Flex :: Unable To Listen To UncaughtErrorEvent When Loaded By Another Swf?

Jun 11, 2010

When I try to access the uncaughtErrorEvents dispatcher when loaded directly, everything works well. But when I try the same code when loaded by another swf I get a reference error.

protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void {
trace("Flash version: " + Capabilities.version);
try {


EDIT: Also have tried this with stage.loaderInfo, instead of just loaderInfo.

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Can't Seem To Listen For UncaughtErrorEvent For SubApplication Loaded By SWFLoader

Jul 27, 2011

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/* I have an external swf file 'movie.swf' with a simple animation in it.
* When the animation hits a frame (frame 70 in this case) it fires a
* Event.COMPLETE (using:- "this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));" )


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loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents.addEventListener(UncaughtErrorEvent.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, onUncaughtError);

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parent swf:(flash)
var parentMessage:String = "Hello";
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var obj:DisplayObjectContainer = loadEvent.currentTarget.content as DisplayObjectContainer;
var count:Number = obj.numChildren;


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----In MainHomeView.mxml----
[Event(name="myEvent", type="flash.events.Event")]


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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- itemRenderersdataGridmyComponentsRendererDGHeader.mxml -->
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"


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<s:Rect width="100%" height="100%">
<s:SolidColor alpha="0"/>

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public class Main extends Sprite{
public function Main(){


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Nov 12, 2010

I have included the Uncaughterrorevent handler for the LoaderInfo. Which worked fine in my actionscript project.

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I did try only adding the error handler if flash player 10,1 > is installed. But still doesn't work. Even having a reference to UncaughtErrorEvent as parameter in a function causes the SWF not to load.

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this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
private function onFocusIn(ev:FocusEvent):void {
if (this._showsCaption) {


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Professional :: Unable To Debug Swf Loaded With Loader

Feb 4, 2010

I am unable to debug a swf (Test.swf) loaded with Loader (from TestLoader.swf) if Test.swf imports a class from another swf (OneLoop.swf).If I set breakpoints in Test.swf, they will not be hit when debugging TestLoader.swf.I have attached a Test.zip file which contains the necessary FLA and AS files to demonstrate the bug. To reproduce the bug.Load up Test.as, OneLoop.fla, Test.fla, and TestLoader.fla.Then put a breakpoint on line 17 of Test.as (removeEventListener)Then Publish OneLoop.fla.Then Debug Movie on Test.fla.You will see that the breakpoint stops at line 17.Then Debug Movie on TestLoader.fla.You will see that the debugger will stop at line 18 (where I throw an Error), but failed to stop at line 17.I'm using CS4 Pro 10.0.2.This problem only occurs when I import a class from the third swf.Does anyone else know how to fix the problem (without removing the imports or merging the FLAs )?

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Flash :: Unable To Position Externally Loaded Swf?

Jul 2, 2010

I´m having troubble positioning an externally loaded swf. It simply does not respond to any settings of its x and y values.

The swf I´m loading is a pure as3 project created in FlashDevelop where the main class extends sprite. I´ve even tried modifying the x and y values afterwards using MonsterDebugger but with no luck.

The swf is loaded into a container on the right side of the stage but always end up at the top left corner. The loading is straight forward:

public var targetContainer:Sprite;
public function load(path:string):void {
loader = new Loader();


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Flex :: Operator Console App - Listen Java Socket To Receive XML Data?

Jul 13, 2010

We are in the middle to evaluate the technology choice to re-design an operator console application. The operator console as a hosted contact center has the abilities to queue the inactive calls, and hold, answer, transfer the active calls.

The legacy operator console used Java Swing. We want to use the latest RIA technology (Flex/Silverlight) to retire the legacy one. But the question is Flex/Silverlight can implement the functions like hold, transfer the calls? Based on my experiences, Flex can listen Java socket to receive XML data? Does it work well to receive voice data?

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Actionscript :: UncaughtErrorEvent Stops SWF Loading With Flash Player 10.0

Nov 12, 2010

I have included the Uncaughterrorevent handler for the LoaderInfo. Which worked fine in my actionscript project.

That was until I attempted to use a browser with a FP version of 10,0. This then fails to load the SWF unless i take out all references to UncaughtErrorevent.

I did try only adding the error handler if flash player 10,1 > is installed. But still doesn't work. Even having a reference to UncaughtErrorEvent as parameter in a function causes the SWF not to load.

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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.ErrorEvent;


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PHP Code:

PHP Code:
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Jun 16, 2009

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Jan 4, 2011

I cannot align the loaded swf exactly on top of the main movie? To see it online check here.Note only the about button works for now...also note how the top menu moves when about button is clicked! why is that?? Follow this link to download the FLAs and the other image folders I am using...

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