Routine / Typical Route To Take When Adding Video To Banners But Also Keeping Under The File Size Limitations?
Apr 8, 2010
I've been doing a number of pretty basic flash banner ads at the typical advertising size (728x90, 300x250, etc.) but the client wants to throw in some video for this upcoming batch. I've already been given the .flv movie file. It's about a minute long at 3 mb, but I'm only going to use about 4 seconds of it. My question is what is the routine/typical route to take when adding video to banners but also keeping under the file size limitations (around 37k)? I did some brief research and read about progressive downloading but wasn't sure what the typical direction was when delivering files like this to the vendors.
I want to use a camera which is installed in my computer in a Flex AIR application I'm writing, and I have few questions regarding the quality options : Do I have any limitation on the video image quality? If my camera supports HD recording, will I be able to record in HD format via the AIR application? How can I export the recorded video in any format I want? If I want to use the same camera for shooting stills, how can I ensure (within the code) the best quality for the result pictures?
I am trying to preload an mp3 file dynamically while showing the typical 'percentage loaded' in a dynamic text box. However for some reason, the percentage just doesn't count up - it freezes on 100% even though the mp3 file is still loading. I have included the code that I'm using below. Also, does anyone know what would be the best way to adjust this code so that I could preload multiple mp3 files at the same time or one after another?
I am making a TV Display and I have made a photo slideshow, which loads from a .xml and I need to insert it into a MC. The MC is a drawn rectangle converted into a MC and I want to make the photos that load resize into the size of the MC. The .swf that I am loading into it is AS only set in the doc class. I have managed to load it into the main display, but it isn't keeping the MC size.
what im interested in doing is, i want to create an all flash site but i want it so that whatever the screen size the user is viewing it on, that certain components on the scree stay in certain places. for exampke i want to 'bleed' the flash on the screen but whatever screen res the user has his monitor set to, that it adjusts to his size, so the name and buttons etc arent moved when the person resizes......
we are doing a seamless interactive video-game-video project, but are having optimization problems. Because the client wants a full-screen option for both the video and game segments, our file size is too big. Any advice on how to minimize load time yet retain a relatively high-quality image standard? The h.264 image quality, but there are licensing issues, and we need the transparent alpha channel for the video segments.
I am relatively new to Flash CS3. I need to create a video file add a skin and put a voice over or background music. I have done all of it but I have a problem with the skin. On the skin there is a volume button for the video. How can I mute or control the volume of the video? Just like in youtube for example. You can turn it up or down. What is the code for it? Because when I click on the button to mute ir or turn it down it doesn't do anything to the volume. I had a separate video and a song but I went to Windows Movie Maker and associated the song with the video so now it is a whole: video with a song. So basically I just want to know what I need to do in order to control the volume of the video.
I made web banners with the intent that the shell being the initial swf, could pull an external swf file from a remote site. View here: [URL]. The main .swf file has to be under 30k, which it is. now the other .swf files load when you rollover the buttons. this method fulfills the 30k requirement on the advertisers side - also allows the creative to have higher res images/swf files hosted on our site/side. In testing it locally, it all works great. But when I moved the .swf file to [URL] to test it - the files hang up when you mouse over the buttons - is there a chance you could check out my source? Here: [URL]. I checked out the security settings. security.allowDomain, not sure if I'm using it correctly?
I have a project that involves playing back a video clip within my swf movie. The video clip plays fine on its own, but when brought into flash the video and audio become out of sync and the movie quality suffers dramatically. I have tried embedding and streaming.
Recently i have visited so many video enriched flash site like this one [URL] Most of them shows video in full size. I downloaded the video using FF plugin. Video framesize is very small compared to the stage size. When i tried to add video and resize the video acoording to the page size , it slows the browser. I tried to embed the flv inside an swf and loaded the swf using normal loader and plyed it.. but the quallity and performance comapred to these site is very low..
I am new to as3 and am having an issue transferring a Flash Video Gallery into a seperate flash file.Basically I want to add this video player file into a separate flash site I am making but don't know how with as3.I copy all the library assets from the video gallery FLA into the other movie, put the movieclips in the right location and upload all the relevant actionscript files, xml data linked with the original video player file but nothing still shows up when tested live.
I'm currently working on a website design. The idea is a big chromakeyed interactive video in Flash. The size of the video is 1080 (width) x 1500 (height) pixels.I've exported the video in After Effects with the standard settings for flash (File>Export>Adobe Flash Player(SWF)). Now when I import the video in Flash and preview the file, the video plays in a slower speed and it's not playing smooth at all...Is the video too big? Is there a maximum video-size to keep the video running correct in Flash? Is it something else that causes this problem..?
