Flex :: Test Spark Components In FlexUnits Visual Test Environment
Sep 17, 2011
I'm trying to test a custom Flex 4 skinnable component, using the FlexUnit UIImpersonator class. If I run my tests from a FlashBuilder Spark only project everything works fine. If I try to test from a project with the mx component set on the classpath I get a "getElementIndex not available in non Flex 4 projects" error.Can I unit test spark components in FlexUnits visual test environment while still having the mx component set on the classpath?
UIImpersonator delegates it's method calls to a "testEnvironment".The implementation used for this "testEnvironment" is decided by the VisualTest EnvironmentBuilder class and the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class. If the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class can find the "mx.core.Container" on the classpath it returns a MX environment, else a Spark environment. Only the spark environment has valid implementations for Flex 4 relevant method calls on the UIImpersonator - like the addElement method.
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Posting some code here:
private function rollOverUserListener ( e:MouseEvent ) {
trace(">>>>>>>> rollOverUserListener() e.currentTarget.name : " + e.currentTarget.name);
trace("e.currentTarget.alpha: " + e.currentTarget.alpha);
trace("e.currentTarget.visible: " + e.currentTarget.visible);
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assertThat(myList, hasItems('a', 'b', 'c'));
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Sep 10, 2011
How can Application's ControlBar be moved to its bottom in Flex 4.5 ?
The Adobe doc says only:
By default, the ApplicationSkin class defines the control bar area to appear at the top of the content area of the Application container with a grey background. Create a custom skin to change the default appearance of the control bar.
So I look at spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin and there is a controlBarGroup (does it hold the ControlBar contents?), but I don't know how to move it from top to the bottom.
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