Javascript :: Nested Tags Work In E4X?
Jun 24, 2010
Suppose I have the following XML:var foo:XML = <root><a>this is a <b>special</b> case</a></root>
Is there any way to detect the position of <b> relative to the contents of <a> without a custom subparser?
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So, I start coding, and all the content works fine, but my html tags won't work. I've activated the "render as html" button, in the textField parameter (the instance name is: "nyhedText"). I've also written, nyhedText.html = true; and nyhedText.htmlText = theContent - not the exact same names, but it is the same code.
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[AS]// defines the variable model1_spacing
var model1_spacing = 0;
// defines the variable model1_count
var model1_count = 0;
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Oct 3, 2011
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Mar 11, 2008
I have a custom cell renderer for a AS3 Datagrid and the html tags work except for the links. Anyone know how to get those to work?I am using the class below for the custom renderer which is called in the fla withdg.setStyle("cellRenderer", CustomCellRenderer);
Attach Code
package {
import fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer;
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Jun 6, 2011
The code is supposed to receive one system id and then scan around that system in all directions, with each direction having its own length. It is like scanning a rectangle around that system where 9*9 = 81 systems.The code works very well; but the problem. I get 8 duplicate results and there is a complete row missing from the results. The one just above the middle row. I think the problem is in the topsystem integer but I don't know what is wrong with it.[code]if you watch the part of the code that has if statements. this part handle the edges.specially zero and 10k. about what i want to do. think about it like a 9*9 dots field in rectangular shape. has 9 rows and 9 columns. each dot has an id from 1 to 10k. the input is the id of the dot in the center of the field (column 5, row 5). as now i know this centeral dot id. i want to loop through the whole field to find the other dots ids using topsystem(the distance between the centeral dot to the upper edge).downsystem (the distance between central dot to the lower edge). leftsystem (the distance between central dot and left edge).rightsystem (the distance between central dot and right edge).the code is working fine but there is 8 missing ids that replaced by 8 duplicated ids.
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Sep 9, 2011
I have the following problem: I have this multi-level array (nested array) which contains two rows of bitmapData. Row 1:360 rotated bitmapData objects; row 2: 360 rotated and colored bitmapData objects.
I try to access row 2 but that doesn't work. There are some mysterious error messages coming up ("TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@36d7e9e9 to flash.display.BitmapData. at BasicBlitArrayObject/updateFrame()").
this function rotates and colors bitmapData; the rotated bitmapData is thrown into an array and the colored bitmapData is thrown into another array; a third array is used as a level array for nesting the other two arrays inside of it
public function createColoredRotationBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0, color:Number = 1, $alpha:Number = 1):Array
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Sep 10, 2011
I have the following problem: I have this multi-level array (nested array) which contains two rows of bitmapData. Row 1:360 rotated bitmapData objects; row 2: 360 rotated and colored bitmapData objects.I try to access row 2 but that doesn't work. There are some mysterious error messages coming up ("TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@36d7e9e9 to flash.display.BitmapData. at BasicBlitArrayObject/updateFrame()").this function rotates and colors bitmapData; the rotated bitmapData is thrown into an array and the colored bitmapData is thrown into another array; a third array is used as a level array for nesting the other two arrays inside of it
public function createColoredRotationBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0, color:Number = 1, $alpha:Number = 1):Array
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Sep 27, 2011
Im fairly new in Actionscript. That being said, I'm trying to access a nested Movieclip in a MovieClip. My code looks like this
This is just a snippet of the hitTest. the "charBox" is the Movieclip I'm trying to access in the char Movieclip. So where did I go wrong?
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Jan 15, 2010
I am using loadVariables to send the form variables to a php file. I use the same method in a test environment but it is not nested like this is and it needs to be nested. It is 2 movieclips deep and it will just not work. Is there something funny with using loadVariables to php in nested movie clips? I have also tried this method with LoadVars and getting the same results.
