Php :: Flex With AMF Returning Results Slowly?

Sep 3, 2010

I think this is just a matter of fine tuning some different elements, but I'd like to know your take. I've got a Flex app, using the Flex 4 data services, communicating with Zend AMF services. One of the services returns all the results in a database using SELECT * FROM table there are ~1200 rows (140KB package size).

My problem is the response time, it's rage inducing. Total duration is always between 7-8 seconds. All but about 150ms of that is latency. I broke up the PHP to figure out exactly where the latency was and turns out return $rows is eating up ~6.8sec latency. I can deal with 1-2sec, but when I start waiting around for 8sec I feel kinda dumb. I cross checked the query response speed directly from the database, and just like I was expecting the total query time is 45-60ms.

PHP, this is basically just the generated Flex data service code, although in production it isn't the same:

public function getAllProject_entries() {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT u.*
FROM $this->tablename u");


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var percent:Number = Math.round((event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal) * 100.0);;
//pb.setProgress(percent, 100);

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DJango :: 500 Error When Returning Object To Flex

Oct 31, 2011

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m_info Object (@16491fe9)
code "NetConnection.Call.Failed"
description "HTTP: Status 500"
details "[URL]"
level "error"

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class RewardActBase(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
start_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
progress_value = models.IntegerField(default=0)
[Code] .....

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def get_challenge_act(http_request, location_id):
user = http_request.user
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[Code] .....

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return c.challenge
So it appears that there is some problem returning a Django model with foreginkey models as properties?

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Flex :: Search Results Filter Effects

Mar 12, 2010

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Flex :: Must Loop To Search Results For A Specific Value?

May 5, 2010

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name Opinion
Tim Tim has an opinion
John other random text
Dan Dan's random text
Al Al says something else

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To access John's opinion, I could use:


But that's only because I know that John is the second record (record 1), but this may change. So the right way is to search through the results to first find the record index for John, then access his opinion.

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Flex :: Zend Amf - Display Results In Different Labels

Apr 11, 2011

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Instead of having this information displayed in a datagrid, I'd like to display it in a couple of labels (first name, last name, phone, etc.), but I'm not really sure how to.

Currently on creationComplete I call my php query function - which looks like this.

public function getPeople() {
return mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_people ORDER BY pers_name ASC");


Eventually my query will be modified and will only ever return 1 row from the database. So how do I get the results to display in labels instead of the datagrid?

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Flex :: Coldfusion Returning Typed Objects / AMF Remoting

May 26, 2010

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I am hoping that this is possible in Coldfusion. Does anyone know whether you can set the type of the returned object in a similar way. This is especially helpful with large collections as the flash player will convert them to a local object of the same name thus saving interating over the collection to convert the objects to a particular custom object.


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Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to load an image in Flex (AS3) which already exists:
<mx:Image id="Img"/>
With this code:
The path is verified to work, but I always get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
I used the code from the documentation and still receive this error!

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Make Flex 3 Datagrid Show Only One Row Of An ArrayCollection's Results?

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Flex AdvancedDataGrid HierarchicalData XML Results In Unwanted Rows?

Mar 31, 2011

I guess the best way to explain my issue is to describe it in terms of the hierarchical XML data example on Livedocs.

Here, the XML is of the form

<Region Region="Arizona">
<Territory_Rep Territory_Rep="Barbara Jennings" Actual="38865" Estimate="40000"/>
<Territory_Rep Territory_Rep="Dana Binn" Actual="29885" Estimate="30000"/>

However, the data I have is more like:


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Flex :: Overlay Text On AdvancedDataGrid When No Results Returned

Apr 20, 2011

I am trying to overlay a label onto an AdvancedDataGrid when there are no results returned from a call for the data. Here is a mockup of what I am trying to accomplish [URL]. I tried following this previous answer: Drawing an overlay in custom flex component, but this would not work for me because an AdvancedDataGrid is not a Container (and as such does not have a rawChildren property). I would prefer not to need to mess with the data provider, because this table will be used in many location which will have different columns and labelFields.

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Flex :: PHP Reset DataGrid Records From WebService Results

Aug 8, 2011

I'm using Flex 4.5 with PHP Zend webservice framework. Basically, I have 2 DataGrids that can drag and drop between each other. At the initializing of the component, I call a webservice to populate the top DataGrid. Then the user can drag rows to the bottom DataGrid that get processed and saved later on. My problem is that I want to have a reset button (or cancel button), that will take the user to a new component in the ViewStack, and if they return to the component with the DataGrids, the top DataGrid has the original records and the bottom DataGrid is empty.

