Php :: Uploading Image To Facebook Through External Script?

Jan 30, 2012

I've developed a Flash quiz app for facebook, which calls for a php script silently upon completion. The php script's function is to generate an image from the POST data sent by the flash, and then post it to the user's wall.That would be all neat and dandy, but for some reason the image never gets uploaded, probably because when i call it, it's like [URL] and the facebook SDK script inside gets an Oauth error, probably because it is not embedded in their canvas.

If I'd like to have my php script generate an image and upload it to the fb wall, then how should I call it from the flash?This is the AS2 code I'm using currently:

callRemoteFile = function(ourVariable:Number) {
var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {


If I simply navigate to the php with my browser it giver me this:

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: Invalid OAuth access token signature. thrown in /home/a01223445/public_html/appfolder/base_facebook.php on line 1039

If I view the same php through facebook canvas it works perfectly. My problem is: The canvas will show the flash and I want the php to silently be evaluated while the flash is running.

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// variables used
var list:Array = new Array();
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Java - Upload Image Thumbnail To Server Without Uploading Whole Image?

Aug 27, 2009

As far as I know, what I ask here isn't possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway in case I'm missing something.

Suppose you want to let users upload JPG images, and these images are scaled into smaller icons and the original images are always discarded and never required again. Is there any way that would commonly work in most modern browsers that would let the user select a single image on their hard drive, have that LOCALLY turned into a thumbnail and upload the created thumbnail to a server?

In a case where the server just needs a small image, it would be wasteful both in user time and server resources to proceed uploading the whole image, only to immediately discard it. It would be much better to just scale it on the client.

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private function loadPic():void
var url:String = Facebook.getImageUrl(_friendslistObjectArray[_loadCount].id);
_picLoader = new Loader();[code]............

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import com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder;


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What approach would you recommend for this type of setup? I also can't seem to find any pre-made classes already that I can use for this certain thing. Is this not a very common task? And no I can't use server-side (PHP) to do the watermarking because I'm communicating directly to a service's API, not through my server.

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ActionScript Code:
//mediaevent select is triggered
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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I'm currently building an application using the Adobe Facebook API and I've run into an issue where for the login method the Facebook login popup displays but when doing a Facebook share/post the popup is blocked.

This code works fine and displays me a Facebook login popup without question (Firefox):

var permissions:Array = ['publish_stream'];

Facebook.login( onFacebookLogin, { perms:permissions.join(',') } );

However, the following code running in the same application throws up a popup blocker (again Firefox):

Facebook.ui( "stream.publish", "popup", params );

Does anyone know of a work around this issue to make the share popup come up just like the login popup?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Image With Flash 9 And PHP - Without Using FileReference

Aug 12, 2008

i am currently creating a software, i need to upload images form my HDD to server. i can do this with FileReference Object. with this code i can select file.

var f:FileReference;
f.browse(); // for selecting file (object)

and after that i will send that FileReference object to a PHP file and i upload via that PHP file.

but i want to upload file without using FileReference Class i am using File Class on Air 1.0 on Flash, and that class can provide full url of image from my HDD like: D:My Documentsimage01.jpg

there is any way to upload this file on my HDD to server without using browse() class for selecting file on Flash with PHP?

or is there one way to convert File Class (AIR) to FileReference?

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// get bytearray


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Progress Bar To Check If The Image Is Uploading Or Not?

May 29, 2009

Why is it image is not uploading when im running on swf version, but image uploading works when im running the exe version of the flash project? And how can i add a progress bar to check if the image is uploading or not? Oh yeah, im new at actionscript so please go easy on me. anyway here's the code.

import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData (container_mc.width, container_mc.height);


And how can i say to image_mc to load the jpeg at the center of image_mc's axis. So that when i flip the image, the image will flip vertically at the center?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working With Image Without Uploading It To Server

Jun 23, 2009

is it possible to upload an image from local computer to online flash application, but without actual uploading it to a server, just in memory. Need to load picture, make some manipulations, print it from flash and forget.thrashing the server with loads of photos is worst scenario.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - IO Error While Uploading Photo With Low Uploading Internet Speed?

Mar 1, 2010

Actionscript:"http://" + _root.tdomain + "/");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Image From Contents Of A Movie Clip?

Mar 4, 2010

wanting to upload an image (gif probably) from the dynamic content of a specific movie clip within a swf file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader - Uploading Large Image And Thumbnail From Xml

Sep 12, 2010

i am currently working with flash based fashion website. here i am uploading large image and thumbnail from xml. i also have menu navigation at top. my code structure is detail below:


my problem here is like i have home button with 5 thumbnail and handbags with 2 thumbnail when i click home button will display 5 thumb with large image and again when i click hangbags buttom it will display 2 thumb which is what i want but 5 home thumbs keeps on remain at back. dont know how to remove them upon new button click

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error In Uploading Image On Main Timeline

Jul 27, 2010

I am new to AS3.0 and I am starting to create an application using flash. I always get an error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "uploader.php" to
at ieditor_fla::MainTimeline/uploadCurrent()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Image Gallery/uploading System?

Dec 21, 2006

Not loading the images for a little info bar at the bottom. It works if you view a folder, however it doesn't work when you just view the main images. I am tracing it, and it traces great, just doesn't want to work.

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Php :: Uploading Image To Server Using Byte Array To Upload In Flex 4.5 Air?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm using Flex 4.5 in a Mobile air for android application. So, Using the Camera/Camera roll [URL]I want to do a simple upload using amfphp Note: Since this is how you get pictures on devices, i cant use the filreference because it wants you to get the pictures using "browse" which cant be done on android or ios My plan is, after I select a picture or capture one with the camera, in the event I can get the local url to the picture that was taken like this:


I'm putting this in the imageURL var (i'm assuming i should make it into a byte array to transfer it, im not exactly sure this is my first time making something like this)Here's how i'm taking that image, making it into a byte array, and using amfphp to send the upload to the server:

protected function upload_btn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imageURL);
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(request);


But i'm getting an error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion.This is the first time im trying something like this so im not even really sure if im going about it right. All the examples I find online go about using the fileReference class, but that seems to require me to use the "browse" method, and im on a mobile application that uses the camera and camera roll to grab pictures off the device, and im not sure how to incorporate that into the fileref class. I figured i could just get the byte array and send it to php myself and it should be just fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Multiple Large Image Files Times Out?

Jun 28, 2010

I coded a multiple file uploader using the FileReferenceList and PHP. It works great for me all the time on my Fios internet connection, which is by far faster then DSL, etc... So my issue kinda went unnoticed until I got on a DSL connection. Now, many of the files I was uploading seem to be timing out, but there is no indication of this. No errors, etc... just stops its progress and NEVER finishes. Tried bumping up the script execution time on the server

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