Javascript :: Resizing Div With Js From Flash Makes Flash Appear To Freeze In Chrome?

Jan 30, 2011

I have flash resizing it's container div by using external interface to call the javascript:[code]Now this appears to work fine in every browser except chrome. For some reason after the div is shrunk back down to size, the flash player looks like it's frozen. It's actually not frozen because if you resize the window the flash player starts playing again and you can see it had made progress since it appeared frozen. This only happens in chrome. Does anyone have any idea why something like this might happen?The site so you can check it out yourself(yes I know it's a broken mess in IE, but I'm kind of ignoring that for now):[code]I've tried different window modes but that doesn't help. The problem is when it resizes the div back down because if I comment that line out the flash never appears to freeze. But I need to be able to resize the div...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing Fullscale Flash In Chrome?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm having a terrible issue with resizing browser window in Google Chrome, while resizing flash gets really glitchy and distorted but it never breaks my site it eventually corrects itself once you stop however on Safari and Firefox it works as intended.

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Javascript :: Flash Variables Are Not Accessible In Chrome When It Is Turned Off

Mar 22, 2011

It appears that the flash variables are not accessible in Chrome when Javascript is turned off. Having said that, Youtube seem to work fine, when I test other sites like it does not seem to work, nor does mine.

I am using the most recent version of Chrome on Windows. Is there anything special that I need to target Chrome, how do I resolve this issue ?

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Flash :: Javascript - $(window).mouseup Handler In A Chrome Extension Is Breaking

Apr 29, 2011

I'm working on a Google Chrome extension that monitors mouse events. For some reason the following javascript code in the extension's content script is causing embedded Flash content to break:


If you mousedown inside a Flash element, it never registers the mouseup and it appears as though you're still holding your mouse button down even though you've let go. At first I thought it was some kind of event bubbling issue, that this method was swallowing the event, so I tried returning true (and false for that matter) but it didn't seem to have any effect.

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Javascript :: JQuery Flash Object Click Event Not Firing In IE Or Chrome?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm just trying to understand a difference between IE, Chrome and Firefox. I have the following code on a page:

$('object').live('click', function(){

I then populate the page with some Flash controls (in my case, I'm using Uploadify). When I click on the Flash control, I see the alert in Firefox 4. However, I do not see the alert in IE8 or Chrome (I havent tested any other browsers).

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Javascript :: Resizing Flash In IE8 Is Buggy

Jan 21, 2011

Problem When resizing a Flash object in IE, it's resize handler incorrectly thinks that only the stage width has been updated. Steps for reproducing the bug You roll over and click a Flash button The button makes an ExternalInterface call to JS. JS resizes Flash among other things. In all non-IE browsers, Flash is notified of the dimension change and executes its resize handler flawlessly. In IE8, the resize handler is called but is only its stage width has been updated. It still believes its height is the same. To finally get IE8's Flash to acknowledge its true height, roll your mouse out of the SWF.


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Javascript :: Deploying A Google Chrome Extension; Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation

Feb 20, 2012

how to best handle the issue of not having enough permission inside of a Google Chrome Extension. I am interacting with the YouTube API, but I am not using swfobject.js, just using am embdeeded div. I do not believe this is introducing my security issue, but perhaps it is. In development, I had to navigate to Adobe's flash player security page and designate my development folder as a 'safe' location. In deployment, I do not have the ability to do this. I do not want my users to have to click 'Allow All' on flash player security, but I do not see another way to achieve my results.Seems to be a duplicate of SWFobject in a Chrome Extension - API Unavaiable but remains unanswered.Source: https:[url].....

To run: Pull from the repo, load up Chrome, click the wrench, go to extension, check 'Developer Tools' -> Load Unpacked Extension and browse to the folder.

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Javascript :: Dynamically Resizing Flash Object To Fill Window?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a Flash/Flex object (Flashlight-VNC), which I would like to dynamically resize to fit the entire window after pressing a button in the Flex app. This would preferably happen without restarting the Flex app (and therefore the VNC session). I would just use the built-in Flash fullscreen mode, however Adobe's somewhat silly security restrictions prevent keyboard input while in fullscreen mode.

