Flex :: File Size Limit For Upload In Adobe Air?
Jun 22, 2010I am building an Adobe AIR app and integrated an FTP client for file transfers. But I found out that maximum file upload size is 100 MB. I need to transfer bigger files
View 1 RepliesI am building an Adobe AIR app and integrated an FTP client for file transfers. But I found out that maximum file upload size is 100 MB. I need to transfer bigger files
View 1 RepliesI have found this great tutorial, about uploading files with a Flex app, using Php to do the server scripting for us.
http:[url]....Its great, but i wanted to know what changes should i do at the ActionScript so that only accepts image files, and if possible to limit the file size upload and show a message when one of these conditions are violated.
File Filter & Size Limiter Done. Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" [code]........
I manage to upload files using file reference in flash 8, but i need to limit the size of each file to 150 kb... how can i do this?
View 1 RepliesIs there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):
Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
fancyupload - looks buggy.
phpfileuploader - looks heavyweight, and looks commercial (?) I cannot read the licence (you can download it but are you allowed to use it forever without paying?) plupload New version of pure javascript (no flash) Valums' ajax upload claims to handle file size limit and progress bar, which is quite suspicious to me: these features require to guess the file size before the upload, which seems impossible in javascript (look also here). Or can it work?
Is there a maximum size limit for files being uploaded in Adobe Flex?I am testing it on localhost and can't upload a file of roughly 300MB.Even though I receive the complete event, after I upload the file....I was able to upload a file of roughly 10MB.
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to upload a file with Flex to Minus.com
The API Reference explain the upload with this example:
POST /api/v2/folders/0FQHJakL/files?bearer_token=[token] HTTP/1.1 Host: minus.com Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryxECY8varBqIXZW4f Accept-Charset:
Is this possible through flash?
I have to create a flash uploader where you can define the maximum number of files that can be selected.
Is there a limit to the size of video file an instance of FLVPlayback can handle? I have a set of H.264 encoded .mov files, and all but one of them run fine. There is one file that starts buffering, but even when the browser has downloaded the whole video, it still doesn't play. The file is ~300MB.
View 2 RepliesI tried with flex and java in the backend. In this, I am able to upload files till 100 MB using remote object (blazeDs) where we will read the file as byte array and send it to the java method. If the file size exceeds after that, then I get the run time error in IE.
View 1 RepliesI have been asked to compress a commercial for a client for web. The spot is 300x250 at 10 seconds and I am exporting an flv out of After Effects. I have taken the bit rate down as low as possible and can only get it down to about 872kb. Is there any solution to lowering it down to the required 40k file size.
Also, for delivery would i just need to send the swf and html or does the flv need to go
Is there any possibility in Adobe AIR to control bandwidth usage with AIR when downloading a file using URLStream?
View 3 RepliesI have an application built with Adobe AIR for Android. The apk is 108MB, larger than the 50MB limit imposed by Google.
View 1 Replieshow to reduce the flash file size (flash website) to upload in the web. And also tell me what is the limit size of flash sile to upload in the web.
View 1 RepliesWe are trying to create a label maker. We have most of the functionally done but can't figure out how let a user upload a file.
View 0 RepliesI'm loading and displaying a large image say 6000 x 6000 px using an image tag. I wanted to take a snapshot of the image. But the maximum limit I get is 2880 px dimensions using Flex 4, flash player 10. Didn't the limit of FP 10 increased to 4096 px? Then why am I getting 2880? Is there a way to increase that size.
View 2 RepliesI tried to limit the size of the AdvancedDataGrid to its rows. Currently I am using variableRowHeight to true and at the run time setting the itemRenderer's height. Hence every row has different height. But I found that the logic behind the calculation of Grid's height is plain and simple - measure the height of the first row, then multiply it with the number of rows. Please correct me if I am wrong here I did some POC on the issue and found that during the calculateRowHeight event -> it calculates the individual row height but somewhere down the line it is only multiplying the rowCount with the first row's height. Instead it should calculate every row and should sum up the height. PS: I tried below options:
1. rowCount = arrayCollection.length
2. dataGrid.height = dataGrid.measureHeightOfItems(0, arrayCollection.length)+ dataGrid.headerHeight
How can I limit the size of a child container with percentage width/height of 100%?
<mx:HBox id="container" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:HBox id="scrollContainer" width="100%" height="100%">
<!-- keep this content limited to the size of "container" -->
Apparently I can get the desired behavior if I change HBox to Canvas but I would still like to know how to accomplish this with a HBox and why it differs from Canvas.
