I've created a series of images that fade in and out. When i run the movie the transition from the last picture which fades out to the first image is not smooth. it transitions from a faded out image to a 100% opacity image
I am customizing the Photo slide show with thumbnails from this site. It is great. I was able to customize it so it would work with bigger pics (640 width X 480 height) basically wider pics then they are tall, but I also have pics that are taller then they are wide (480 height X 640 width).
1. in the thumbnail area the taller pics load over top of the pic before it and then there is a large gap after it.
2. the movie clip that loads the full size image aligns the pics to the upper left corner of the movie clip. I would like it to center the taller pic. I know I will have the same problem with the wider pics when I make the viewing area 640x640 they will look to high.
here is the code that is used:
function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { xmlNode = this.firstChild; image = [];
[Url] This is kirupas great tutorial to make a vertical gallery along with a slide show. Normally this is fine but I find one problem here. When I clicked any thumbnail it will load the respective big image but the slide show portion is disturbed and it is not maintaining the correct numbering after clicking thumbnails. What I mean to say if I clicked No Six thumbnail it will load No Six big image and we hope that after that it will load No Seven, No Eight and so on as a part of Slide Show, but that does not happen all time there is some skipping of numbers in the big images after clicking the thumbnails.I posted the Code below. Can anyone help to make the No sequence to big image proper after clicking any of the thumbnails.
Making a photo slide show to load as an external movie clip on my site when a button is pushed . Here is a link to the .swf file:[URL]..Basic problem: There is text that describes each set of 6 pictures. After the set of 6 pictures plays through the text is supposed to disappear and a new text appears to label the next set of 6 pictures. Problem is: the text doesn't disappear!
I made all the text layers a symbol/movie clip. I animated each text to disappear at a certain point in the timeline but when I test the movie the texts just remain there and build up one after the other.
When watching the movieclip, pay attention to the text in the lower left screen.
i downloaded the sample file of making slide photos, but i just can't make it run and load pictures automatically and loop itself continuously. how do i do it without have to hit next or previous? and all done with action scripting only without using keyframes? can someone please provide codes for me to learn or use? [URL]
I am using currentSlide.gotoNextSlide to change between slides, however I can't make it stop playback on load of each slide.I have a motion tween with I need to NOT play automatically when the slide loads... but no matter how many iterations of stop(), gotoAndStop(), etc I use, nothing will stop the clip from playing when it is loaded!
In my asp.net application,I want to show the .ppt file using the slide show manner.
That's to say,user can upload .ppt file to my server side,then other people can browser these ppts in the page ..
Since I have googled "embed powerpoint in web page" ,it seems that there is not a good idea to implement this and support the cross browser,so I thought the flash.
This is a slide show using the flash: [URL]
What I want is show the contents of the .ppt in this manner(it would be better if it support the animations in the ppt)?
I`m building a photo slide projector that calls a function using setInterval. But after the tenth call (about after 50 sec) the flash player stops working and crashes.On the first frame of the main timeline I set the following code:
Code: // comando para fullscreen fscommand("fullscreen", "true"); fscommand("allowscale", "false");
I have a project that I am working on the requires something simple but I can't find tutorials/examples of how to do this.
I need to create a slideshow so that when a user clicks an arrow - an image will slide off the screen and another image will move onto the screen (as if there is a long strip of images that move on and off the screen).
I have the images as a long continuous strip, and they should slide onto the screen with each click of the arrow. Then at the end of the strip of images I would like them to quickly bounce back to the beginning.
Something similar to what I want to do, only done in Flash[url]...
I am building a slide show in Flash 4. I have a series of slides that I want to automatically advance from slide to slide in order after 10 seconds. Is there a slide control in flash for this? Is there an actionscript for this?
