Javascript :: Make Video Not Automatically Play On Display?
Aug 9, 2011
I'm using javascript to display a flash video but it always plays automatically. How can I tell it to just display?
'codebase', ',0,45,0',
'width', '550',
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The stop button plays as expected. The play/pause button plays as expected. The issue is when you press pause which will cause the play button to appear, then press stop. the video automatically plays and it shouldn't. I have bolded the control button script for convenience.
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Jul 5, 2009
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Aug 25, 2011
This is borrowed code from some developer on Adobe's website. This works great, but the user has to click in the tilelist to play the next video in sequence.
For the application I am developing it is imperetive that the next video gets played as soon as the previous video finished.
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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(Flash CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, Mac OSX)
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Feb 2, 2012
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close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_GoBackToHowTo2);
function onClick_GoBackToHowTo2(event:MouseEvent) :void {
The problem is it doesn't dissapear once the video plays. How shoudl it be done, the whole video has to go to another frame with no play_btn on it or there is a code which can make it fade away?
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<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("swfplayer.swf", "myContent", "300", "120", "9", "expressInstall.swf");
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how to make the video autostart on IE?
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<video width='500' height='282' autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" preload="none">
<source src='$h264' type='video/mp4' />
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Jul 23, 2009
I'm looking to have a movie clip pop up, play itself after a user clicks on a flash navigation button.
(something like this???)
message_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMessage1);
function goMessage1(evt:MouseEvent):void{ ???(play message movie clip here)???;}
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Nov 7, 2009
So this is my code so far:
on (press) { // Gives your movie a button functionsgetUrl("");}
on (rollOver) {this._alpha=100;gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); }
when i play the movie, it plays scene 2, however, scene 2, which is in my flash document, plays automatically. how can i stop this? is there some code which only makes scene 2 play when called for and not play automatically.
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