Php :: Create A Kiosk App Displaying A Movie And A Few Contact Links?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to create a web based welcome display for a building entrance. The project would include:

1) A wmv movie play constantly on the digital display until some visitors touch the screen (this can be played either locally or on the internet, but it has to be able to go to number 2 when visitors touch the screen)

2) A couple of buttons with department names show up for visitors to choose who they are here to see

3) After the visitor touch on one button, an email is sent to the department

4) the site should go back to the number 1) again

My experience is html, css, php, javascript, and some Flash, but I'm open to learn new skills. Can someone please suggest some good ways to build this site? Is there any tutorials or good sites I can learn from, that would be a bonus. Edit: so I'll use html5 and javascript. I have a couple of further questions, Since this is going to be a kiosk, the same movie is going to be played constantly, everytime after the customer has contacted us, the 'thank you' page is going to show briefly and go back to the first movie page. My question is how can I not let the movie load again and again everytime when there is a customer?

Because the local data space for the display is going to be limited. I've been thinking if I just create one page for the whole process and use a javascript slide to make each page as a div, so the movie div is going to be hiden so it doesn't need to be reloaded again, would that fix number 1) data space concern? I'm thinking of using a horizontal slide like [URL] How can I make the last div (thank you) to show about 5 secs and go to the first div (movie) again?

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stop();send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);
function submit(e:MouseEvent):void{var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
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//Send form function
function sendForm():Void{
gatherForm.receipient = "";
[Code] .....

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+ "&email=" + email_txt.text
+ "&place=" + place_txt.text[code]....

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frame 1 =
_global.testtext = "blank";
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_global.testtext = "new text value";


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Professional :: Connecting A Kiosk To Server

Jan 3, 2012

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