Java :: Example Of Inner Classes Used As An Alternative To Interfaces?

May 25, 2011

What I was told, which sparked my curiosity on this topic:Java gui classes can implement hundreds of Listeners and Callbacks and many books teach you to implement all these interfaces in your gui class. Alternatively, these aspects can be implemented in inner classes, so methods called by that listeners do not get mixed up.'d like to know how to do this in ActionScript, which doesn't have inner classes, but has private classes. But, I don't think I fully realize what inner classes are about, so I'm merely trying to wrap my head around the situation where I would use them to organize a class' methods by their usages.

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Actionscript :: Overriding Methods In Extended Interfaces Vs Java?

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I don't understand why class B throws a compile error about an incompatible signature for "makeCopy" when clearly interface B extends interface A...thus there is no violation of type or incompatibility. If this is just an Actionscript limitation, can anyone suggest a way to recode?

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1- create map.fla with a symbol called Map, and a


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Actionscript 3 :: Interfaces Are Basically Classes For Methods?

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Now, how is this useful? Let's say I want to call foo()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Translate Some Classes To Java Equivalents

Feb 8, 2012

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Jul 21, 2010

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public interface ITest {
function set testField(test:String):void;

Test does have a setter for testField (an implicit one).I don't want to define an explicit one for every single field I have defined in my interface.There doesn't seem to be a way to define getters/setters in interfaces (or the syntax just escapes me).Do I have to do this explicit getter/setter nonsense in order to use interfaces in this way?

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Sep 16, 2010

Is there any way to get interface to play along with custom namespace? Example follows.
public interface IHeaderRenderer{
function set header(value:IHeader):void;
function get header():IHeader;


Sorry for all the blabbing. Any cunning ideas how this kind of situation could be handled?

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Actionscript 3 :: Not Possible To Have Getters And Setters For Same Variable In Different Interfaces?

Feb 25, 2011

The following code seems to create an ambiguity for the compiler (please see error commented near the bottom). Is it not possible to have getters and setters split between interfaces?


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Actionscript 3 :: Two Functions With The Same Name But Incompatible Signatures From Two Interfaces?

Feb 2, 2012

I have two interfaces that declare functions with the same name but incompatible signatures:

interface IDog
function bark() : void;


1) Missing 'public' qualifiers in the class definition were a typo. I fixed it.

2) I missed an additional requirement that interfaces CAN'T be modified (for the purpose of this question). In the real project they're defined in two different libraries that are a part of a large project. Multiple classes implement both interfaces (separately). So, any changes of interfaces will require cascading updates of all those classes, recompilation, testing, etc. So, I wanted first to find out if there was a solution without such intrusive modifications. It doesn't seem there is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Defining A Constructor's Parameters Via Interfaces

May 29, 2010

Let us assume I have classes "Main", "Sub1" and "Sub2". I also have interface "Inter".[code] Basically, I want the constructor function of any class implementing "Inter" to take the same parameters, and thus avoid initialization errors. (So as that the code above gives a compiler error) With any other function,[code]But As the constructor name differs from function to function, I cannot do this.

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I'm trying to learn to program to interfaces. I'm using "Advanced AS3 with Design Patterns" (Lott and Patterson) as my guide. Doesn't look so tough at first, but I'm really stretchin' to get a grip on it.

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Mar 8, 2011

On my personal project, I'm starting to use tons of interfaces and I got to thinking how nice it'd be to know which of my class' members serve which of its interfaces. For instance, my class might implement 5 different interfaces, but I only want to see the members that play a role in 1 of those.

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