Javascript :: Flex ExternalInterface Not Firing In Safari (works Everwhere Else)?

Aug 7, 2010

I know there have been other questions on getting JavaScript / Flex ExternalInterface to play nicely, but I've what I think is a weird one. It works perfectly in every browser except Safari (on a Mac). Chrome, IE, Firefox - all ok, but Safari, nope it just wont fire.I've copied my code below, can anyone see why it doesn't work in Safari pls ?(the 'are you sure' dialog window appears in Safari but the method in the Flex app just doesn't get called)

Flex code :


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Javascript :: Full Browser Flash Works In Safari 5 But Not Firefox 3.6

Dec 7, 2010

Can anyone give me a clue as to why this markup works fine in Safari, but not in Firefox?This should load an ugly blue placeholder (which I get in safari) but in Firefox, swfobject just gives me the alternative content.[code]

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Javascript :: Embed Works In Firefox And Safari, But Not In Internet Explorer 8?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a flash-based ad that displays/hides based on some javascript. It works in Firefox, Safari, Chrome ... but not in Internet Explorer 8. This is for donations to a non-profit during the holiday season,

<div class="grid_12 alpha omega">
<script type="text/javascript">


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Javascript :: ExternalInterface. Addcallback Works Locally, But Not On Server?

Nov 9, 2010

Mainly because I have it ALWAYS working locally, when I test in a browser, but the moment I deploy to a server it stops working.

I've added trace commands and confirmed that ExternalInterface is in fact available before adding the callback, and an alert command in the javascript method correctly identifies the flash object. I also checked and allowscriptaccess is set to 'always'.

Could it have something to do with the flash being served on a remote server?

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Flash :: Javascript :: ExternalInterface Works With Embed Tag But Not With Object Tag

Sep 19, 2011

The "modern" updated way to embed a flash object, according to Adobe:


Then it works on Firefox and Chrome (the AS function is called and works properly) - (it doesn't work in IE though). How come it doesn't work with an object tag? How "safe" it is to use the embed tag instead of the object tag? Is it not obsolete? Note, that it is definitely not a timing issue - If I call the AS function from JS from an onclick function - then the results are the same.

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Javascript :: Use Flex's ExternalInterface With IFrames?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a simple html doc with a flex app and an iframe side-by-side (using a 1x2 table).There is a button in the flex app that, when clicked, sets the "src" property of the iframe to a URL by using the method to call a javascript function "doNavClick(url)".Or that's the idea.When I comment out the iframe object declaration in the html, the call to doNavClick works (I pop up an alert to test)....yet when the iframe declaration is present, it doesn't even receive the call. It's as if the iframe has somehow broken the call dispatching mechanism.Is there a workaraound for this?The problematic code is as follows:

--- Main.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""


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Javascript :: Flex ExternalInterface Callback?

Dec 5, 2011


public function callFromJavaScript():String
return "1";
public function init():void {


I have no clue wich one are crossbrowser compatible (cant install IE to test out)I have tried multiple but i cant get them to work(in any browser), im probably using the wrong id, ive been trial & erroring for a couple of hours but i don't have anything working.(i heard there was a problem with ExternalInterface.addCallback on a local file system?, should i upload the swf? < is the flex code right& problem = javascript/html side?)

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JavaScript :: Does ExternalInterface In Flex 3 Have Data Size Limitation?

Dec 7, 2009

I am using the ExternalInterface on Flex 3. We are actually using flex to compress a large amount of DOM data, so this is specifically being used with LARGE data. To further investigate, if there is a limitation, is this universal? (IE. Silverlight) First, let me state that this is being done with an application that was made by inexperienced software engineers. This is an app that we need to buy time by compressing the data so that we can build a long-term solution. We have no other options, unfortunately. Background: This is an application that is actually a web-spreadsheet. Our long term solution is to make a Office Business Application.

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Javascript :: How Could The FLEX ExternalInterface.available Check Fail But Still Be Unavailable

Mar 23, 2012

We have several flash objects written in FLEX and being rendered inside a single HTML page.We are using javascript to communicate between the objects and perform other page related operations.

Execution Flow:

In the creationComplete event of the FLEX code of our objects we execute the following (pseudo-ish) code:
if (ExternalInterface.available) {


Sometimes the last javascript function outlined is never called. When this happens none of the error alerts appear, the final code is just not executed but everything up to this point has executed successfully.

This happens about 1/100+ times in Chrome/Firefox

This happens about 1/10 times in IE8

This happens about 9/10 times in IE7 (full disclosure - the only machine we have to use for testing this is also much slower)

Since the problem is intermittent and becomes more apparent in slower browsers/machines my suspicion is that it is timing related. If I stop the first flex 'intiailize' call from happening until I click a button in the UI instead of automatically on what is essentially 'creationComplete' everything ALWAYS works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Safari 4.0.3 (Snow Leopard) ExternalInterface Crash

Sep 6, 2009

The ExternalInterface callbacks on several sites that I've setup have begun crashing the new Safari shipping with Snow Leopard.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Java ExternalInterface Doesn't Communicate With Swf In Firefox & Safari?

