Removing A Slide / Popup Box
Sep 26, 2011
URL...when you click on a picture on the home page, a bigger image shows on, when u scroll over it a black box slides out from the side. how do i prevent that from sliding when you scroll over the picture?I am using a pre-made template.
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If you create a popup via:[code]It will create a popup and bring it on top of any other visual piece. I have one problem though. This 'popup' needs to stay up even when the user interacts with the background.I would use modal, but I need the ability to interact with the back. Any way to tell the popup manager not to remove the popup when the user clicks off of it?
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Oct 27, 2009
I am using currentSlide.gotoNextSlide to change between slides, however I can't make it stop playback on load of each slide.I have a motion tween with I need to NOT play automatically when the slide loads... but no matter how many iterations of stop(), gotoAndStop(), etc I use, nothing will stop the clip from playing when it is loaded!
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Feb 2, 2011
this is what I am trying to do:
1st slide: pre test (3 radio buttons)
2nd slide: video
3rd slide: post test (3 radio buttons) - this page has a submit button that calls a .php script
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wondering if this is a Global Variable problem? Is there any reason that the "variables" variable would stop populating after the first slide? Obviously, they are getting to the last slide since the submit button is passing them (or is the external file doing it?), but don't know why the post ones are not going.
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// set up content_mc info
contentRight = _root.content_mc._x;
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(PS: While opening popup2 from popup1, I am adding an event listener on Close event of popup2)
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<parsley:PopUp open="{presenter.scenarioCreatePopup}" modal="true" center="true" reuse="false" id="hem" >
<views:ScenarioView width="100%" height="100%" id="scenarioView"/>
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Jan 22, 2010
Anyways....I just want to know how to go to the next slideright after the last from rather then repeating the slideits on. I'm talking about the slide screens that are defaultwhen you open a flash presentation.
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Jun 9, 2003
[URL]The Nav. bar is at y=281(bottom target) when it first enters the screen. What kind of code should I put in so that it will be seen moving up to y=230(top target) when it first enter into screen, then move down and up on mouse rollover and out like it used to be?I tried put in following code below Line 33:
If (this._y>230){
this._y -=5;
This does made the Nav. bar moving up on entering. But the bar no longer stay at top and bottom target--it just stays higher than both top/buttom targets on mouse rollover and out.
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Problem Solved Well i just started in XML in flash and i can't figure out how to get to the data in slide1[see below] i have the first two nodes correct:
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Sep 4, 2010
I'd like to mouseover an object and have it slide across (tween) and stop. Then when the mouse is removed from the object, it returns to its original position.It's fine if we just make it happen to a box - don't worry about all the slideshow bits and all that.
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May 18, 2009
I have a slide show. I followed this tutorial.However, for the description texts, I want to slide from the left to the middel of the stage at the bottom and stay there for the length of the image being displayed and then slide from the middle to off the stage as soon as the current image dissolved to the next image. Here's my code that I have:slideXTween = new Tween(txtField, "x", Regular.easeOut, postXFrom, postXTo, 1, true);he above code slide the texts from left to the middle but as soon as the next image appears, the texts just dissappear and that's not I want. I want to slide the texts of stage
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a project that I am working on the requires something simple but I can't find tutorials/examples of how to do this.
I need to create a slideshow so that when a user clicks an arrow - an image will slide off the screen and another image will move onto the screen (as if there is a long strip of images that move on and off the screen).
I have the images as a long continuous strip, and they should slide onto the screen with each click of the arrow. Then at the end of the strip of images I would like them to quickly bounce back to the beginning.
Something similar to what I want to do, only done in Flash[url]...
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Nov 20, 2009
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Jan 22, 2010
how to go to the next slideright after the last from rather then repeating the slideits on. I'm talking about the slide screens that are defaultwhen you open a flash presentation.
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Dec 1, 2011
I built a functional flash header, that has slides in it with various images. The user can see the main image, and then there are 6 thumbnails that they use to click on to change slides or images.
