Javascript :: Flash Variables Are Not Accessible In Chrome When It Is Turned Off

Mar 22, 2011

It appears that the flash variables are not accessible in Chrome when Javascript is turned off. Having said that, Youtube seem to work fine, when I test other sites like it does not seem to work, nor does mine.

I am using the most recent version of Chrome on Windows. Is there anything special that I need to target Chrome, how do I resolve this issue ?

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Apr 12, 2011

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Jun 18, 2011

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Javascript :: Swf Positioning Is Not Contained On Page, In Chrome?

Dec 20, 2011

This is a simple page I am trying to add a .swf to, with a small custom made js function I slapped up. With chrome the swf is pushed up and out of the navigator window and is missing the top half.

I have tried this quick and dirty approach to detect browser and set the proper background values for each browser:

var browser = BrowserDetect.browser;
var height = '';
var width = '';
switch (browser){


For the movie size in the embed tag: I have tried percents, I have tried pixels, quite a few different combinations. There is always at least one browser that chokes no matter how I set it. Right now it is chrome that chokes. Does anyone knowing the trick to these parameters mind clueing me in on a proper efficient method to integrate a .swf?

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My question basically, what are the clean efficient ways used by integrators to integrate swf cross browser, and is my approach workable if I set proper values?

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May 17, 2011

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Is there a way to detect if a user is running with a native flashblock enabled?

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I'm hitting a brick wall here, and it's driving me mad. Used to use ExternalInterface to call Flash functions from Javascript all the time, and now under CS5 (and the way it uses object id's instead of embed in html) it's stopped working for me in certain browsers. I put together a really simple program that has the person click a link in the browser that activates a javascript function that simply sends some text in to Flash to display in a TextArea. Here's the as3 code:


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Jun 25, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Javascript Variables In Flash?

Jun 30, 2010

how can i use javscript variables from flash as3

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Flash :: Javascript - Passing Variables To PHP

May 13, 2010

I have a simple standalone application written in Visual Basic that I'm porting to a browser based application using PHP/javascript. The original VB application has some simple embedded flash games with token and point counters. The token and point values are being passed as variables between the application and the game.

I'm trying to achieve the same effect in my PHP port without modifying the actionscript code( using the variables in actionscript that already exist). Below is Visual Basic code that's loading a value from a database and posting that value to flash using FlashVars:


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Javascript :: List / Get Variables From Flash ( .swf)

Feb 1, 2011

is possible to get variable from flash to javascript, php...for example in flash i have :var myVar = 25;how i can get variable ( myVar ) from flash to javascript ( jquery, ajax or php.. )smoething like myJsVar = myVar; ( from flash )or how to list all variables from flash to javascript ( jquery , ajax or php ), and how to set new variables to flash using javascript ( jquery , ajax or other );

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash And Javascript Variables?

Jan 13, 2005

I have a text file at a remote URL which is populated by a javascript statement.The text file looks like this:[code]This loads in the txt file just fine, but it loads in everything.Is there a way for me to lose the "document.write(' 0 ');"and just send the "92" to the dynamic text box?

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Professional :: How To Pass Flash Variables To JavaScript

Aug 25, 2010

How can I pass variables to be used on the page the flash is embed?

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Php :: Javascript - Send Variables To Flash Using Flashvars?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a flash player embedded on page page.php?user=john using swfobject. The player calls the xml file content.php to get the results. I'm trying to get the user name from the url id. and fetch results based on that. I can get the username on page.php by doing $_GET['user'], but how can i pass that to content.php. Having read allot of articles online, i did the following,I'm embedding the flash on page.php using swfobject like this

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {user:"<?php $_GET[user] ?>"};
var so = new SWFObject("<?php echo $index->CFG['site']['url'];?>preview2.swf", "sotester",

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Flash Variables From Javascript

Jul 7, 2004

Does anyone know the correct syntax for setting a variable on _root using Javascript?