I wonder if anyone can shed some light on why an xml slide show should speed up each time it is reloaded. I have downloaded an excellent slide show tutorialand being new to As3 I very basically attached and removed the downloaded slide show on and off the stage with a simple button which fired the code:addChild(); to make the slides appear and aremoveChild();to remove them. This worked fine until I quickly realised that each time the slide show was re added it had doubled in speed until after a few re loads it was wizzing through
I have a slide presentation that was created in Flash CS3 and I now need to get it into Quicktime format. I have been able to get the export to movie function to work but the resulting video is only the first slide no matter how long I set the "After time elapsed:" setting to in the QuickTime Export Settings dialogue box. This makes sense because the slide show requires the user to press the space bar to proceed to the next slide.
I used this tutorial to create an xml photo gallery:
I would like to add the functionality of having the next button return to the beginning of the xml when you reach the end and have the previous button return to the end if you are navigating the other way.
I am attempting to build a small slideshow using as3. I have built it on a transition extension. i have it working, but all the images are loaded into the library, given a class name to reference them and the rest is done based on the class names.in the as3 code a array has been set up all the class names listed like this:
I have taken it a step further and created a xml file listing the url to the photos i want to load in but this is where i am lost the urls are being read successfully in, so the code can access the urls but im not sure from there how I actually import the images in, or how to assign each a seperate class , does the addchild command assign a class name that i can add to the above array?
Can somebody explain shortly how to create a Flash Slide-Show in a HTML Document? Let's say I have 5 images with logo and want that they change every 10 seconds. Do I need to work with JavaScript?
I am new to flash and need to know how to build a slideshow that has 1 or 2 rows going up and down and then when you click on the picture it pops up huge next to the 2 rows?
I just created simple slideshow using Flash and it s working well, but i woudl like to put little tricky. Before it display next images, current it will slowly disappear in to whithe color, and then show next image.
i have a one web link have a flash display, below the flash display some scrolling picture, when we click the image that image goes up, as well as left and right have forward & backward button, how can i do this type of flash file,
All I want to do is set an xml image gallery to autostart automatically upon loading. I have the fla file source, and its written in AS 2.0. This is the contents of Functions:
I have about 5 movie clips (MCs) and I want to play all of them one at a time automatically. How do I accomplish this with as 3.0? I'd like to be able to add/remove MCs from the slide show occassionally and I 'd also like to be able re-arrange the play order of those MC as well . I am learning AS3.0.
my simple slide show with transitions is rapidly fililng memory over 200 mb in minute or two. I suspect it may be the slideLoader = new Loader(); in the switch function, but im not good at this stuff, spending hours googling.I have attached project with few images, and minimized the code as much as i could.[code]
I am going to use the automatic slide show that is explained in this site for my dad's website (I've used it in the past and it's great!) and I would like to know if the images can faded out as well as faded in. Basically, I want to have a seemless, progressbar-less, slide show with pictures that fade in and fade out. This is going to be used for a wedding photography site by the way.
I'm trying to create mono slide show, but I managed to be in some strange trouble. Namely mono slide show works nice, but something is wrong or missing in the code, because it puts the picture, that is pulled thru xml on top of everything. One solution is to do picture smaller, but i want to have buttons and info on the picture. It is not layer problem, because layer with picture container is on the last one. Heres the code:
I have a simple slide show with a forward & backward button, as well as a play & pause button.
The play/pause buttons toggle visability with this code (on its own actionscript layer)[code]...
However, this didn't work - at least not the way I wanted. This code causes the pause button to show up when you cycle through the images and get back to frame one - somehow forcing the net stream to play again.
tell by my code why that would happen? I'd at least like to know how to show the pause button whilst it's playing and vice-versa for the play button.
I have this slide show on my flash website, i have the slide show then I use buttons to access later scenes on my flash file usinggotoAndStop(), how do I make my slide show repeat itself without it continuing into later content?
Rafael NĂĽnlist uses a swap or switch slide method to load each picture at a time. That means as soon as the second image appear infront of the first image, the first image will disappear. How do I prevent this? I want all the images to appear on the stage one at a time? How do I modify his switchSlide method so that additional images will not disappear?