AS2 :: Flash - Error "There Is No Class Or Package With The Name 'com.es3.ProgressBar'

Feb 15, 2011

I am using Flash CS5 and am getting a very odd error when I compile. All my classes are in the package com.es3.as2. In the first frame of my movie, I have the following code:

import com.es3.as2.Shell;

I have my classpath set correctly. When I compile, I get this error:

, Line 1 There is no class or package
with the name 'com.es3.ProgressBar'
found in package 'com.es3'.

This is odd because nowhere do I refer to a "com.es3" package. It's always "com.es3.as2".If I remove the import line, the movie compiles with no errors (but without the initialization code, it doesn't run correctly).

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class Main{
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[Code] .....

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package game {internal class carnode {
public function carnode() { function printtrace():void{ trace("Tesitng package


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public function(){
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 5001 Does Not Reflect Location Of Package

Feb 29, 2012

So I have a shell.fla file, on the same level as that there is a core_classes folder. Inside of the core classes folder is a and a xml, buttons, and loaders folders. Inside of the loaders folder is
Inside of the buttons folder is

The package name for is core_classes.buttons The package name for is core_classes.loaders

When I run my Shell.fla I get the 5001 error Package name 'core_classes.loaders' does not reflect the location of this package. Please move this to the file. 'core_classes/loaders/'.

But where it lists the location of the error in the compile errors box it lists 'core_classes/loaders/'

I've checked the spelling everything is spelled right, I made sure I didn't mix up the two package names..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Get Flashvars Value From A Package As Class Not From The Timeline

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I need to assign dynamically a path to a xml file through Flashvars. How I can make it work? I was able to get Flashvar from html page into swf with actionscript code on timeline:

1. HTML � assigning Flashvars with swfObject:


<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xmlfile = "xml/data.xml";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Applying Two Class Files From A Package

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I have a photo gallery, with a thumbnail panel (a photo viewer page) that I made, coding the AS3 from the key frame. It just so happens that I saw some class files online that have some good stuff in the tutorial.I've never really worked with .as files and I am intimidated by them.Would it be easier to modify my photo gallery, with a thumbnail panel, from key frame to .as AS3 code or to go from .as to key frame code? I personally feel more comfortable with key frame AS3, but I am not scared to dabble.How can I practice adding a couple of class files to my key frame AS3 code- I'm using regular variables, but the interesting idea I saw uses private variables and public functions, and it imports some stuff?

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