im making a type of game where you send your troops out to battle when you click the button to buy themthis is my script what gets put in to the troops so thay stop and attack the target.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(enemyHouse)) {
My buttons only work when I click on them on the stage while having the "enable simple buttons" option on. They do not work if I try to "test movie," "test scene" and publish it to a SWF. Nothing responds whenever I am in these modes. I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Actionscript 2.0.
i done script its work in flash mx 2004 but not in flash8 why it like this... i am posting that script below hey have look at this & for the script i use two input text with variable input1 & input2 respectively..& one dynamic text with variable display..... & one button, i use script on button..
When i test my movie the buttons work fine they get the URL that i want but then when i upload it to my page it does not get the URL. Am i uploading it wrong??? I Uploaded the SWF to the Server and posted it that way is there more involved or did i do something wrong in the actual movie. [URL]
When I go to test my movie in Flash Pro (control>test movie) nothing happens except a window thats just white.why this may be happening? I just battled some sot of memory problem which is mysteriously resolved ( i didn't do anything). Another funny thing being when flash pro is set to flash player 9 action script 2.0 all is fine...anything else it makes my whole project dissapear from the stage? Getting pretty sick of these funky things happening randomly.
Code: var eHam:Timer=new Timer(2300); eHam.start(); function dropHam(evt:TimerEvent):void { mHam.x=Math.random()*450; var tHam:Tween=new Tween(mHam,"y",None.easeNone,50,570,2.3,true); GameScreen.addChild(mHam); [Code]...
I have been working on my final project for class all week. Suddenly tonight once I have finally worked through so many bugs in transfering things into the thing, I can't get the "Test Movie" option to work to view anything. I even tried to view just the scene. It keeps making these flashes and then basically stays where it's at
I've got a main movie (main) loading another movie (forms) that includes a listbox (listBox) inside a empty movieclip (comboloader).. When I test this out using a getURL?variable="+ _root.variable it works fine in the flash test but when I run it from the site the variable is "undefined"
Here's my code for the button which makes all this happen.
(all variables are set to global) on(release){ formData = new LoadVars();
am I missing a _parent somewhere? Is there any reason this thing would work standalone (in flash) and not in the final file (when its loaded into another clip)
I've got a main movie (main) loading another movie (forms) that includes a listbox (listBox) inside a empty movieclip (comboloader).. When I test this out using a getURL?variable="+ _root.variable it works fine in the flash test but when I run it from the site the variable is "undefined"
Here's my code for the button which makes all this happen.
(all variables are set to global) on(release){ formData = new LoadVars();
am I missing a _parent somewhere? Is there any reason this thing would work standalone (in flash) and not in the final file (when its loaded into another clip)
I have an event handler that handles multiple event types so inside it I am trying to do a test for the event type, which to my understanding is a case-sensitive String. I have a statement such as:
I'm working on a slideshow using a class that I wrote that builds the slideshow and an XML file that points to the images. I plan on improving it later but for now I just want it to cycle through a set of images, resize them if they're too big or small, and show a loading bar while the image is loading. It works fine if I test it in the Flash IDE or standalone Flash Player, but if I drag the SWF into Firefox or Safari, the loading bar refuses to show up. I also tried publishing to an HTML file and that didn't work either. I figured there could only be two different reasons why it wasn't showing up - either it wasn't being added to the stage, it wasn't being made visible after it's initially set to invisible. I decided to comment out the part of the code that make it invisible to begin with the loading bar showed up, but it wasn't showing how much of the image had been loaded when it changed to a new picture. Here's my code:
For some reason the pictureLoading function isn't being called when I test it in any browser. I've seen the loading bar randomly pop up a few in times in Safari 4 but then I try closing the window and testing it again and I get nothing. Can anyone help me figure this out? About:plugins in Firefox says I have Flash Player 10.0.22 installed, and I'm using Flash CS3 in OS X.
I have just created a flash navigation menu in which I imported to dreamweaver to link with the rest of my website. But if I want to test the buttons to see if they work on my system (localhost) and not on a random website, what url do I put? Or do I have to wait until I put my pages on the server and simply paste in the address?