Aug 5, 2010

I have two swf files: swf_sender and swf_receiver. The swf_sender controls the swf_receiver via java script.Everything works fine in IE however, the swf_receiver doesn't receive communication from java script if openned by Safari or Firefox.The first part of communication: swf_sender - Java works ok (I tested it with alert() in Java) in all browsers.Here is my Java interface code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function getFlashMovie(movieName) {


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Javascript :: Run In Flex Mobile Project - Error #2067: The ExternalInterface Is Not Available In This Container

Dec 21, 2011

From what Ive seen, most of the examples of using Javascript in Flex are designed for for the full desktop version (or for the browser) and not Flex mobile. For example using ExternalInterface in a Flex mobile project gives the error: Error: Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime. Is it possible to call Javascript (such as the Google Maps Javascript API) in a Flex mobile project?

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Javascript :: Flex - Works On Bin-debug, But Not On Deployed Server?

Feb 18, 2010

My Flex application is successfully calling functions in a JavaScript file through the ExternalInterface class when these are in the bin-debug folder and the JS file is located in the same directory as the Flex app.But when I test the Flex app on the server, it is not interacting with the JavaScript. The only difference I can find is that on the remote server the JS file is being pulled in from a URL, instead of locally. The JS file URL is in the same domain as the Flex application, therefore I don't think this is a cross-domain issue. What am I missing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working In Safari , Works Fine In Firefox?

Feb 21, 2010

my site is comprised of several images loaded dynamically and added to the display list. i declare a bunch of loaders on the first frame, and add a preloader progress listener to the largest image to have one preloader for all the assets. I then added a COMPLETE listener to the same image, and add that image, along with all the others in the onComplete function. i have two issue. the preloader doesnt work in Safari. but works fine in Firefox? and i'm totally stumped on what it could be? another compatibility issue that seems to be arising is that one of the galleries of my site which corresponds to the "drawn" link. also does not seem to be working in Safari, but works in Firefox. its a fairly simple xml based image gallery, which loads thumbs on to the stage, and then loads a larger version of each, when the corresponding thumbnail is clicked. the other galleries of the site work fine in safari, and are basically the same code wise.heres my code for the loading and preloader in the first frame

import caurina.transitions.*;


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Actionscript 3 :: ExternalInterface Works In IE But Not Firefox?

Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to execute an AS3 function from my javascript using the ExternalInterface. Seems to work fine in IE, but firefox is always returning javascript error method undefined.

I have been Googling this for ages and eliminated the following possibilities:

1) Some people say you need to have an embed tag inside your object tag, so added one - no luck.

2) Many people say that you need to make sure that your flash is loaded before calling the javascript. Well my call is after pressing a link on the page. I am always using the flash application first and only pressing the link at the end.

3) Then I thought that maybe it is a security problem so added the following:

try {
ExternalInterface.addCallback("test", testing);
trace("added callback");


I am running the latest Firefox and FlashPlayer 10.

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Javascript :: IE Onbeforeunload Not Firing ExtenralInterface Callback

Feb 12, 2010

I have a Flash movie embeded with swfobject in a html container. Through ExternalInterface I have registered a javascript function to fire callback to my flash app.

ExternalInterface.addCallback("notifyClose", notifyOnClose );

The javascript function is added as an event listerner to fire onbeforeunload.

<script language="JavaScript">
function getSWF(movieName) {
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1){


I have tested in FF and IE. Firefox works as expected but not in IE. In IE I get notified in Flash with the onload message, but not onbeforeunload.

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Javascript :: Flash Via Iframe In Safari Is Breaking?

Dec 21, 2011

I'm trying to load an iframe into a div via ajax. The iframe serves Flash content.

There are four divs (above each other) with the same Flash-through-iframe implementation, and I show and hide these divs to correspond with the user's navigation. This works well, except in Safari. I triple-checked my JavaScript that toggles the divs (using display: none and display: show), but it doesn't work in Safari.

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Javascript :: Mouseup Event Over Flash Object Not Firing?

Apr 8, 2011

I have got this script working from How to get mouseup to fire once mousemove complete working within the jQuery (document) scope.Later on I added a flash object inside the body.and when I click on the flash object the mousedown event fired, mousemove event fired, but not the mouseup event which where I want to unbind the mousemove. But when I click on non Flash area, mousedown works, mousemove works, and mouseup also works. It works like I wanted it to in Chrome, but not in Firefox.Here are the codes, and I called handleMouseDown in $(document).ready

handleMouseDown: function () {
jQuery(document).mouseup(function() {


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JavaScript :: Flash - Safari Displays Source Instead Of Executing

Feb 24, 2010

I have a web application that has javscript interspersed through the page. What happens is that safari will dump the source of the javascript code instead of executing it. I can reproduce this consistently. The page is a mashup of different forms of content: It loads flash videos using osflv and is generated via a php script on the server side. In addition the page also contains calls to Google Map's API to display a map. The content is placed in separate tabs using javascript to provide tab interaction. I am also using mootools, and not sure if that is potentially causing issues.

