Javascript :: Generate Graphics Into Photoshop ?

Apr 20, 2010

I've a text file with content like this:

id, pixelsize, color, text
block1, 200x60, black, Header
block2, 200x180, white, Body[code]....

I want to generate a psd file which would generate a 3 vertical block graphics (like this) after parsing the given file. All the blocks are placed vertically on top of each other. Convert this psd file into PDF automatically using the script.Automate this whole process without opening photoshop. Is it possible?

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var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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var url:String = "";var urlR:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);urlL = new URLLoader();urlR.contentType = "text/plain"; = "var=something";urlL.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,


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Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container.
ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime. Is there some special ActiveX plugin for IE8 that I need? I've checked to make sure activeX control was inabled in my browser.

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Mar 26, 2012

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Make A Rounded Corner Box In Photoshop CS?

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IDE :: Importing Photoshop Files Into Flash?

Mar 25, 2010

Well I have been having a major problem for the past four days. I imported 1 photoshop file into flash, everything was okay. I tried to import the others and an error message appeared stating that flash has crashed and has to close unexpectedly. I've re-installed flash and it does the same thing- so I know that isn't the issue. I have used other computers and it is still the same. I have been racking my brain everyday trying to figure it out. I checked the file sizes and they aren't that big and I compared them to other photoshop files I've imported and they are roughly the same size.

Also other photoshop files import, but the ones I actually want to use do not work at all. There is no way I'm re-designing 10 photoshop files!!

By the way when I saved some of the PSD files there was no extensions on the files, so I had to add them afterwards.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looking For Colorize Effect Like In Photoshop

Apr 1, 2011

So I've looking for a colorize effect like the one in Photoshop but the ones I find (like greensocks ColorMatrixFilterPlugin and M Klingemans ColorMatrix) doesn't work the same way. In Photoshop, blacks and whites are preserved, and full color is mid grey, meaning a gradient from white to black colorized by red will go from white, to full red, to black. But in the AS3 versions, white is full color, meaning the same gradient will go from full red to black. This means that a colorized photo will get much darker than the original since you loose all the white. I've also seen functions doing the opposite, where black gets full color, meaning they will be brighter than the original. Any info, If there exist an AS3 colorize version that works same way as the Photoshop one?

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Importing Photoshop Image Into Flash Without Discoloration?

Aug 13, 2009

I just put together a banner image in photoshop that I would like to import into Flash and put a small navigation menu at the bottom but whenever I use the import to stage feature I am getting a large amount of discoloration in the image.  I've tried saving it as a .tif and .png but both came out looking poor. Attached is an image to show what I mean.


Picture 2.png
(1.1 MB)

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