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May 6, 2011
I'm creating an interactive map in Flash. The stage size is 800 x 600. To this stage I am adding a large (zoomed-in) map in which I want to display many points. The large map is 4000 x 3000. This map is adding correctly but I experience trouble when I try to add the points to the map. I want to add these points directly onto this large map and I want them to move with it when it pans. Unfortunately, when I add the points their coordinates are read relative to the stage rather than relative to the large map MovieClip. The complication is that the large map is added to the stage at a different location dependent on where the smaller map is clicked by the user.The Question: How do I get flash to add these points relative to the large map's coordinate system rather than the stage's?
What I have tried: globalToLocal/ localToGlobal functions are fine for tracing but don't seem to give me a useable result Setting the coordinates of a Point to the result of this function to give the local origin obviously doesn't work.[code]
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May 19, 2007
I have a MC on my stage that has 2 buttons nested inside. So, the problem is that I have a stop(); actions on the first frame ( first frame is blank ) and I only play the movie once someone rolled over another button outside this MC. Because I'm giving the instructions to my buttons from the timeline. I have all the code on a frame and am calling the buttons from there but it seems that the buttons won't work properly if they are not placed on the first frame.
_root.myMC.otherMC.myButton.onRelease = function(){
That simple thing won't work if the button are placed the way they are now, it seems that flash can see the button only if they are at frame 1... and no, I don't want to put the code directly on the button, I want to make it work this way.
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Sep 9, 2011
I have the following problem: I have this multi-level array (nested array) which contains two rows of bitmapData. Row 1:360 rotated bitmapData objects; row 2: 360 rotated and colored bitmapData objects.
I try to access row 2 but that doesn't work. There are some mysterious error messages coming up ("TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@36d7e9e9 to flash.display.BitmapData. at BasicBlitArrayObject/updateFrame()").
this function rotates and colors bitmapData; the rotated bitmapData is thrown into an array and the colored bitmapData is thrown into another array; a third array is used as a level array for nesting the other two arrays inside of it
public function createColoredRotationBlitArrayFromBD(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, inc:int, offset:int = 0, color:Number = 1, $alpha:Number = 1):Array
tileList = [];
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Oct 28, 2009
I have written a nested if statement that refuses to work properly. My fla file consists of the main timeline and a movieclip. The problem lies in the pwrbtn function. I need the pwrcomp Boolean to prevent the call to firstpage() from happening more than one time. However when I test it keeps cycling so my traces are frame2, true, frame2, true, so on and so forth. Have I just made some small mistake that Im not seeing?
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Apr 30, 2011
I am making an interactive map of the US.When you hover over a state it zooms in and cities pop up.When you click the city it should a page, for now just google.I have the basics for the first state, California.The zoom works and the cities pop_up.However, when you click the city the link doesn't work. The cities are instances of a movie clip, city.I placed them inside the CA movie clip in their approx locations and named them SF_mc, LA_mc, SD_mc respectively.Here is the code.i added some comments.the FLA is attached in zip as well.It is CS5 file but I'm more familar with AS2 so yea.This is the first frame of the CA movie clip, actions layer
/this is all zoom stuff
this.onEnterFrame = function(){[code].......
In the first frame the cities are not on the stage yet. They are add later when the state is zoomed. SO i thought maybe that is why it not working so i tried duplicating the code on the frame after the zoom where i add the cities and it is still not working...
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Jan 15, 2009
On the stage I have 3 objects on the stage which are on top of each other:
top: transparent button (which controls the mc underneath)
under this button: an image which is a mc
under this image: a graphic background with text that describes the image, and a new trans button which will send the users to a separate url.
Problem:The button to go to the url does not work.
To make things simply, I have the top button setting the alpha of the mc to 0% onRollover, in order to view the text. And reset it to 100% on RollOut.
how I can still get this effect with the rollovers, and get my url button to work too?
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Apr 13, 2004
How can I get a button to work when its nested in a MC that has an onEnterFrame with a onPress command targeted to it?