I got an FLA from flashden and deserately need to customizing it. I am trying to make the Text dynamic (FROM XML) but I still want to keep the animation in the file. I have attached the FLA. I want the xml to have to options. One for the Main name and one for the subtext.
Right now it reads: Advanced XML Website
I want the word advanced changed form one variable in xml and the word XML web site changed from another variable in xml. So it can read: Franks Great Website or Bobs Test Portal
If the font can be centered and stretched to fit that would be great. I want to make the text scale to automatically fit the dynamic text boxes...
I have a video player that plays videos loaded via XML and selected using a combbox. I just got the play and pause buttons to work. What I'm attempting to do now is be able to hit next or previous buttons and select the next or pevious video from the XML file, and update the displayed/selected file in the combobox, my thought was to somehow set the previous/next buttons to directly manipulate the combobox, but nothing I've tried so far has worked.
ActionScript Code: import; var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null);
When I preview my flash file it says that the filesize is 29kb. However when I look at the properties of the outputted swf it's coming in a t 36kb. Which is the correct size? Also what extra information is being added to push it up by 7kb?
When I preview my flash file it says that the filesize is 29kb. However when I look at the properties of the outputted swf it's coming in a t 36kb. Which is the correct size? Also what extra information is being added to push it up by 7kb?
I made a preloader for my single scene movie and although the preloader is about 16k, when placed into frame 1 of the movie and tested, the frame is shown to have about 256k, which is larger than the movie it's loading. I've gone through all the files and made sure that export in frame 1 is not checked and made sure the publish settings also are set to export in frame 1.
I have a pretty simple script that allows you to draw multiple rectangles using the drawing API in MX. I need to create multiple MC containers, so that I can later do other functions to these areas.Now, what I can't figure for the life of me is why the rectangles are drawing in the way they are. If you copy this script into a blank file and run it, you'll see what I mean. Why is it duplicating/replicating/echoing as you draw? If you debug and list Objects, it is creating the MCs properly, so where are these other lines coming from? I'm sure this is something simple to fix, that there is some recursion going on, but I can't troubleshoot it.
I'm making a site in dreamweaver, with a flash menu. on that flash menu I have buttons that load a external text file and applies CSS to it before showing it. All this is well, BUT, the site is in Norwegian, and some of the letters that is typical of the Norwegian alphabet won't show,( it's just boxes)and some of the nearby letters dissapear to.
Worked on a project for 8 hours. I should have saved it, but the abobe stuff seemed to be bullet proof. I pressed the up arrow and poof gone.
Why is there not some sort of auto save for when it crashes? such a simple task you completely forgot. I guess now I have to save non stop to use your product. I don't want to sit there and mash that crap all day long. Another thing why does cutting and pasting frames from another file always put it in random spot? then when you go to move it, you have one messed up animation. When you click on a layer, you see the motion in the little colored line, and then the actual pic. When you select more then 1 layer it only picks one of the dotted lines, but it proceeds to copy incorectly.
BTW why restrict underscores in screen names? WHY? I can't come up with any good reason.
I'm working on an image gallery project that uses 45 jpgs that need to be displayed all at about the same time (like a splash of photos).Everything works except for inconsistent display of the loaded images (it works consistently on localhost but not on the remote server).All of the images successfully preload into the cache, but when the routine that displays them starts, it sometimes fails to complete.I haven't been able to find anything unusual in the display code that would account for the failure.So I thought I would try to add a work-around (maybe a Timer) that would repeatedly run the display routine until it completed successfully (sounds sloppy and hokey, but I'm at my wits end and way behind schedule).
I have an FLV file that I want to be able to make a text box that acts as a password field.When the user enters the correct password, I want it to route the internet explorer page to a different website.
I want to have a video with a different language on each channel, to give the viewer the possibility to switch dynamically. That's easily done with setPan, however you end up with the audio playing on only one channel, and that's pretty bad, specially if you watch in headphones. So my question is:
how do you take one channel from an FLV stream and send it to both speakers?
i have a swf with several processor intensive subroutines within a main init() routine at start up (about a 5 secs startup wait). it needs a preloader not due to asset loads but to the processor intensive routines.i'm trying to create a preloader that will display progress as the routines complete but when i try to write text to text field as each subroutine completes either the textField.text is not updated or the text field display is not updated after each subroutine finishes.this prevents me from tracking the progress of the start up.
is there a way to force an update to the display list in the middle of a processor intensive routine? i believe flash is supposed to update after each frame but i'm not seeing this.also, the text field i'm displaying *before* this processor intensive routine *does* display when running locally but *does not* display before the routine when running online.not sure why.