ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Banners On Site

Jan 31, 2010

I have 3 banners on a website.Each of them rotate to different "ads" with different urls.When they are viewed at the direct url file location everything works perfect.They click to the correct place.However when they are viewed together on the main site they will not click through.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Several Banners For Individual Pages Of A Web Site?

Sep 17, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Web Banners - Pulling External SWF File From Remote Site

Apr 12, 2007

I made web banners with the intent that the shell being the initial swf, could pull an external swf file from a remote site. View here: [URL]. The main .swf file has to be under 30k, which it is. now the other .swf files load when you rollover the buttons. this method fulfills the 30k requirement on the advertisers side - also allows the creative to have higher res images/swf files hosted on our site/side. In testing it locally, it all works great. But when I moved the .swf file to [URL] to test it - the files hang up when you mouse over the buttons - is there a chance you could check out my source? Here: [URL]. I checked out the security settings.
not sure if I'm using it correctly?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Sync Two Flash Banners?

Feb 3, 2010

I was wondering of any methods to sync two flash banners? What I mean is  that when the page loads neither banner starts until both are ready? I will have two flash banners like this: |Banner 1| (something else between them, html css) |Banner 2| Both banners will contain video, that needs to be played in sync. Any ideas? I would prefer AS2, because the site I will run these two  banners on prefers AS2. I read something about LocalConnection in AS3, anything similiar in AS2?  And does it work on all OS / browsers? Can it be done with Javascript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Banners 728X90px?

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IDE :: Flash Banners Showing As A White Box In All About Us Pages?

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I was wondering of any methods to sync two flash banners? What I mean is that when the page loads neither banner starts until both are ready? I will have two flash banner like this:


Both banners will contain video, that needs to be played in sync. I would prefer AS2, because the site I will run these two banners on prefers AS2. I read something about LocalConnection in AS3, anything similiar in AS2? And does it work on all OS / browsers? Can it be done with Javascript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: *FLASH GURU*Controlling Two Banners On The Same Page?

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1. I want to click on a icon that activates (controls) a movie clip on another banner ( which would be on the same page)2. I also want to have this banner to have a input text field, which the user would type in their name say" john smith". Once they have typed in their names and clicked on the submit button it wouldd appear on the other banner( which is still on the same page)

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// set random # variables - each must be 0 for first 'while' loop belowvar randomNum = 0;var randomNumLast = 0;
// parent containervar container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container",0);// movie clip


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CS3 Two Banners Sync To Start At Same Time

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I have checked this link :: [URL]

But I am not sure if the localconnection is needed for what I am trying to achieve.

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Actionscript 2 :: Get 2 Banners To Wait Until Both Are Loaded?

Jul 21, 2011

I have two Flash banner ads, built in CS5.5, using AS2, that will be placed on a page together and appear to interact with each other when played at the same time. Similar to this: [URL]..

The problem is that they might not load at the same time. How can I get each banner to check that the other has finished loading before playing?

I had read that LocalConnection was the way to do this, but I haven't been able to find anything that explains it well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Two Ad Banners To Show On Same Page?

Mar 15, 2010

I am new to actionscript but use Flash to produce banner advertising. I have to produce 2 banner ads for the same page. Its quite simple there is a bouncing ball that bounces from one banner to another. I need a simple script so one one .swf finishes another will start. Obviously I need onload an stop so they work correctly in sync with page loads.

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Logging Into PHP Site...Another Log In For Flash Site?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Automate The Process Of Building Banners?

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I have a project on which is going to involve me building thousands of flash banners.Which means I want to automate the process as much as possible. Each flash ad, is going to be exactly the same, apart from one word. So, what I want to do is the following:

- list 1,000 different words in my database
- Have flash pull one word from the database (php)
- Change the default text in the fla to the new word.
- then publish the swf, but naming the swf the word from the batabase.
- then repeat the process for the 2nd word in the list.

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Creating Animated GIF Or Basic SWF Website Banners

Aug 14, 2009

I am a very basic user on adobe flash, basically all I use Flash for at this moment is to create animated gif or basic SWF website banners. The problem that I am encountering at this moment is that when I export to an animated GIF the image quality becomes pixelated (see sample image below), where if i export the same work to an SWF it appears normal, I have tried several different combinations on the settings when saving the GIF but everytime I get the same results.
I would only use SWF formats but our website does not support SWF in every section.

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IDE :: Expandable/Floating/Rich Media Banners?

Jan 8, 2007

how to create an expandable or floating banner.I know you can use things like,, but I want to be able to do this on my own.I'm pretty sure it's just a transparent swf overlaying html content. But is there something with DIV layers I need to know? Is there any specific actionscript I need to put in? I'm working for a pretty big client that wants to advertise on some pretty small websites,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Banners With Auto-play And Timer?

Jan 14, 2011

HI've created a loader/container that houses 5 banner SWFs. The first banner loads as a default and using preview thumbnails which appear after hoving over the lower section of the container, you can jump to the banner of your choosing. ie. after banner 1 loads you hover over the bottom of the container, 5 previews appear, you click on let's say the second preview and the container unloads banner 1 and then loads banner 2 etc. See link below for the banner I created.The container is empty and loads the banner SWFs from an external server to save file size.My issue is I would like, for the banners to automatically loop 1-5 until you choose a preview which pauses the looping. To see the rest of the banners you would either continue clicking on the previews or press play.

Code attached for the container FLA file. 
container codeimport com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Loop - Randomly Loading JPG Banners

Aug 9, 2004

I am trying to create a movie clip that loops and on each loop it loads a random little .jpg banner from a directory. The banners are named 0.jpg, 1.jpg and so on, a script on the first frame of the loop saying

_root.randomnumber = random(_root.bannernumber);

"Bannernumber" is a variable from an external text file specifying how many random numbers to cycle through (how many banners). This works just fine and loads up a new banner after each loop cycle. The problem lies in trying to make each banner go to its own url, I have another external text document with variables
"click0=url, click1=url etc"

Where I want the number in each variable to equal the random number variable in flash, then use an

Function to have it retrieve the url that is somehow in the url variable. Basically, how would I make the urlvariable be equal to the "click0" variable to get the url of the click0 variable into the getURL function? While having the number in the "click0" variable be equal to the random num variable? If I'm going about the random banner thing completely wrong.

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Apr 10, 2008

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