Here's the code for my "popup" MC located on the main timeline.
popup.onEnterFrame = function(){
this.onPress = function() {
Within that same MC is a button that tells it to close. However, I run a trace command to it and nothing happens. It seems like the onPress nested in the onEnterFrame is over-riding my button on(press).
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Nov 24, 2009
I am trying to create this html elements dynamically on the onload of my page,however;when I run it the code wont work on IE8 but okay in firefox,safari,and others.
function getmovie() {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
if (!container)
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Dec 3, 2009
It works perfectly when pulled within labels like in the demo.[code]note: (id="slidesbigtext") loads text from javascript without any issues, just can't find a way to make sIFR work in this situation..
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Jun 5, 2010
I'm trying to get Flex 3 and OpenX to work together. Everything works great in Safari and Firefox. But, I get an XML parser error in Internet Explorer, which makes me want to rip my hair out and drink turpentine.
I've tried to simplify the problem as best I can. Basically, I take the adReturn and then turn it into xml.
adReturn = '<adXMLReturn>' + adReturn + '</adXMLReturn>';
xmlReturn = new XML(adReturn);
I don't think that IE likes adReturn, which is below:
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm trying to use ExternalInterface.addCallback to allow js to call an as3 method. My code is as follows:
ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendToActionscript", callFromJavaScript);
function callFromJavaScript():void{
circle_mc.gotoAndStop("finish"); [code]....
It's not working. What am I doing wrong?
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Sep 23, 2010
Am I using the code improperly or is there a flaw in SWFObject? If you go to the URL below you can see that it the flash file (an MP3 player) shows up perfectly fine in Chrome. However, in both Firefox and IE8 it loads a blank white box. If you mouse over the box the pointer changes to a hand as if its registering the buttons, just not actually displaying them. Link: [URL] (MP3 player should be displaying in the right-hand empty column)
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Feb 28, 2012
I want to ask that how could we embed a flash banner so that it should work with IOS as well. Currently I'm using this code, but want to change it so that it should work with IOS as well.
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Mar 30, 2012
I have the most weirdest problem with Flash Player and FlashDevelop (to be honest, dont know which one causes it), so let me explain. I have recently downloaded FlashDevelop and created an AS3 Project. When I compile the project, the files are generated in the bin folder. Now, when I navigate to the bin folder and open the index.html in Firefox and IE9, everything works fine. However, when I copy the bin folder somewhere else and then try to do the same, i can see the flash movie in Firefox but not IE9.
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Dec 1, 2009
I've got a demo page up here; you can view source to see what I'm trying to do. As you can see, everything about it seems to be working except for colors. I'm trying to set the color to blue (#0000ff), but it stays as black. I created a custom SWF file for my font, embedding four different variations of a single font in order to accommodate for different styles per these instructions (because this particular font family stores regular, bold, italic, and bold italic as four disjoint font names).
For posterity I'll paste some of the source code from that demo page I linked to here:
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm trying to call a method inside a flash movie from js, every time the mouse leaves the "div". It works on Internet Explorer, but not in firefox. Here is the html script:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(e){
}function init(){
document.getElementById('div').onmouseout = function(e) {
[Code] .....
Here is example of the problem, there is an alert for the js and the flash should be able to remove the swf (see a gray background? it works! see a image, flash didn't receive the call): [URL]. This should work with internet explorer / safari / chrome (pc/mac) only firefox seams to reject this.
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Aug 11, 2010
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject/swfobject.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" >
swfobject.registerObject("myId", "10.0.0");
function execute(){
return a;
[Code] .....
I have this which is based off of this question: [URL]. However this neither works in firefox and IE. If I embed my flash into the browser like this:
<embed src="helpdeskApp_three.swf" id="flash" quality="high" scale="exactfit" width="800" height="500" name="movie" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="[URL]"/>
This works in Firefox but not IE. What is the proper way of embedding my flash movie so it works across all browsers?
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