Make Website Aligned In The Center Of The Screen?

Apr 16, 2009

I have finally finished my website. It works great, except the website is placed far on the left side of the screen. I would like my website to be placed in death center, kind of floating in the center and stay the same size regardless of how viewer adjusts the window size.I am trying to change alignment in PUBLISH SETTINGS (html alignment) but there is no "center" option. Only right, left, top, bottom. Here is the link to my posted .html: [URL]

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public class SM extends MovieClip {
public var auxx:Number;
public var auxy:Number;[code].....

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[ X ] Problem solved I just came up with something i have some trouble to handle I've tried a couple of solution but none seems to work perfectly

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Jan 16, 2009

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i mean... i know 0,0 is top left corner. so what is middle or bottom right?

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Apr 20, 2009

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Align Flash Website To Vertical Center Of Browser?

Aug 20, 2010

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i used all possible combos of publish settings in flash cs4 but it dint publish my webpage in center ....

give me a html code i can put in my index.html so that my flash object aligns itself in center .

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Actionscript 3 :: Stay In The Center Of The Screen?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Center MovieClip On Screen?

Sep 22, 2009

say i have a stage that is 2000 px high..let's say there are buttons spread out from top to bottom and also,lets say pressing anyone shows a related do i make that MC center to the screen (not the stage) wherever i may have scrolled to?the only thing i have found after an extensive google session is somevague tip about using externalInterface and retrieving the position of the browsers native scroller from javaScrip ..but seems like a bit too much work, there's gotta be an easier way to do this.

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IDE :: Character To Stay In Center Of Screen?

Sep 30, 2009

i want a character to stay in center of screen and where ever we click on the page the character goes there , i mean that click position comes to centre with ease and we can also navigate map like age of empires, or DOTA but in that case character stick at its own position to map.

Im not flash developer so i dont know how to do this but i can do designing. I am attaching a fla with this pls do this experiment with that fla file so that i can understand it easy. Being a non programmer it is tough to understand these things for me. those brown sections in this map would be colusion areas , where we cannot move character and blue is river. so we cannot move character to river too.

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Flash :: Display Text Center Screen?

May 13, 2011

I need to display a message in a flash project I'm working on. The message needs to be centered on screen, and can only be created using code.

Normally I could just put a dynamic text box on and hide it, but I can't this time.

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Center A Flash Projector On Screen When Launched?

Aug 8, 2011

Is there a way to center a flash projector on a screen when it is launched? I noticed when I launch a flash projector file, it gets positioned on the screen randomly. I am using ActionScript 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Images In The Center Of The Screen?

Oct 9, 2009

I am editing an XML gallery and I have some questions..I wonder how I can position my images in the center of the screen. The images are all the same size (800x600) and I need them to display in the center of the screen.I played around with the code and I found out that when I change the Width and Height, the images starts to move (finally)... But it's very hard to find the correct position, so how can I just get it to the horizontal en vertical center of the screen/file?

Here's what the code looks like:

<gallery dir="Photos/">
<img id='0' align="center" file="foodcongres2009_1.jpg" width='1024' height='768'>
Test foto nummer 1


And next... I have just two arrows (left, right), but when I click on the left one (previous), it goes to the next image instead of the previous one.. How about that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gets Moved To The Center Of The Screen With Some Set_property?

Oct 7, 2003

Ok i have a movieclip in the mainframe that on a button release gets moved to the center of the screen with some set_property stuff and then i want the clip to play. So i added a tell_target on release, the target is /movieclipname and i then Go_To_and_Play the first frame.

I have a stop action as the first frame of the movieclip as to keep it from runing when i dont want it. i want that tell_target to make the movieclip play but sofar no luck.

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Jan 30, 2009

stop a movie clip..... here is my code:

ship_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
ship_mc._x += 15;

What I need is this clip to move until x = 151, then stop. My spaceship will fly across the screen and then stop in the do I make it happen?

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