Javascript :: Set Cookie To Redirect If Page Has Already Been Visited?

Sep 10, 2011

Before Entering my site, I have a flash intro that is played, and now, I want to know how I can make it so that if the intro page has already been seen, that it does not show it next time, until the cookie expires or is deleted.

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Javascript :: Redirect To A Html Page When Site Opens In Non Flash Browser

Feb 29, 2012

How do I redirect to a html page when my flash site opens in non-flash browser?

Here is the code I am curently using

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/77east.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = 'ebrowser.html'</script>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect If Page Has Been Visited?

Mar 1, 2011

Am developing a website in joomla and have a .swf file loading for the banner of each page depending on which page id is passed via the url. Basically i have a default banner and on certain pages i have a different .swf loading. This is done with php. Now what i want is to use actionscript to detect if a page has been visited - if it has then set the movie to a still frame so the movie only runs once when the page is visited . I came across a script which allows me do this

//initialize the shared object � get it if it exists on this computer
var my_so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("visited", "/");
//check to see if the visited info object exists and act accordingly
if ( != undefined) {


This is great and works well for the default .swf but i need scripts for my other .swf files that will detect if a visitor has been to these pages or that these .swf files have run.

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Flash :: .net - Read Cookie From Javascript Or ASP.Net?

Oct 27, 2010

We have a flash video that was created for our project, we dont the source so we have to work around the compiled flash file. We are going to host the video on our domain and the video creates a sol cookie (flash cookie) file to store how far the user has proceeded though the video. So my plan is to access this cookie to see how far the user has progressed and then fire an event when they have finished the movie.

I have been googling for some help but haven't found to much. I have found out that its possible to do in javascript and I have found some .net sol file viewers but haven't seen any examples I can get my mind around.

I have watched the traffic that gets created with fiddler and every time the next button is clicked a new request is fired with the swt file that is being accessed. I would also be happy with tracking every time one of these swt files has been accessed as well.

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Javascript :: Hide / Remove Div When Cookie Is Set?

Aug 29, 2011

I am working to add a transparent flash video to a site of a person walking out. The problem is that I don't want the video to play every time the home page is loaded, so I set a 24hr cookie that if detected the div containing the video is set to hide. This works perfectly in Google Chrome and FF, the problem is in IE the div is apparently hidden because you cannot see the video but the audio of the video is still heard. Perhaps there is a different way to do this then the way I am going about it and maybe even a way to do a remove instead of hide?[code]...

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Flash :: Javascript - Read First Party Cookie?

Nov 15, 2010

Is it possible to read first party cookies from flash?It should be noted that we have complete access to javascript via the ExternalInterface class.So, now the question is - can we access first party cookie from javascript? Our javascript code will be loaded by a website which is not hosted by us. This makes the cookies created by that website - first party cookies. How can we access these "first" party cookies?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Javascript Cookie Reading Not Working?

Apr 8, 2009

I've got a problem setting and getting a cookie value it doesn't seem to be doing either one:

In Frame 1 I have this script


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Flash :: Javascript - Intercept A Based Url Redirect?

Aug 3, 2011

We have some older Flash and Flex files that someone before me lost the original files on. Now they want to add event tracking when some links inside the SWFs are clicked that use the old navigateToURL type ActionScript. Does anyone know if you can intercept that action with JavaScript so I can add the tracking they want before it redirects the page?

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CS3 Redirect An Flv To Another Html Page

Jul 29, 2009

i'm an motion-graphics designer, who had experience with flash only this was 8 year's ago. I'm not a programmer so I allways had people around me who could do the flash things. So I absolutely have no idea how it works.

Now i'm making a website, with an swf which play's an flv. The flv can be paused etc. now is my question, after the flv is played I want this to redirect to for example index2.html where are a couple of links. and from that page you can go to the next.

I've seen on the web a lot of reactions about this question, people say use the but that's not gonna work for me now.. Because i have set the design up this way (picture in swf which say's ichap etc, with a black solid where the video is been played).

