Actionscript 3 :: Implement Swapping Routine In Similar To C++ Std?

Mar 31, 2011

Is it possible to implement swapping routine in ActionScript 3.0 similar to C++ std::swap?I mean something like


It doesn't work "as is" for integers because they're passed by value, not ref into the Swap routine.

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drawLevel = 0;
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping Within An Array?

Jul 3, 2008

I'm trying to get this script running. It's to make a menu consisting of 5 buttons next to each other. When one of the buttons is clicked, it swaps position and color with the most left of the sequence. The gap created by the transition is either filled with a simple swap, or having all the buttons left of the gap slide to the right.So I figured I'd arrange all the buttons in an array. Here's my script

#include ""
function setup() {


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Oct 7, 2009

I'm trying to swap movieclips in and out of an area, rather than loading an endless number via attach/getNextHighestDepth. Is there a way to swap my attached movieclip A with a new attached movieclip B, so that either clip A or Clip B is loaded, but not both? Because my current program uses attached files of identical size that overlap, I didn't realize there was a problem until things slowed down. I checked my number of objects in the debug list between hitTests and lo and behold, the list of objects got longer each time, even though to the viewer, it looked the same.

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Professional :: Library Image Swapping Bug?

Sep 28, 2010

I upgraded recently to Adobe CS5 from MM Flash 8 so that I could recover some newer Flash components that were developed in a newer version.  This all seemed to go with out any issue.  However, once in CS5, I noticed twice that an images switched to another image in the library.  So I had two copies of the image and one image that went missing.  I solved this by just updating the image that was corrupted. 
I was on a crunch for this project and was working 16hr days, so I just left my computer on over night with CS5 open.  I published the presentation and sent it for approval.  Once everything was approved closed CS5.
When I reopened it many, (around 30ish) of my images have been corrupted the same way.  I went back to my previous backups and the last 8hrs worth also have the corruption.

Is this something I can easily and permanently fix in this demo or as long as I use it will it keep on screwing up?Is this issue only with images or is my action script also likely to be corrupted?

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Oct 11, 2010

I simply want to be able to write a function within a class that swaps a button or movie clip on the stage (that sits within another movie clip)with another button/movie clip that is located within the library.I have attempted the addChild() method but that doesn't seem to be working so well...e.g.clipOnstage.myBtn.addChild("libraryClip")....was just hoping it would replace the mc that is already within the display object container (kind of like what loadMovie used to do in as2)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Parents During An Event

Feb 17, 2009

I basically have a large bar of items that fills up dynamically, they are all added to a dispCont movieclip as a container. When you click on one it gets pulled to the front, scales up and I want all the unselected Items to blur or become semi transparent. So i figured i could just tween the dispCont object, however this affects whatever is brought to the front, so i want to switch that into a new MovieClip called centerCont. Here is the code, ive been trying different things, I could just use a little input.[code]when I click on it because i am trying to set = centerCont;otherwise, uncommented and that removed i get Code:1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.

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Apr 27, 2010

I'm a pixel artist struggling with AS3.I want to load a sprite sheet from file, actionscript through the five rows of colors in the upper left to identify the five palattes (by default, the sprite sheet is colored using the first palette), then recolor the entire sprite sheet according the one of the five palettes, setting magenta to transparent. The end result being the ability to do this...

I can do loops and arrays, but I don't know how to actually cycle through the PNG identifying and replacing colors. I've loaded the sprite sheet and scrolled the palette out of view using scrollRect, but nothing else.

//Scale the screen x3


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Embedded Bitmaps?

May 15, 2010

For starters, I may be going about this all wrong, but I have two PNG bitmaps that I have embedded into my script:

private var Image1:Class;

private var Image2:Class;Now I can addChild and removeChild to get them on and off the screen, but this seems cumbersome.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Images In Library?

Jul 7, 2010

I have got an animation using 4 jpeg pictures which are of course stored in my library...I use them multiple times in the animation and I need to change them from time to time but I dont want to swap them manually in flash. The ideal solution for me would be if I could write some code that is able to swap this images in library for those I have in folder where swf is saved. here you can see my animation for better understanding: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Depth Of MovieClips?

Aug 30, 2010

How do you go about swapping depths in AS3? I've got a movieClip (allContent_mc) that contains a bunch of other movieClips(mc1, mc2, etc.) that expand in size when clicked on. However, when they are expanded I need to make sure that the one being viewed is on top. The control to expand each clip lives within each clip itself. Ideally, when the expand code (below) is executed, I'd like to make sure the clip's depth supersedes all others. I'm keeping all the clips together in one larger clip because the larger clip is living inside a scrollPane component. Pretty sure I'm just not defining the path to the clip correctly.

ActionScript Code:
function goOpen(e:MouseEvent):void{
this.setChildIndex (square_mc , this.numChildren - 1 );[code]...........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping X / Y Values With Easing

Mar 5, 2004

How you'd swap; after storing, _x /_y position values of movie clips on button instances ie. onClick ..... Let's say I had four 4 movies and 3 buttons the (first movie looking like a button but is active so it's not clickable at that point) mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4 when the movie loads they are in that order. When the user clicks mc2 or 3 or 4 it slides into the _x position of mc1, and mc1 slides into the _x pos. where mc2/3/ or 4 just was (they swap).... then the user clicks mc4 or 3 or 1 and it swaps pos. with mc2 and so on.... all this done with a smooth easing transition. An example similar to this is the navigation module on [URL].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping A Symbol / Image?

Mar 8, 2005

I have an image (possibly in an MC), which I would like to change, depending on the section the user is in. Basically I am looking for something like what the Swap Symbol command does.. swapping the symbol with another one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping A Character In An Array

Jul 30, 2008

I have a list component being populated by XML. In the XML, it contains characters like & " etc.. I have a function that will replace that with its proper character like & and "


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping The Sound Files?

Sep 17, 2010

I am working on a Flash / AS3 project which has several audio tracks and starts off with an intro track. When the user clicks a button a window opens and the audio track changes, the new audio track continuously loops until the user closes the window. When the window is closed the audio track switches to a default audio track which is similar to the intro track. The problem I am having is that when the user clicks on the button and the window opens, the audio track plays as expected, but when it reaches the end, it doesn't loop, instead the intro track starts to play instead (and loop I assume).

Here is the code I am working with:

package {


I included trace statements to track what the value of "music" is doing. It appears that when the function repeat() occurs, "music" always seems to default to the intro music "audio/track-intro.mp3".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping Depths With A Fade?

Jan 6, 2005

I want to swap depths on movieclips overlaying each other but instead of the new clip on rollover just popping up over the other one, i want it to fade into the top.

here is an attached .fla file in mx2004 format.

for those not using 2004, here is the code:

PHP Code:

but1.onRollOver = but2.onRollOver = but3.onRollOver = but4.onRollOver = function() {     this.swapDepths(getNextHighestDepth()); }; 

Also, is there a way to streamline this code so i dont have to type the button instance names every time i add another?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping _x / _y Values With Easing?

Mar 5, 2004

Just was wondering if anyone had any idea on how you'd swap; after storing, _x /_y position values of movie clips on button instances ie. onClick ..... Let's say I had four 4 movies and 3 buttons the (first movie looking like a button but is active so it's not clickable at that point) mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4 when the movie loads they are in that order.

When the user clicks mc2 or 3 or 4 it slides into the _x position of mc1, and mc1 slides into the _x pos. where mc2/3/ or 4 just was (they swap).... then the user clicks mc4 or 3 or 1 and it swaps pos. with mc2 and so on.... all this done with a smooth easing transistion.

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