I'm deploying a small application with Adobe Air. My application will do batch upload from filepath which stored in a text file. For example, in a text file name "list.txt", there is a string "C:myfilesIMG_0001.JPG". Now I want to upload this image file, keep tracking of upload progress :-< I want to use FileReference to get the upload progress, but I don't know how to import from file's path. I also wonder how to use FileReference to upload this file without prompting a dialog for user to select file.
View 1 RepliesI have developed a video player in adobe flash cs4 and used all vector arts but when I open this fla file in Adobe Flash CS5 and published it, the swf file size more then fla file.
Adobe Flash CS4 -
Index.fla file size: 523 KB
Index.swf file size: 55 KB
I have a flex mobile application that I am working on that I am having issues with selecting an image from roll/taking a picture. My application is not tabbed, however one part of it contains a Tabbed View Navigator with tabs across the bottom. Within one of those tabs, I have the ability to upload an image to a webservice that I have created. However, when I select an image or take the picture, it pops back out to the initial splash screen and the application restarts. If I use the component standalone (outside of the tabbed view navigator) it selects the image and uploads without any problem.
What is the reason for the enormass bloating of FLA file size, when many edits and saves are made to a FLA file, yet assets are not being added to the library? What is the best technique to keep FLA files smaller in size? (with the problem described below. I am not talking about published SWF files or asset management)Over many edits and many saves of my FLA files, they become 30 times the size on disk from where they start out. Example 750k can get as high as 34mb. In the past "save and compact" used to fill the role of reducing FLA file sizes but now that feature is gone.When I save as a CS4 file then back to CS5 the file becomes much smaller after it has become bloated, BUT I take a risk every time I do this that the file will become corrupted (I've had corruptions happen).I have read that files which were created in CS5 and are never in the format of CS4 don't have this problem, but I find that theory unlikely since I have tried to follow this rule to no success.
I have also read that every FLA file tracks its "history" of assets. So adding and removing assets to the library will sometimes cause bloating because old assets that are removed from the library remain in the FLA file. This seems bogus because there is no purpose to this, but could be an indication of a bug in Adobe Flash Professional CS5, and CS5.5.Personal details: the files I am editing contain personally created flash components, images, audio, many symbols (20+) but no embedded video.For me personally, this bloating is a problem because I'm dealing with hundreds of flash FLA files that should be about 1-4mb in size but are instead much larger. The overall effect is that I end up with gigabytes of files instead of hundreds of mbs.
How to get folder size in Adobe Air?
View 2 RepliesWhy the same fla source code publish different size of swf file in different computer with same version of adobe flash which is cs4?1 is about 3mb only and the other is about 20mb.The different is too big!What can i do?
View 1 RepliesI have a LinkBar which is linked to a viewstack. However, as I change the fontsize of my LinkBar, when I run it, the font size does not change at all! I've tried changing the font using CSS and it doesnt change the font size!
I have a component in Flex, and part of that component is a label. Is there a way to automatically adjust the font size to fit into its container?
View 1 Repliesmy listener.onComplete = function(selectedFile:FileReference) is fired without any file in the upload dir. if the file is small and I wait a bit I can see the file (through FTP) coming up on the server, but most of the times the "onComplete" if fired without any file being saved.
can I add something to this php code to make sure the file is uploaded?
i want to uplod csv file in to java from flex screen ? How can i do that ?
View 2 RepliesI am trying to upload files to my server using a flex program but the swf files are not being uploaded. So I tried to upload other file types such as png, jpg, txt, xml and all of these upload without a problem but swf will not upload.
MXML File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
d {
I want to have a text with digit size of about 300, but at a certain digit size, when i increase the digit size more, it will not increase in the swf file (even though it will increase as i intended in the .fla file).Is there a max digit size, and if so, can i increase it, and if not, why is this happening?the textfield is a dynamic textfield made in the .fla file (so not in as3).
View 2 RepliesCan I set a maximum percentage of CPU resources a specific program or process can use? I want to use the executable name instead of its pid, because I would like certain executables to always run with constrained resources.
The reason I ask for that is that I am bored of the way Shockwave Flash behaves. It is not possible that to draw a few stupid things in my browser it takes 50%, 80%, 99% of my dual core CPU!
MacBook Pro 2009 -
MacOS X 10.6.4 -
Chrome 6.0 -
P.S.: Now, when my fan starts running I now the reason and I know how to temporarily fix it: I kill Shockwave Flash and everything is back as normal.