Playerdiy does what i want's but i wanna have my swf design what I used here: [URL] this is with playerdiy: [URL]

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Professional :: Url Redirect To A New Page?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a Flash Movie that when you click on a image it's suppose to redirect you to a new page but it has been opening it in a new tab, heres my code:

mc.onPress = function():Void  {
if (getTimer()-this.pressTime<=ClickRegister && this.pressTime) {
getURL(infostruc[current-1].artUrl, "_blank");
//button actions

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Flash :: Redirect To Page In

Dec 14, 2009

i am using one swf file.on click i have some background process.after finish the process i want to redirect to particular page.but its not working.what should i do to redirect to page.i am using

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Javascript :: Switching A Flash Video Player's Color Scheme Based On Set Cookie

May 3, 2011

I've got a web site up and running that allows the user to choose a dark or light color scheme

But on the project detail pages, there are Flash videos that also change slightly based on which color scheme is selected.


If you start playing the video, and change color schemes, the flash player will change to the right color, but on refreshing, it doesn't remember that change. How do I modify to code below so that the Flash player reads the correct color scheme and takes action?

Pertinant code is here (full JS file is here:
//Switches color of Flash Video player on detail pages
function updateColor(color) {


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Redirect To A New Html Page After Flv File Is Done?

Aug 6, 2009

1 -I have a flv file on one frame.I imported my video and CS3 added it to my library.I change parameters to autoplay and autorewind. This is on one frame.My flv file name is  movie.flv

2- When this is done playing I want it to automatically go to main.html

3-I read a previous answer on this that gives the following code which I inserted right on the same frame that my flv is loaded.I named the instance name of this flv as "flv"

It isn't working.Here is the code I picked up on previous forum:So I put this on the frame where the flv is loaded which is scene 2 frame 1 and instance name of flv.

function completeF(e:Event){
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("main.html"));

Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler .The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded.I can't add a get URL code because it is a flv on one frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To A Different Page On Click?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a text object, which I've converted to a symbol (specifically a button, as intuition tells me this is what I would want).

Anyway, I want to make it so that when the user clicks on the button, it redirects them to a page on my website.

Now, I understand that I should be using navigateToURL(new URLRequest("sitegoeshere"));

but I can't figure out how to make it conditional so that it DOESNT execute that code until the user clicks on the object in the frame that the code is attached to.

One other problem as well is that as it is, when it gets to the recirect code, I get a popup saying that flash has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. How do I make it so that it doesn't simply deny the running of that code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Redirect To Html Page?

Oct 9, 2005

I have one html page for intro that using flash and doing some animation..ok what I want do to redirect this page to index.html contain no flash as soon as the intro was done...without clicking the button to enter the index.html

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Javascript :: Code To Redirect To Another Domain If Flash Player Is Installed

Feb 17, 2011

I actually have two websites on the same domain. say, for example[URL]..flashsite contain the website that is fully flash based while the other is an html based with no flash. what i want is that, if somebody visits my url on [URL]..the javascript should first detect if the plugin is installed in his browser. if yes, then it should take me directly to the "flashsite" folder, and if not, then it should, by default, load the html website.

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Javascript :: Runtimes In Plupload - Redirect Users To A Download Link

Jan 30, 2012

I understand that PlUpload supports several runtimes (html5, html4, gears, flash, etc). But most browsers now a days support flash. And most other file uploaders (namely: uploadify, fancy upload, to name afew) would function via a combination of javascript and flash. And the same file uploaders only support ONE runtime, which is flash. Even if the flash player plugin is not installed. A developer can easily integrate flash detection tools and redirect users to a download link. Which is most common for several sites.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To Page In Same Directory Of Site

Jul 25, 2009

I have 1 menu them it use an action script for redirect the answer by the user. For example I used the script :
on (release) {
In this case the request is ""Http"" ....but, if must call one page present in the directory of my site for example:
This menu for call the page on his directory, what action script I must use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To An Html Page On Submit?

Jan 24, 2011

I have this form and I would like when people click the submit btn, to be redirected to an html landing page. I'm not sure if I need to modify the php or the action script or both. Does anyone know how to do this


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Ruby On Rails :: Redirect To A New Page From A Swf File?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a swf file, which handels some xml data. After that process complets I am giving the data back to my rails server. My problem is, that any redirection in my rails app is handed ower to the swf file and the actual displayed page remains the same!