I recently had a client ask me to fix a previously designed Contact form on their Flash site. The form works perfectly, except for the fact that the missing fields test does not seem to work. (In other words, it doesn't recognize when required fields are left blank.) Below is the script that is called when the Submit button is should jump to a frame that contains this:
I've benn trying to get a simple socket server test to work for days now and it seems I'm not getting very far.Basically I just want to send some data from flash to the php script and have it echo it out, or anything at all like that I've been working from this tutorial http[url]....I have this basic flash class which just sends a string to the server:
The server side php is the attached script (pretty much this http:[url]....So I keep the php running on my server then run the as class, what happens is after a while (presumably the 15 second script limit in as) I get this error:
Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: .../networking.swf cannot load data from base()
I recently had a client ask me to fix a previously designed Contact form on their Flash site. The form works perfectly, except for the fact that the missing fields test does not seem to work. (In other words, it doesn't recognize when required fields are left blank.) Below is the script that is called when the Submit button is should jump to a frame that contains this:
I tryed to do this several times, and it didn't worked. The main problem is that if I test simulate the movie (56Kb) the preloader doesn't work. First it loads the entire file, then it loads the preloader which is not needed then, and the 2nd scene after that.
I use URLRequest where I need to load external swf file and pass it some parameters. I am now out of my ideas.
example of my code: var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.swf"); --works fine var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("m1-9.swf?param1=true"); --doesn't work, output
I thought I had a handle on the timer class (even just a beginners understanding), but I'm having trouble with it.I have an event listener for the timer and it starts fine i get a delay, then a tween,but when I place a myTimer.stop();in the fuction the listener called (to stop it) it dosent will repeat placing the first image, and then call the first function again
......Wait its placing the first image in (a couple of lines before the start), so Its restarting the whole movie, not just the function?
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tweenone) myTimer.start(); function tweenone (event:Event):void[code]...........
I'm trying to test a custom Flex 4 skinnable component, using the FlexUnit UIImpersonator class. If I run my tests from a FlashBuilder Spark only project everything works fine. If I try to test from a project with the mx component set on the classpath I get a "getElementIndex not available in non Flex 4 projects" error.Can I unit test spark components in FlexUnits visual test environment while still having the mx component set on the classpath?
UIImpersonator delegates it's method calls to a "testEnvironment".The implementation used for this "testEnvironment" is decided by the VisualTest EnvironmentBuilder class and the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class. If the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class can find the "mx.core.Container" on the classpath it returns a MX environment, else a Spark environment. Only the spark environment has valid implementations for Flex 4 relevant method calls on the UIImpersonator - like the addElement method.
i have a movie that has worked fine in past during Html test but ive been doing some dubugging using the flash test latly and it runs fine here but when i go back and try to test in Html mode no errors come just the movie never fully starts (starts up about as much as if there was an error).
I have two scenes in my flash file and in scene 1, first button takes you to frame 2 where movie clip is -works
on (release) { gotoAndStop("scene1",2); } second button takes you to frame 3
but on scene 2 that performs same function as scene 1, the first button
on(press){ gotoAndStop("scene2",2); }
instead of going to frame 2 goes to frame 3. and the second button goes correctly to frame 3.that happens when i test scene! when i test movie all buttons work properly.
In FlexUnit 1 it is possible to access the name of the currently-running test using the TestCase.getName() method because all tests subclass TestCase. In FlexUnit 4, however, there's no base class for tests; the tests are identified by annotations. So, how can I replicate the getName() functionality in FlexUnit 4?
I am trying to defeat my psychological block with dynamically loaded fonts in AS3, and I have an annoying problem. I am creating a clock with a textfield and I am loading fonts from a SWF library: the available classes/linkages are "Arial", "ArialBold", "MyriadPro", "MyriadProBold" and "Verdana".This is the line where I get the class from the SWF, and it extracts the class correctly
Code: clock = new Clock( { fontClass: assetsLoader.getFontClass("skin", "Arial") } ); The constructor...
I have run across a strange problem. When I load products2.swf by itself, I can call the two "copy" files and everything works. When I open 0342.swf (the index page), I can switch between the home and products2 pages, but I can't view the "copy" pages.I'm guessing there may be some sort of conflict with variable names, but I have been messing with it for most of today.I have uploaded all of the FLA files to here:[url]....
If you make an swf file out of each of the attached items, and open the 0342 file, you will see what is supposed to be happening.
on (release) { if (_root.currMovie == undefined) { _root.currMovie = "home";[code].....
I have a button object that I need to scale to align with the variable width of an array of images.However, when I set the width in code, the button does not actually become that width. Tracing out the width gives me the correct value, but on screen.. it's off.
I've proved it to myself by scaling the same button object manually in the properties pane and visually comparing. Both of the buttons below have a width of 410.
I am using Flash CS4 with actionscript 2 to create an interacitve portfolio.I have 2 text buttons that work when I test them with "enable simple buttons." When I publish to IE these buttons won't work. I have created over 50 buttons using the same methods, they all work.