Here are the javascript includes:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mootools-1.2.1-core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mootools-1.2-more.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/sifr.js"></script>
[Code] .....

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Javascript :: Sending A Array Not Working In Safari For Windows

Jan 28, 2011

I am sending over a JavaScript Array to ActionScript. The JavaScript code is as follows:


When I run this on Safari for Windows, arrayInput is null. However, this method works fine in Safari for Mac, IE, FF, Chrome, and the variable holds the actual array.

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Flash :: Javascript - JQuery Resize Twitch In Safari?

May 10, 2011

having a problem while resizing a flash object using jquery in Safari only on the following site:[URL]..When you navigate around I call javascript events when the flash object needs to change height and when that happens there is a quick flash where everything goes crazy and then it goes back to normal. Really weird, and I cannot figure out how to fix it.[URL]...

Let me know if you need any more info. I have drawn a blank fixing this one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hyperlinks Don't Work In Safari When Javascript Is Deactivated

Feb 8, 2011

I've got a hyperlink with the target "_self" embedded in a text field and a hyperlink created with navigateToURL:

function callLink(event:MouseEvent):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlString);
try {


BTW: Using "_blank" as the target works in all browsers with deactivated Javascript.

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Javascript :: Flash - Get A VAR With ExternalInterface?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to use the function in my ActionScript(2.0) to get a javascript var value set in the wrapping document. The following seems to work in FireFox and in Chrome but, naturally, it does not work in IE(8). getting the value stored at this variable?

var linkPath ="function(){return window.customLinkLocation;}", null);


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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Not Working In Ie9

Feb 6, 2012

I am having problems with External interface and IE9. The swf objects play fine but none of the information input is transferred to the cookies that should be set. I have seen that there are other questions similar to this but have not been able to solve my problem using them. THis is the html we are using

<div id="flashcentre">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"data="http://workingflashlink" width="600" height="450">


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Professional :: ExternalInterface To Javascript/Html ?

Aug 4, 2010

AdobeTV showed a way to allow Flash to "talk" to an HTML page via javascript using the ExternalInterface method. There seems to be a catch. You need to use the ID of the swf in the parameters to have it all fit together and you can only put the ID="swf" into the IE section of the Dreamweaver generated javascript or into the non-IE section. Putting it in both didn't work and the author mentioned only putting in one of them specifically.Is there a way to do this that would work in both sets of generated Javascript?

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Javascript :: ExternalInterface.addCallback Is Not Working?

Nov 4, 2009

This is my AC3 code

private function uploadet( dosya:String ):void {
var uploader:URLRequest = new URLRequest(dosya);


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Javascript :: Linking Flash To OOP Using ExternalInterface?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm looking to call a flash method from a method in javascript and recieve a result:Example:Flash -

ExternalInterface.addCallback("getProgress", getProgress) // Javascript to flash
public function getProgress():void {"getProgress", progress); // Send progress back to javascript from


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Javascript :: ExternalInterface On Loadup With FireFox?

Jun 10, 2010

I have an issue with my ExternalInterface. The way it is currently set up is, on the page load up, a boolean is set to true in JavaScript and then checked by ActionScript constructors (using a timer) until it is true. This marks that JavaScript is ready to get calls from AS3.

At this point, AS3 will add the callback and do some internal stuff, and at the end of the constructor I call JavaScript. So far so good. JavaScript will at this point call a function in AS3 (that was defined in the callback described above), and this is where it all messes up.

On IE this works perfectly fine. On FireFox though, it does not. When I debug it, I see that the javascript function is called but when it tries to call AS3, nothing happens. I also tried to add a timer, but for some reason the function STILL executes straight away (in IE).


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Javascript :: Can't Get ExternalInterface.addCallback To Work?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to use ExternalInterface.addCallback to allow js to call an as3 method. My code is as follows:


ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendToActionscript", callFromJavaScript);

function callFromJavaScript():void{
circle_mc.gotoAndStop("finish"); [code]....

It's not working. What am I doing wrong?

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Actionscript 3 :: ExternalInterface Not Linking Javascript

Jan 25, 2011

None of the similar answered questions fixed my problem, so here it goes. I want to call actionscript 3 function from JavaScript but in FF error console it says that the function I'm calling from JS does not exist. It says functions mover and mout are not defined. Here is the JS functions in JS file


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