The Macromedia site says:

<!-- javascript
movie.SetVariable("/:varname", "varvalue");

However, this notation is quite old. I haven't been able to get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Variables To Javascript Or Html?

Jan 21, 2007

I am makeing a flash css generator to cusomize myspace profiles, I am up to the point where the full css code is generated, and then assigned to a variable. I am trying to make a preview button that will open a new browser window with a sample myspace profile but using the css defined in the flash variable. I can't seen to figure this out, I have found that the only way might be to use fscommands and a javascript gateway, but I am not well versed in javascript. Im at a standstill, I don't want to release my flash program until I have all its features operational, I have spent the last 2 weeks pulling allnighters from concept & design, to deciding features, and everyone who has beta tested for me says it can't compare to the other editors without a preview option. and I agree.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Flash Variables From Javascript?

Jul 7, 2004

Does anyone know the correct syntax for setting a variable on _root using Javascript? The Macromedia site says:

<!-- javascript
movie.SetVariable("/:varname", "varvalue");

However, this notation is quite old. I haven't been able to get it to work.

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Javascript :: Send Variables From Flash, But Unable To Do The Opposite?

Aug 9, 2010

I have this in AS3

var myName:String = "David";
var result:Number ="methodInJS", myName);
trace("Result from JS call is: "+result);


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Replacement Image To Display If Flash Turned Off?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a Flash movie (.swf) file embedded within a webpage.I am looking to have an image display if the user does not have Flash installed or has it turned off.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Interface: Pass Variables To Flash Using Javascript?

Sep 6, 2010

I am looking for a simple and straightfoward example of how I can pass the value of a variable into flash using javascript.Specifically, I'd like to use javascript to pass the filename of an external video file that I would like to load into my flash movie.I'd also like to call a function in the SWF that plays the movie once the filename as been passed to the flash movie.External Inferface looks like the way to goI've found a few decent AS2.0 examples, but converting them to AS3.0 has proven difficult and many of the examples are much too complex for what I am trying to do.

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Flash Intro Turned Into A Banner Without Wait Time

Apr 18, 2010

for some reason my first attempt to post this didn't work so i will try again, and do it better this time... I would like to have a flash intro that then turns into the header/banner (size wise) with my (html) site loading below it. I'm not sure if this is possible or how to go about it, the idea is that it looks very fluid and slick.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Float Is Turned Into A NaN Within Timerevent Function?

Jan 10, 2011

im having some problems pushing the two vars below into a timerupdate function while trying to stop them turning into NANs.

//they are declared private

Im passing 2 floats(vx, vy) into a class, then running a function called

trace("Update:",this.x, this.y ,vx, vy, );


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Flash Variables Through A GetURL Javascript Function Call

Dec 2, 2009

How To Run A Shadowbox Gallery From A Flash getUrl function Call..

This Is What I Have In My Flash:

btn1.onRelease = function() {
getURL("javascript:MyGallery([page1,app1]);", "_self");

I want to be able to declare my arguments in flash like so

var page1 = {
title: 'Google',
player: 'iframe',


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variables Into Javascript Variables

Jun 30, 2009

I am making a simple math quiz game that generates two numbers randomly and then the user has a keypad to enter the answer. I trace not only the real answer to each question but also what the user punches in and I even have it so that it checks to make sure the user's answer is correct.

What I need now is to find a way to export that data into an html page. I think I can do so with php, but I really need it to go into javascript. Does anyone know how I can send this data, either in a string or as integers to Javascript? I believe that the integers would be best.


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Can Dynamic XML Driven Flash Be Accessible?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm being asked if some resources I created can be made accessible. Currently each resource is the exact same launch.swf, but each is pulling from a different xml file. I'm so proud of myself! But now it looks like you can't dynamically generate accessilbe resources. I'm being asked for the alt.text equivalent of various text boxes, while the actual content of each box depends on multiple factors.

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