How exactly can I do this? I'm already using SWFObject to embed the SWF, if that helps. I am open to any solution utilizing ActionScript, JavaScript, or both, however I am not all too familiar with ActionScript or Flex, and the AS-based solutions I have found involve extending a "Sprite" object to add resize functionality, which Flashlight-VNC does not seem to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A Custom Chrome AIR App

Dec 4, 2009

I decided to go ahead an use a custom chrome for my AIR app just because it looks nicer. The problem is, whenever anything is drawn outside of where the physical stage area is inside of flash, it doesn't get drawn. So I just figured out the resize, and then of course I can't scale it up because everything outside of that 550x400 rectangle disappears. This is pretty annoying. Is there any way to get around it?

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Javascript :: Why Does SWFObject Work In Chrome Yet Not IE / FF

Sep 23, 2010

Am I using the code improperly or is there a flaw in SWFObject? If you go to the URL below you can see that it the flash file (an MP3 player) shows up perfectly fine in Chrome. However, in both Firefox and IE8 it loads a blank white box. If you mouse over the box the pointer changes to a hand as if its registering the buttons, just not actually displaying them. Link: [URL] (MP3 player should be displaying in the right-hand empty column)

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Actionscript 3 :: Javascript Callback In Chrome

Jun 18, 2011

I'm making a callback from javascript to a method on my swf. It works in Firefox with no problems, but in chrome the second parameter that's passed is always received as null? I've debugged my javascript and found that everything is working fine and the two values that are passed to the swf are correct at the point where the callback to the swf is made. At first i thought this might be a cross domain issue, but have ruled that out as if it were the case then the method on swf would just not be called at all. The second value is a binary string representation of an image and the length of the string that is passed is 101601, so i'm wondering whether there's possibly a limitation on the amount of data that can be passed? The first parameter is a much smaller string representing the file type and this always gets received successfully.


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Javascript :: Swf Positioning Is Not Contained On Page, In Chrome?

Dec 20, 2011

This is a simple page I am trying to add a .swf to, with a small custom made js function I slapped up. With chrome the swf is pushed up and out of the navigator window and is missing the top half.

I have tried this quick and dirty approach to detect browser and set the proper background values for each browser:

var browser = BrowserDetect.browser;
var height = '';
var width = '';
switch (browser){


For the movie size in the embed tag: I have tried percents, I have tried pixels, quite a few different combinations. There is always at least one browser that chokes no matter how I set it. Right now it is chrome that chokes. Does anyone knowing the trick to these parameters mind clueing me in on a proper efficient method to integrate a .swf?

Maybe the outer html code is not properly structured and causes this? I am not specialised integration, I am mostly a back-ender, tried a few solutions online but this custom .js that sets values for <nosript> is the only way I managed to get this close to working crossbrowser.

My question basically, what are the clean efficient ways used by integrators to integrate swf cross browser, and is my approach workable if I set proper values?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8: Character Won't Freeze?

Jul 21, 2010

I am currently developing a platform game. The hero is controlled by the player using the following script:

code: /onClipEvent (load) {
var ground:MovieClip = _root.ground;
var grav:Number = 0;


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Javascript :: Detect If Native FlashBlock Is Enabled In Chrome (and Others)?

May 17, 2011

Chrome has bundled a "native" flashblock for a while, as has the android browser. swfobject reports that the flash player is available, even if the block is enabled for all sites. All I want to do is detect that a user is using native flashblock, and provide some messaging. Certain services, like the Facebook JS SDK, do not work without flash enabled for cross-domain communication, and do not provide methods of detecting failure. I know how to detect an extension/plugin like the original flashblock, but the native version does not appear in the navigator.plugins list.

Is there a way to detect if a user is running with a native flashblock enabled?

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Flash :: Photoshop Freeze Temporarily During Save?