I just can't figure out a good way to repopulate the top DataGrid. I can clear it, but it doesn't seem to refresh with the original data. I've tried unsuccessfully to call the webservice again and set the dataprovider to the new lastResult token. I've also tried unsuccessfully to copy the results of the initial webservice call to an ArrayCollection and simply set a Bindable variable to that ArrayCollection (or a backup of that ArrayCollection holding original records).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Remove Selected Items From Search Results?

Feb 6, 2012

End-User searches for something and an ArrayCollection is returned with Result objects. This is displayed in a data grid.End-User selects a few of the search results and "moves" it over to another datagrid for use later.End-User does another search.

PROBLEM:Some of the search results might contain something the user already previously selected and moved over to the second datagrid. I want to remove these from the second search result.

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Flex :: Drawing And Binding Results From A Database Token?

Mar 4, 2012

I have been making huge strides in learning Flex and I am very much enjoying it, however,one thing I cannot find is how to bind results from a query in Flex. I have managed to create lists etc no problem but when I try to bind one specific value to a variable, it does not work.First off, here is my PHP function:

public function getRepnameByUsername($itemID) {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT * FROM $this->tablename where Username=?");


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Javascript :: Returning To Flex After PayPal Express Checkout Payment?

Oct 2, 2009

I have successfully integrated PayPal Express into a Flex application. In oExpressCheckoutPayment.php, I have the following JavaScript line of code that will not execute:

'index' - contains index.swf
'paymentComplete()' - the function that finishes processing the transaction


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Flex :: ArrayCollection Not Returning Absolute Length When Filterfunction Is Applied On It

Apr 24, 2011

My Dataprovider for a grid is an arrayCollection which is dynamically loaded with Objects . for example : a person object with persionID,PersonName ..etc . I applied a filter function on my dataprovider based on personID . below is my function

public function FilterFunc(item:Object):Boolean
var same:Boolean=String(item.personID ) == filterpersonID ;
return same;


this function is called whenever a new object is being added to the arraycollection . The problem now is dp.length in the above function is returning only the no of objects of the particular personID on which the filterFunction was applied instead of the absolute value . Its not limiting the size of the other objects which are runnning into thousand's causing memory issues . once i change the filterFunction to different personID , it slowly starts limiting the respective personID objects. So the sizeHandler() limits only the personID objects for which filterfunction was applied instead of the whole objects , this is the problem .

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Actionscript 3 :: Deployed Flex Applet Not Processing Web Service Results

Nov 20, 2010

When I test my deployed app in a browser the popup window continues to be displayed even after it should be closed. Everything works as expected when debugged in Flash Builder 4.

Following is currently what's happening: the request is sent to my restful web service, which processes the request, (seemingly) the ResultEvent is called which in turn dispatches the profileEvt dynamic event that changes the view state. However, the popup window does not get closed and the applet gets 'stuck.'

Below are the flex applet web service event listeners/handlers:

webService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, function(event:ResultEvent):void
var rawData:String = String(event.result);
var profileEvt:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent("profileSaved", true);


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Flex :: Make An AdvancedDataGrid Re-display Its Labels When The Results Of The LabelFunction Change?

Mar 31, 2010

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a custom label function whose value can change based on other form status (specifically, there's a drop down to choose the time display format for some columns).Right now, I have this labelFunction:

internal function formatColumnTime(item: Object, column: AdvancedDataGridColumn): String {
var seconds: Number = item[column.dataField];
return timeFormat.selectedItem.labelFunction(seconds);


... and the timeFormat object is a combo box with items whose labelFunction attributes are formatTimeAsFractions and formatTimeAsInterval.The columns that have time formats have formatColumnTime as their labelFunction value, because extracting the seconds in that function and passing it in to the formatters made for a more testable app (IMHO).

when the timeFormat.selectedItem value changes, I want to force my grid to re-calculate the labels of these colums. What method must I call on it? invalidateProperties() didn't work, so that's out.

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Java :: Flex - LCDS Service Returning Null Asynctoken When Executed 2nd Time?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm developing a Flex application using RobotLegs, LiveCycle DS & Java.I'm trying to implement an update function, using LCDS, but I'm running into some strange behaviour:This is the ActionScript code within a RobotLegs' execute command, used to perform the update:

var token:AsyncToken = services.requestService.commit(new Array(model.currentRequestDetail));
responder = new AsyncResponder(resultHandler, faultHandler, token);


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