecting item just before the dropdownlist became populated.

e.x. List of make consist of Audi and BMW and when I click button I want to open this state Form in which this dropdownlist exist with selected value e.x. BMW.

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Flex :: Difference Between An Object And String Object?

Apr 27, 2010

I think i am lost with basics itself. What is the difference between these two. String object is an instance of String Class.


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Flex :: Identify The Component's SelectedItem

Mar 17, 2010

I am creating a lot of dynamic flex components like RadioButton, Combo Box, CheckBox.


When i click on Submit finally i need to get all the selected Values in each question. All the components are dynamically created at runtime.

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Flex :: EditedItemRenderer Of A DataGrid Object?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a datagrid and there I want to use the editedItemRenderer to access the text, that I just entered. In the debugger I can see there is a text attribute for the editedItemRenderer but when I want to use that attribute the debugger says something like text is undefined...

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Flex :: Put A Object To The Datagrid From A File?

May 12, 2010

First, I have this function:

private var file:File = new File;
public function openBrowse():void{
file.browseForOpen("Objekt auswählen");

but how can I put the object to a datagrid?

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Flex :: Object To Arraycollection Then To Datagrid?

May 13, 2011

linedataColl is an AC that contains 200+ of rows extract from CSV and in my design, I wish to additem into SuperDataCollection object by object but the only problem was I'm unable to see any data display in "S" which is a datagrid. What wrong with my code?

var superDataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dc:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var di:Object = new Object();


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Flex :: Reflect Changes In The List.selectedItem In The ItemRenderer?

Oct 22, 2010

When I change the: list.selectedItem.name = 'name2'

then in my item renderer

the dataChange event is not fired! and I can't update the label with the name property...

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Flex :: Get SelectedItem Data Value From Treeview In Actionscript?

Jan 26, 2011

Main Thread (Suspended: ReferenceError: Error #1081: Property @data not found on Object and there is no default value.) [code]...

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Flex :: Using List SelectedItem It Appears As Null?

Feb 15, 2011

I have encountered somthing a little strange in flex, possibly somthing im doing wrong but im not sure. In two cases which i have noticed, when there is only 1 item in a s:List or s:DropDownList for some reason when using list.selectedItem it appears as null. Using requireSelection="true"i know this isnt the case.


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Flex :: Datagridview - Find Datagrid Cell Object?

Jul 7, 2009

I have datagrid in my page and I want to change particular cell background color. I don't want to use itemrenderer.

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Flex :: DataGrid - Get Object Of Custom Control From A Cell?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a quick question about getting the value from control which I added in my data grid by Item render and how can I get that control object when I am clicking on the cell of that column.

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Data Integration :: Transform The Array To A Datagrid Dataprovider Without Make A "for" Loop?

Dec 8, 2006

Somewhere a get data to a 2 dimensional array. Is there any clever way to transform the array to a datagrid dataprovider without make a "for" loop?

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Professional :: Transform The Color Of One Object To Another?

Mar 18, 2012

If I brought in a sunburst vector into Flash cs5 and made it an editable object, and made it a Movie Clip (lets name this movieclip, sun1_mc) and than made another (lets call this one sun2_mc) the only thing that changes in between these objects is the color. How would i acess the advanced feature through Actionscript 3.0 so that when the user clicks on a button (lets call this button button_btn) it transforms the color color smoothly from one frame to another. I know i could do it old stlye and make a shape tween and than put sun1_mc on frame 1 and sun2_mc on say frame 15 and just put a motion tween between them. But i was just wondering if there is a way to do this via Actionscript 3.0?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Databinding With SelectedItem Property Of The Combobox Update Many Times

Jan 23, 2010

well, I have a combobox which I have bind his selectedItem property to a value object object, like this

<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination="_uniform.style"/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

<mx:ComboBox x="66.15" y="63.85" editable="false" id="styles_cb" dataProvider="{config_xml.styles.style}" />

the value object is a custom class with some setters and getters, and I want to set a property based of the value of the selectedItem of the combo, so inside the value object I have something like this

public function set style(value:String):void
_style = value;

my problem is that each time I change the combobox selection which in fact change the style property of the value object it does it 3 times, if I trace the value of the setter it actually do the trace 3 times, why?? how can I avoid this? I'm doing something wrong? or there is a better way to do it,

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Flex :: Spark DropDownList SelectedItem Didn't Update After DataProvider Changed?

Dec 26, 2010

I have two dataProvider's for one DropDownList. The following code can be compiled and run.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Mobile - Move To The Next Data In List.selectedItem When Moving To Next Page?

Sep 14, 2011

When I move page01 to page02, I pass the same data along with it using the following code:navigator.pushView(Page02, data);How do I move to page02 with passing the next row of data (instead of the same data)? In other word, how to increment to the next row of data with pushView?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Databinding With SelectedItem Property Of The Combobox Update Many Times?

May 22, 2008

well, I have a combobox which I have bind his selectedItem property to a value object object, like this

<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination="_uniform.style"/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading In An External Image That Can Transform With The Senocular Transform Tool Class

Jun 26, 2009

I'm having trouble with loading in an external image that I can transform with the Senocular Transform Tool class. I have managed to load in the picture but the transform class doesn't seem want to grab it. Eventually I want to us the FileRef to upload the image but I just need to figure out how it works first. Here my code to load in the external image


The transform class can grab the other movieclips but it doesn't want to grab the new image loaded in from the code above.

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Flex :: ActionScript 3 Object To Name Value String?

Jan 18, 2010

In a Flex application I am trying to turn an Object into a QueryString such as name1=value1&name2=value2.But I am having trouble getting the names of the Objects children. How do I enumerate the names instead of the values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign A Transform Matrix To An Object

Jan 28, 2009

i want to assign a transform matrix to an object, but i want to assign the values myself (as in, no 'rotate, scale etc'), but for example, set a matrix like


which if applied, would have no effect, but would be valid (actually not exactly that matrix, but you get the idea). i want to set the values of the matrix and the object should be affected by those values that i set by myself, no scale rotate or any predefined operations. how can i set my own matrix?

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