Osx :: Uploading A File On Mac Osx Using Adobe Flex 3?

Feb 10, 2010

I've created a fileUpload.mxml component in flex 3 which basically uploads m4a's to a designated server. The general code is below:

private var uploadURL:URLRequest;
private var file:FileReference;
file=new FileReference();[code].....

Everything works fine on a windows pc, but not on a mac pc. It stops at file. upload (uploadURL)(and thus doesn't trigger Event.COMPLETE).

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Flex :: Working With Images When Uploading In Adobe?

Oct 27, 2009

What I have to do is upload some images to a server, which is OK, but before uploading I must downsize this images by reducing their quality and width/height. I've found many information about the class JPGEncoder, but I couldn't make it work.

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File Uploading Using Flex Only?

Jan 19, 2011

/Flex code/
private const UPLOAD_URL:String = "http://myhosting/upload/upload.php";
private var cer:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Archivos Cer", "*.cer");
private var key:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Archivos Key", "*.key");
private var fileref:FileReference = new FileReference();
private var fileref2:FileReference = new FileReference();


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Flex :: Get ByteArray Of File When Uploading?

Apr 12, 2011

There is a WSDL which have one method which take byteArray & fileName(which i want to write) as a parameter to write a file in local system, the following is the code...

public void writeLocation(byte[] byteToWrite, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException
StringBuffer fileLocation = new StringBuffer("D:\Products\Device");


but the flex 2 showing the error when i searched i found out in flex 2 there is no "data" property. so i am unable to create the selected object into byteArray..

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C# :: Uploading File From Flex To WCF REST Stream

Mar 24, 2011

The system is a Flex application communicating with a WCF REST web service. I am trying to upload a file from the Flex application to the server and am running into some issues. I'm using a FileReference in the Flex app to browse and upload the file as defined here: [URL]. I am then receiving the file as a Stream (shows as System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.StreamFormatter.MessageBodyStream in the debugger) in the WCF REST web service (using project type of WCF 4 REST Service)

[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "_test/upload")]
public void UploadImage(Stream data) {
// TODO: just hardcode filename for now
var filepath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\_testfile.txt");
using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(filepath)){
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Get Full Qualified Path Of Uploading File

May 28, 2011

say, user created a xml file by an AIR application and this file has been saved in certain location of his machine. If user enters second time in that application, the content of that XML file, should be displayed without prompting him. application should read file silently and display the content.In this scenario, i thought that when user will save that file, the entire file location will be saved in cookie. If user enters second time in that application, the file path will be available from cookie. user will not be prompted.[code]How can I get that full qualified path of saved file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading A Picture Using FileReference And Adobe's PHP Script?

Jan 12, 2011

I need to upload a picture to the server. I found from Adobe's website a PHP script that will receive the POST data. I tried to put the link to the script but this forum won't allow due to my limited amount of posts. You can find the web site by putting these exact keywords in Google: "Adobe Flash Platform * Using the FileReference class".It will be too messy to post the entire code but the most essential code should be this one:

var fileTest:FileReference = new FileReference;
fileTest.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileSelect);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adobe CS4: Uploading Random Image Generator To Remote Site?

Nov 5, 2009

i have a short swf that has two movie clips that act as holders for thumbnails to get loaded in a random fashion. it works fine when i test my movie, and even when i export the swf. the images load in the placeholder - no problems.when i upload the swf to the website, the thumbnails dont load and the holders stay blank.i experimented locally and moved my .swf file into a folder that didn't contain a folder containing all the thumbnails. this gave the same result as the website (blank holders).when i move the folder containing all the images into this new folder with the swf, the images load in the movie and no blank holders are seen.

easy solution i though, i upload the folder to the website in the same directory as the swf file. did that but the images still dont load. is it that the swf is attempting to read the folder that would be on the local drive and not go for the copy in the same containing folder on the remote area?here is my code,

MovieClip.prototype.setRandom = function() {
HIGH = 100;


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Flex :: Run BAT File From Adobe AIR?

Jul 26, 2010

To package an .air file into a native installer you have to use a batch program called adt.

The command on Windows will look something like this:

C:Usersjisaacks>"C:Program Files
(x86)AdobeAdobe Flash Builder
4sdks4.1.0inadt" -package -target


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Actionscript 3 :: Httpresponse - File Reference Response Data After Uploading A File

Aug 29, 2011

I have written a ac3 script to upload files to remote servers and it is working as expected with all the events.

From the server side script i am echoing some text according to the upload status and i want that status to be received in flash like response text in ajax.

Is it possible to receive response text from a server script after uploading a file.

Or it doesn't have to be a file upload yet i wanted to have the string echoed in the server side script as response text in flash.

If that is not possible like ajax or normal request and response then is there another ways of achieving that?

Here is the code which gets executed when upload is complete.

fr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event): void
lblPer.text = 'Completed';


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Adobe Flex File Uploader?

Mar 7, 2010

I've been scouring the web to find a tutorial on how to implement a flex uploader, but didn't find any :(

Some tutorials just give the code and doesn't explain how to use them(sorry, i'm a newbie to flex)

can u geeks suggest some good tutorials?

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Flex :: File Upload With Adobe Air?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to upload a file with Flex to Minus.com

The API Reference explain the upload with this example:

POST /api/v2/folders/0FQHJakL/files?bearer_token=[token] HTTP/1.1 Host: minus.com Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryxECY8varBqIXZW4f Accept-Charset:


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Flex :: Adobe AIR - Write A File And Specify As Read-only

Apr 20, 2010

Another Adobe AIR question for you: Can we write files to the file system and leave them as read-only in Adobe AIR? In the future, we would overwrite these files (or delete them and write a new one).

