Flex :: Transform A String In Function And Concatenate With An Object?

Mar 2, 2010

I have the following code in actionscript 3:

var async:AsyncToken;
async = bridge.retornamenu();

The bridge is a remote object, instantiated. The retornamenu() is the function that I want the remote object open in amfphp.

However the retornamenu() is a dynamic function, which turns another function, but I can not run it at runtime,


var stringfunction:String = "retornamenu()" // this name is dynamic.
var async:AsyncToken;
async = bridge.stringfunction;

But this way does not work, not perform the function retornamenu();

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public class PER

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ActionScript Code:
var window_mc:MovieClip = window_mc; //window_mc as it exists on the timeline
var windowUpdateFunc:Function; //reference to updater function in window_mc


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package com.bee.utils
import fl.motion.Color;


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InterpolateColor.tweenBrightness( background, .8 );
InterpolateColor.tweenBrightness( footer.navControls, -1 );

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Jun 22, 2011

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Nov 14, 2011

I am currently pulling data from an s3 storage account. S3 has a flat file structure but gives the impression that the files are stored in directories. how do I convert this String[]



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Flex :: Get Function Name From Function Object?

Aug 4, 2009

Given a Function object, can you get its name as a String? See example:

function doThingWithCallback(callback:Function):void {
trace("i'm going to run " + callback); // outputs "i'm going to run function Function() { }"


This example is sort of arbitrary, but it would be very useful to get function names for debugging, particularly when passing around Function objects.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parse Out Url String Using The String Object In Flash?

Jan 13, 2005

I'm creating a CMS(Content Management System) tool so that users can change text and the changes be reflected in a text window in flash . The text that the user enters in the CMS tool will be stored in the database.

In flash I want to parse the string that I get from the database and look for URL strings that start with http "http://www.someurl.com" and parse out that substring.

For example the string could be "Please vist my site at http://www.site.com". I would want to parse out the http://www.site.com

If I find this url string I want to pre-pend the a href tag <a> and append the closing </a> tag to the string so that this link will be clickable from the textfield.

Does flash have an object that deals with Regular Expressions? I've looked at the String object in flash but not sure how to achieve this task

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Parse Out A Url String Using String Object In Flash

Jan 13, 2005

I'm creating a CMS(Content Management System) tool so that users can change text and the changes be reflected in a text window in flash . The text that the user enters in the CMS tool will be stored in the database.In flash I want to parse the string that I get from the database and look for URL strings that start with http "URL..." and parse out that substring. For example the string could be "Please vist my site at URL...". I would want to parse out the URL...If I find this url string I want to pre-pend the a href tag <a> and append the closing </a> tag to the string so that this link will be clickable from the textfield. Does flash have an object that deals with Regular Expressions?

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String :: Use Objects.function If Objectsname Is Taken From String?

Feb 6, 2012

I was wondering if this concept is doable:

4 areas on 1 stage which are quite similar (eg webcamconference, each area has the same functions)

Buttonobjects are numbered(eg area 1 has playbutton1,mutebutton1,namebutton1,namelabel1, etc)

every area gets a close-Button which closes/shuts down the area.(close1,close2,close3...)i want to archive the following:

function invisall(1);

this should do the trick via dynamic Nr at the end of each default button(eg playbutton)
but ofc


doesnt work because playbutton1 is still a String.how can i take the String as a Buttonname /ButtonObject? do i need to write an new function? this would destroy the purpose of less code. for now i will split the area into frames that i put on the stage.

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Flex :: Text Transform To Uppercase Via CSS?

Nov 27, 2009

Am I right, that Flex doesn't support HTML like text transform?

s|Panel #titleDisplay {
textAlign: center;
textTransform: uppercase;
fontSize: 16px;

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Php :: Sql - Transform Flex Application Into Adobe Air - Running A PHP

Feb 27, 2010

I'm a newbby in Adobe AIR/Flex. I have developed a simple Flex web app. that through 2 Php's, can connect to a DB and return an XML result of the query. I uploaded the PHP and Flex files to my internet server, and the app. works fine. My question is: How can I make the same app. work in Adobe AIR? In other words, I have made a new AIR project, and I copy/paste the Flex code. When I run the project, it does not work and say things like:


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