How can I perform a redirection in my webpage from a swf flash file.

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Flash :: If Not Installed Then How To Redirect To An HTML Page

Feb 18, 2011

I want in my Flex app to redirect to an HTML page if the user doesn't have Flash installed. I noticed in the HTML generated by Flash it has:


Which displays generic message about not having flash. I know I can put HTML there to be displayed if Flash doesn't exist but I don't want to load the HTML if it's not need (case when Flash is installed) so I thought the best way is to redirect to an HTML page if flash doesn't exist.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Redirect Page After A Long Flv Plays?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm new here and I have a question regarding flv's.

I have an flv file of an interview and I want to have the user go to another site after watching the interview. Sort of like a getURL on the last keyframe, but when I imported the flv into flash, I only get one frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Redirect To Html Page Using Flash?

Aug 7, 2006

what's the action script in an flash that will redirects the html page after the flash has ended 5 second. It will redirect into the page that is in the same target folder example: the flash is in index.html and it will redirect to home.html after the flash end.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ruby Controller Won't Redirect Page With Flash?

Oct 15, 2008

i am trying to build a site using ruby on rails and flash. i am trying to build a login page and i have my flash component with two text fields for user name and password. when the submit button is pressed, it sends the login info typed in to the text fields to the ruby controller via xml through a URLLoader. the controller then looks at this info and determines if it is correct or not and if it is, then it attempts to redirect the page in the view to another part of the website.

this is where the problem comes in. when the page is being redirected, it gets stuck and just says "transfering data from host" at the bottom but never redirects the page. this is all still on a local machine so it is not some sort of communication problem with the server. also if i replace the flash component with plain html it will redirect just fine. in addition to this, if i make it redirect from withen the flash component using navigateToURL that will work as well. the information is also getting sent correctly because it is setting off a COMPLETE event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Url Redirect From Aspx Page To A Flex Application

Jul 11, 2011

I have an application where the home page is an aspx page. It redirects to the flex application with authentication information in the url. The problem here is, if a guy copies the link for the flex application (which appears in the browser after redirection) and pastes it again, he will be able to access it. Is there some way to prevent this? That is, can we check whether the link was redirected from aspx or copy pasted?

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Flex :: Link Be Provided In Alert Box To Redirect To Another Page ?

Jul 21, 2011

I need to provide a link (like Click here to view.....) in a AlertBox that redirects to another page.

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Html :: Automatically Redirect To Website Home Page?

Aug 5, 2011

in that task i have to make one website intro and have to run with html page. that i know haw to do it. and i have done with this part.

but now i have to do one thing that is. when my intro is completed then page will automatically redirect to website home page.

is it possible then page will be redirect without single click. if yes then how.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect To Html Page On Mouse Click

Jun 17, 2010

I have created a map using flash and I converted each region from the map into a symbol.Also I implemented on flash level the up, over and down "events" for each region in part.After that, I try to implement the event for "hit" (I guess that it is similar with onClick event).The thing what I want to happen is to redirect me at specific page of that region.How can I implement the click method on a part of whole image?

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IDE :: Redirect To New Page Fails After Flash Post To Server?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a rails app that embeds a swf. The swf takes user input and posts to the server. For testing purposes, the controller is just redirecting the browser back to another pagewithout processing the data. Interestingly, after the post, the server log and the firebug log shows what clearly looks like a successful redirect (200) showing the correct URL GET, but the browser does not actually move to the new page and is stuck on the same page with the flash app. Same behavior occurs in both Firefox and Safari.

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Auto-play "on" When First Visited, "off" When Page Is Revisited

Jul 15, 2009

I am an .swf movie on a homepage header and I would like to:

-Autoplay when someone first visits

-NOT autoplay when that same visitor has been to another site page and returns to the homepage
My last frame has a "replay" button and that is where I would like to go when I am revisited for a second time (when a variable is present?)

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