Oct 30, 2011

I am using Flash and Photoshop CS5 for a college (HND) project (by which I mean, a single document for a Flash portfolio) and, Flash in particular, they keep appearing to freeze (i.e. they temporarily show as "Not Responding") whenever I save and take forever to save. My computer is quite low spec. (I intend to get another high-spec one but until that point) and possibly insufficient for what I am trying to run. However, I have only recently started having this problem and the saving is so slow that it is hampering my development of the project..
Is there at least a short-term solution to this? I really need to get on with the project and I can't when it's running like this. Flash also occasionally crashes so I can't risk not saving it regularly as I could lose work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Freeze On A No Sound Card PC?

Jan 12, 2011

we'd made a flash site which was working fine on normal pc and mac and on all kind of browsers, but we discovered if the pc has no sound card, the flash will freeze after loaded, we tried some other flash sites, some of them also cannot run without a sound card but some can, is there any script we need to add to avoid this problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Firefox Freeze Whenever Flash Error Happens?

May 19, 2011

I have the newest firefox and the flash debug version. Whenever there is an flash error happen, the error message window popup, and then my firefox freeze immediately. It seems like the problem only happen on debug version of flash. I searched online, people said change the Code:dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs to -1 will fix the problem, but I tried, it doesn't really fix it. Anyone know anything I could try to fix it?

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Javascript :: GetElementById Not Working In Google Chrome Extension For <embed>

Mar 8, 2011

In my Google Chrome extension content script I have the following:


I'm using Chrome version 10.0.648.127 on a Mac, but I also tried it on a PC with the same results

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Javascript :: Building An Online Slideshow / Presentation That Tracks And Makes Sure Visitor Is Actually Going Through The Whole Thing

Feb 2, 2011

I am trying to build an online teach tool that shows a presentation/slideshow. It needs to have the ability to track and make sure users are staying through the whole process. The client used this example to show me what they were looking for visually:[URL] Now, I let them know that with a flash video, there would really be no way to do any sort of tracking. What I envision is creating a multi page slideshow which has you click next for the next page. This "next" button would use some sort of javascript to enable the next button after a specified amount of time. A person would be logged in during this, so every-time the person moves on to next slide, I would track their process in the database. My question is, is there any better ways to do this tracking. Also, doing simple animations like cursor movements etc, can really only be accomplished well by using flash I assume? They mentioned using voice over etc.

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Professional :: Large Photos Freeze Flash Player?

Jul 23, 2010

This was working with Flash 10, but 10.1 kills it  I am not sure if its the server or client side that makes it freeze.
import flash.display.BitmapData
var aScene:Array = []


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Scripts Causing Flash Intro Animation To Freeze

Apr 8, 2012

When my Flash website loads, it freezes halfway through the initial animation for 2-3 seconds and then continues. Am thinking it is one of the scripts in index.html and have tried all sorts of ways to correct it -[code]...

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Flash :: Firefox - Ubuntu: Videos In Fullscreen Freeze

Nov 24, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 on my IBM X200t. Installed is the standard flash player plugin for Firefox: (flashplugin-nonfree, Everytime I switch a flash video to fullscreen, the video freezes. However, the video continues to play and I hear sound. How can I fix this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Interface / Javascript Call Working In IE / Safari Not FF / Chrome

Apr 24, 2011

I'm hitting a brick wall here, and it's driving me mad. Used to use ExternalInterface to call Flash functions from Javascript all the time, and now under CS5 (and the way it uses object id's instead of embed in html) it's stopped working for me in certain browsers. I put together a really simple program that has the person click a link in the browser that activates a javascript function that simply sends some text in to Flash to display in a TextArea. Here's the as3 code:


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Professional :: Flash AS3 Animations Freeze When Embedded In PowerPoint 2007

Jan 25, 2012

I am developing a product for schools including flash animations - swf files written in AS3 - for insert/embed into PowerPoint slideshows. Hundreds of customers are waiting. It is all working apart from one problem: when inserted/embedded in PowerPoint 2007 slideshows my animations freeze (sometimes) when you leave and return to a PowerPoint slide containing them.