I am trying to figure out how to automate those slides, so they "automatically" flash though, with an interval of 4 or 5 seconds, then the next slide. (above image are the slides I need to automatically go thru).
Looking into my files, I think I should just be able to apply some actions to each slide, however all the code I tried has been a failure.
So in a nutshell, I have a flash file that has image that move when clicked, and I am trying to have that automated so the slides/image slide automatically.
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Jul 9, 2011
I wonder if anyone can shed some light on why an xml slide show should speed up each time it is reloaded. I have downloaded an excellent slide show tutorialand being new to As3 I very basically attached and removed the downloaded slide show on and off the stage with a simple button which fired the code:addChild(); to make the slides appear and aremoveChild();to remove them. This worked fine until I quickly realised that each time the slide show was re added it had doubled in speed until after a few re loads it was wizzing through
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Oct 29, 2005
Im trying to put a preloader for each slide so it looks good when people are visiting my site. I dont get any errors by using this code, but it doesn't work at all. What I want to is like I said, put a preloader when the user click NEXT SLIDE and the preloader should xscale a rectangle so it has the width like the picture will (in this case 934 px). I have drawn a rectangle that is 1 px wide now and I linkaged that one as 'stapel'. Like this site, that kind of preloader is what I want:
PHP Code:
slides_xm new XML();slides_xml.onLoad startSlideShow;slides_xml.load("pictures.xml");slides_xml.ignoreWhitetrue;clickSoundSound(this);clickSound.attachSoun
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Nov 12, 2005
i am writing gallery, and i would like to have a small control bar with next/previous buttons. that is "easy"; i have created a movie clip with 2 buttons in it. the problem is that i am trying to make that movie clip invisible unless the mouse is inside the swf. in the gallery made at [URL], you can see that whenever you mouse in there is a white overlay that slides in at the top, and slides out when the mouse moves out - everytime right now i can get the "control" movie clip to slide in properly, but it won't ever slide out.
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Jun 26, 2006
I need to build a slide bar that controls the _x and _y positions of elements on an array.
As soon as you slide this bar mc[0] start moving and more you move the slide bar more mcs you move, yet all of them one by one.
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a slide presentation that was created in Flash CS3 and I now need to get it into Quicktime format. I have been able to get the export to movie function to work but the resulting video is only the first slide no matter how long I set the "After time elapsed:" setting to in the QuickTime Export Settings dialogue box. This makes sense because the slide show requires the user to press the space bar to proceed to the next slide.
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Apr 11, 2011
Attached is an .fla file where I have an MC sliding out when MOUSE_OVER, and it works fine, however the MC is sliding out from the left of the screen, but I need it to slide out from the right, but cannot seem to get it to work without glitching. I have been trying this for a while now and cannot seem to figure it out.
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Sep 29, 2009
I have 11 images i need to _x slide (left and right ) using 2 buttons. ( next and back )my goal is to show two images at a time ( contained inside img_MC..consisting of all 11) inside a 748 x 419 mask. I have accomplished this but the next button and the back button need to disapear when img_mc is at a certain _x that if you are at the last frame you can only go back...and if you are at the first frame you can only go next.
so far going forward I can get next to show...and going back I can get back to show...but in the middle when I need them both to be there I only have one or the other.
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Oct 15, 2009
I am attempting to build a small slideshow using as3. I have built it on a transition extension. i have it working, but all the images are loaded into the library, given a class name to reference them and the rest is done based on the class the as3 code a array has been set up all the class names listed like this:
image_movieclip_array = [
I have taken it a step further and created a xml file listing the url to the photos i want to load in but this is where i am lost the urls are being read successfully in, so the code can access the urls but im not sure from there how I actually import the images in, or how to assign each a seperate class , does the addchild command assign a class name that i can add to the above array?
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Jan 29, 2010
I was wondering how I make my buttons go to the next slide in a flash presentation Only know the code to do it to the next scene in a regular flash project.
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