AS3 :: Flash - OOP Visualization Logic - Linking Filters And Data Source?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm trying to visualize the results of a quiz in ActionScript 3.0.What I would like some input on is how to best link the "filters" (top right corner in attached image) to the data source in a flexible OOP way.The result array now contains both number of correct answers and meta data about the person taking the quiz. The meta data could be both discrete (sex) or continuous (age).

results = [{name: "Lisa", correct: 5, sex: 0, age: 52}, {name: "Peter", correct: 3, sex: 1, age: 32} ... ]

How do I tell the boxes to, for example, change color when I change filter?Should each box object hold its own data or should there be some sort of controller listening to the filter object to dispatch an event and thereafter call a box.setColor method?

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ball.onEnterFrame = function() {
var xMouse = _root._xmouse;
var yMouse = _root._ymouse;


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Actionscript 3 :: Uses Flare To Display And Interact With A Data Visualization?

Apr 21, 2010

I've got a pure AS3 (no Flex) project that uses Flare to display and interact with a data visualization. I just implemented some panning behavior, so you can click and drag the visualization around, and now I'd like to give the user a visual indicator that this is possible, by switching the arrow cursor with a nice grabby-looking hand icon.The user can click and drag at any time except when the mouse is over a clickable node (at which time the cursor swaps to a pointer - this behavior is already in place).

1) Do I need to create my own custom bitmap/sprite or is there a palette of built-in cursors I can use? (I'm not using Flex.)

2) Is there a way to simply replace the default arrow with the pan cursor project-wide, or do I need to attach the swapping to mouse events on display objects? Can I use the stage object to make this behavior apply everywhere?

3) How do I perform the swap? Do I use the Cursor object directly or do I need to get involved with the CursorManager?

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Jun 2, 2009

how to create a Flash website, that loads data from an external source(CMS),  that can be indexed by Google?  Indexed by Google looking at the SWF and not shadow HTML pages.  Or exactly why such a site cannot be indexed by Google.  I have found several articles; however, none get into technical details or are by Adobe.

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Mar 14, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using String To Store And Apply Property Filters?

Jul 21, 2009

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1119: Access of possibly undefined property filters through a reference with static type String.Warning: 1072: Migration issue: String is not a dynamic class.  Instances cannot have members added to them dynamically. 

My code is: 
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var thumbArray:Array=new Array();
var movieClipLoader:Loader;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Data From External 'source' ?

Mar 19, 2011

what would be the best way to do the following :

Allow me to briefly sketch the situation i'm in; On my stage i've got a collection of movieclips, each has an unique name. These MC's represent regions of a country on a map.

The most basic task i'd like to achieve is when the user mouse-overs one of these regions, it displays some relative info on the region (Name, size, population etc)

I was thinking about storing this info externally from the fla/swf itself. When the swf lauches it would retrieve the corresponding info for each region.

Having this data outside the swf would make editing and upkeeping it more easy.

I'm leaning towards looking into an XML-file to do this ? (SQL sounds neat but i have no expirience with it)

The Swf would be hosted on a site, but i see it evolve as an AIR-app in the future.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking MCs Using XML Data For Lines?

Feb 26, 2005

I am rather new to AS and have been trying to work through this for several weeks now. I thought I had it figured out only to find out that I forgot a MC may be linked to several MCs.

What I am trying to do is create a "network" type layout with nodes and connecting lines. Similar to this but not as complex.


I will attach the files I am working on now to connect multiple nodes as well. I said I am rather new to all this and my hair is already getting thinner.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Camera By Data Source?

Jan 15, 2011

it seems that flash has everything needed to

- accept periodic images from a source
- compress these images for transmission
- send them down the wire or perhaps to a local file
Now, is there any way to replace an actual camera by some bitmapdata object that periodically draws (part of) the application?

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Flex :: Using One Data Source For Multiple Datagrids?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to use one data source (e.g. an Array) for multiple Datagrids that have different filterFunctions attached and show different columns.First, I thought I use a very straight forward apporach:create the Arraycreate an ArrayCollection for every DataGrid and set the "source" property to the Arraycreate the DataGrids and set their dataProvider property to its designated ArrayCollectionSo now. every ArrayCollection can have its own filterFunction, sort state etc. but there needs tos are dispatched and I have to call itemUpdated manually on each of the ArrayCollections. While debugging into the code in order to get a deeper understanding for Flex, I tried to figure out, what this misterious "itemUpdated" method does, especially as it notes in the adobe documentation, that, if no "property" is given (e.g. it is null), a simple "refresh()" will occur.

I did not find any calls to "refresh()" in the whole debugging (and I went down the framework whole as deep as possible (btw: lots of funny comments right in the code :-) )he only thing I could find was a CollectionChangeEvent getting dispatched with a PropertyChangeEvent in its "item" property. Which was of the kind "UPDATE" (and not, as I would expect "ADD"). When trying to dispatch that event manually, it never worked (e.g. the datagrid did not update).

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Actionscript 3 :: What Is The Data Type From The Source Of An Image

Dec 29, 2011

I have a class with a contstructor that should only change the source of an image.

private var _picture:Class;


(the image is not an image, but a class)The problem is that when I call the constructor, let's say:

var test:Test = new Test(pictureAtStage.source);

Flashbuilder will give an error, becouse I can't tell the compiler what data type "newSource" at the constructor will have...

*edit:When i use _picture.source, the embedded source does not seem to be changed...?

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Flash :: Php - JQuery Or Other Graph Visualization?

Aug 23, 2011

I have two basic bar charts and I am currently using XML/SWF Charts which is great but the problem I have is I need to be able to send these graphs via email to the user. As well as display them on the site.

I know sending Flash is a bad idea, I would love to find a way to convert my current graphs to an image, but am pretty certain there is no quick fix without building a work around myself.

Therefore what are the best open source or closed solutions for this problem.I need to be able to display two graphs dynamically and then email them to users.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Is ItemRenderer And Data Linking In Flex

Mar 25, 2009

What is itemRenderer in Flex? What is data linking in Flex? After writing the MXML when we do compile, what does the MXML turn into before it is displayed to the user as SWF. SWC and RSL? Whats the difference.

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Flash :: Logic For A Matching Game?

Feb 5, 2011

I was given a task to make a match making game in actionscript 2, problem is, i have very little knowledge about the language (well, and how matching works in as2, what are the important codes, code emplacements, and all I am new in AS2, and i really need a lot of help with our project. :)

I plan to match images. But.. I was planning to have a sort of "Compatibility" match-up game, like,..let's say we have two batteries, one has a 50v capacity(how do u measure batteries?) then the other has a 100v capacity, then there's this battery slot that only accepts a 50v battery, then you will have to match this 50v battery to that battery slot, that's my concept for the game, sir. I hope you got what i said, sir. :D

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