I have found that when you show a PP2007 slide containing a flash movie, move on to the next slide and then return, (sometimes) the time-related Events (ENTER_FRAME, TIMER etc) have stopped being dispatched to AS3 code by Flash Player, freezing animations. Other Events such as MOUSE_MOVE, KEY_DOWN etc are dispatched to AS3 in random bursts. I have created a small flash program and PowerPoint slideshow to demonstrate the problem and put them on the web at: [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Google Chrome Suppresses Loader Complete Event When JavaScript Disabled?

Jun 25, 2011

I was having an issue with a Flash AS3 SWF Preloader stalling in Google Chrome only, Mac or PC, when JavaScript is disabled. It's fine with JavaScript. I diagnosed that the contentLoaderInfo Event.COMPLETE was not being fired. The successful workaround was to use the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS to check when the bytesLoaded >= bytesTotal. This worked OK in a relatively simple Flash application, however I also have an MP3 player, using a loaded XML file, MP3s, a thumbnail and other images. I am reluctant to plunge into the same workaround without first asking the question - when the bytesLoaded >= bytesTotal IS THIS THE SAME AS Event.COMPLETE? Or could I be faced with an error when trying to access either the or (depending on using loader or URLLoader class as required) to get the object in question?

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Html :: Iframe With Menu Drop Down On Top Of Flash Makes Flash Unclickable

Dec 6, 2010

I've made a site where an iframe calls to a top navigation element, with a javascript drop down menu. I have it working where the menu drops over a center flash element, but even when the menu is not "dropped" - any element in that area on the flash does not respond to clicks.

I've changed z indexes, and now i cant seem to get the flash file to even be ontop of the iframe -

heres a link


heres the code -

<div id="wrapper"><center>
<div id="headerwrap">


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Flash 10 :: Not Work Correctly In Chrome And Will Ultimately Crash The Flash Player

Jan 20, 2012

If you set a .swf with wmode transparent mode and register the Event.RESIZE in it. It will not work correctly in Chrome and will ultimately crash the Flash Player. Of course same thing in FF, EI or any other browser works like a charm. Setting wmode to window fixes the problem but anyone knows a work around with wmode set to transparent?

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Javascript :: Html - Resizing SWFs?

Feb 9, 2012

My client wants a silly intro page where, onClick, doors to a warehouse open into the warehouse itself (redirect into the website). I created a 1920 x 1174 SWF that does just so. It can be seen here. As you will notice, the backdrop of the warehouse and sky are included in the SWF. Just a minor question: is there a better way to do that? One thought was to crop the sky out of the SWF and make the animation smaller so it could be centered with CSS on the intro page. Then make the background-image the sky.

My big problem is the resizing. My (possibly ignorant) assumption is that if I make the SWF really large, it can be scaled down for different resolutions and the aspect ratio kept. I have tried both of the suggestions at www aleosoft com/flashtutorial_autofit.html and they wildly distort my SWF (which can be seen here). Is this because of my publishing settings?


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Javascript :: Use HTML/JavaScript And Flash To Build An Desktop AIR Application And Publish It From Flash?

Feb 16, 2011

Is it possible to make desktop Air application by using HTML/JavaScript and Flash?Actually I want to make an Air app (which is for desktop) by using flash and want to use HTML , javascript and CSS as well.Is it possible ?

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Javascript :: Resizing Street View Object?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a (flex) app that, on the click of a button, resize a div (in javascript) at the bottom of the page and shows your position in google street view in it.

The things is that if I open the browser at 80% of width, click on the button and then maximize the window, the div won't take 100% of width. I have a function that his being called 'onResize' on the body tag of the page, but it doesn't seems to work. Here is the code :

function handleResize()
<body onResize="handleResize()">

How can I achieve the auto-resize of the street view? There must be a specific id for that object so that we could get it by javascript, but I haven't found it.

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