Update: I tried the following approach, but I was still able to open the file, edit, and save to the file system after the process executed.


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XML :: Flex - Correct Way To Create New File From Adobe Air

Dec 21, 2011

I'm having trouble creating an XML file from Air. It always seems to have some extra character in front of the first block in the xml file like this "¥". This application can read back out of the document, but if i open it with a text editor to make a change and save it, it will no longer open in my application. When I create this XML file, the whole reason I want to use an XML is so that I can possibly edit it on another computer, or in a text editor, and send it back.

Right now I'm creating the XML like this:
var myXML:XML = <motor>
[Code] .......

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public var prefsFile:File;
[Bindable] public var prefsXML:XML;
public var stream:FileStream;


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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine:

But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - IO Error While Uploading Photo With Low Uploading Internet Speed?

Mar 1, 2010

System.security.allowDomain("http://" + _root.tdomain + "/");
import flash.net.FileReferenceList;


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Flex :: Adobe Air - Get OS Open A File In Their Native Applications?

Sep 9, 2009

In adobe air, is there anyway to get OS open a file, in their native applications?

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HTML :: How To Deploy SWF File Created Using Adobe Flex

Oct 16, 2009

I have a SWF file I created using Adobe Flex and I cannot seem to properly embed it inside an HTML page. If I take another SWF file and use it instead, it works all the time. My SWF file is pretty big (1 MB) while the other one is tiny (25 KB). However, I can wait 5-10 minutes and the server connection is super fast and it still will never load. Is there something I need to do to the SWF to have it start up properly? My SWF almost never runs.

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Flex :: Adobe Air - Read Updates To File With FileStream

Nov 18, 2009

I'm trying to get two different apps to communicate through a file. I would like app 1 to append some text to a file, and app 2 to notice, and read the new bytes (not the whole file). There is an event, ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, that is supposed to fire when new data is available on a FileStream, but it only fires when I first open the file. Basically, I would like to leave the FileStream open, listening like a socket on the end of that file for changes.

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Flex :: Extract And Display Contents Of Zip File In Adobe AIR?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a requiremnt where my Air application loads ZIP files instead of swf.The zip contains all swf ,images and other files.My requirement is when user browses for file in a browse dialog, user selects a zip file and the contents of this zip file should be displayed to the user.

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Flex :: File Size Limit For Upload In Adobe Air?

Jun 22, 2010

I am building an Adobe AIR app and integrated an FTP client for file transfers. But I found out that maximum file upload size is 100 MB. I need to transfer bigger files

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Flex :: Writing Data Into A Text File In Adobe?

Jul 5, 2010

I want to write some data stored in a string variable into a text(txt) file.

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Flex :: Adobe Air Have Unconstrained File System Access?

Apr 15, 2009

I've found several examples and documentation that show how to read and write files on the system, but all show user intervention or reading/writing files in user profile directories. There are a few things I want to do:

Monitor system and other application log files for changes, then automatically load those files when changes occur Reload a previously open file when the application launches Write files into a log directory, which probably will not exist in the same path as the application.

In my very quick search, it seems that there may be a security model that constrains an AIR application's access to the file system, so that files can only be read or written to directories selected by the user with the file system dialog OR files can be written within the user profile or air application directory.

Does an Adobe Air application have unconstrained access to the file system?

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Flex App Page File Usage Going Through Roof

Oct 1, 2009

I have been working on an Adobe Flex application for some months now, and the application is meant to run 24/7 for days (weeks!) continuously. However, I'm now seeing that after a few days of running nonstop the computer it runs on tells me that the system is low on virtual memory and gives me an error about Page File usage. Once I close the Flex app, the Page File usage goes down from 1.9 GB to 100 MB (or less). It seems that its using up all this memory and not freeing it although I have been very careful in my app to not keep huge arrays.The app does some graphing and draws a lot of shapes (to greate a 'gauge') and then gets rid of them by re-declaring that object as another 'gauge'.

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Flex :: Get A File Explorer/Navigator To Work In Adobe AIR Applications?

May 6, 2010

I realize this is probably a simple question but my google-fu is failing me. I would like to get a windows explorer like file browser to popup when I click a button to select images to upload to my AIR application.However I cannot find a component that handles File exploring. Does anyone know what to use?

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Adobe - Access Local File System From Flex Web Application?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm trying to access local file system from Flex web application. I know it is pretty difficult, but I think there must be a way. Is there a way that Flex app can use AIR components or maybe web application can call some AIR module in order to choose files and upload?

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Flex :: Set The Initial Path Of A Select File Dialog In Adobe Air?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using the Flex3 File.browseForOpen() method. Is there a way to specify a initial path that the file browser starts in?

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Java :: Load A .properties File From A Client Using Adobe Flex?

Feb 28, 2011

Is it possible to load a .properties file from a client computer using adobe flex? I have a flex app that needs to access a server and multiple URLs but the URLs may change frequently. So I think modifying and loading the URLs from a .properties file would be the easiest way update the URLs

I was able to use florians suggestion and I've added the code below if anyone else is interested. I used the example here URLLoader.

public function URLLoaderDataFormatExample(event:Event):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("file:///c:/temp/prop.properties");
var variables:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Flex :: Adobe - RSL Error: The Loaded File Did Not Have A Valid Signature

Sep 26, 2011

I'm using Flex SDK 4.5 to create swf files, recently I got the following error when try to open my swf file:


I totally have no idea whats going on with rsl loading step. how to solve this without have to statically linking rsl into swf file?

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