Flexunit - Unit Test Flex Applications?

Jul 26, 2010

Flex is a client-side language and based on events. How can such events be mocked to allow unit testing?

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if ( UnitTest )

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Sep 17, 2011

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Jul 24, 2009

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Nov 24, 2009

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Preferably one where the compiled library doesn't include the test files but I don't need two separate projects to test them.

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Mar 3, 2010

I've been trying to setup a working method for unit testing flex libraries using Flex Builder. i have tried setting up a standard flex lib project and using Ant to compile and run the units tests. But this means that when something does go wrong and I want to use the flex builder debugger I cannot do so.

So my next plan is to setup the library as a normal as3/flax/air app as I can use the concept of a main class to run the unit tests. I can then compile the actual library code using Ant.

I could also setup a separate companion project who's sole task is to run units tests on the lib. But this is a little awkward as each library now requires two projects to manage. How do other people develop flex libraries and use unit tests to test/develop/debug the code?

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Flex - Design Patterns For Adobe Air/Flex Applications?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm going to write an application with the Air/Flex-Framework. I'm looking for Best Practise and general Design Patterns for designing software especially in Air/Flex. I have experience with this framework but never had the pleasure to write a piece of software from scratch.

For instance: I stumbled across lots of software written in Air/Flex with nearly infinity global vars Most of the software I saw was not object-oriented How can I pack the asynchronous method calls nicely?

I'm familiar with general design patterns by gamma. I'm looking more for advise in designing good quality software with Adobe Air/Flex.

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Communication Between Two Flex Applications?

Aug 6, 2010

I have two web applications written in Flex I would like to integrate. I would like one Flex app (let's call it application A) to invoke second Flex app (let's call it application B). Application A has access only to swf file of application B (not source code). When application A invokes application B, it should be able to pass some data to application B. After application B is invoked it should be able to pass some data back to application A. These two applications will be hosted on the same server, but will use different server code.

The easiest way of implementing this (or one of the ways to be more precise) would be to have UI element on app A (button, link, menu item, etc) that would invoke app B. But in that case, two Flex applications couldn't communicate directly (since only one is active at a time), and they would have to communicate through server code, which is something I would like to avoid.

In short application A should invoke application B, pass some data to it. Application B should do it's work, display some content, and have a mean of passing some data back to application A. I'm aware of LocalConnection, and I've seen similar question, but in that case I would have to have both application in the same browser window. This would be acceptable to some extend, but only if app B is contained in app A (not if they are both on the same HTML page). Would LocalConnection work in that case?

Do you have any recommendations on how to implement this kind of communication?

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Flex :: Get List Of Installed AIR Applications?

Feb 15, 2010

Is it possible to get list of installed AIR applications, optionally only by one vendor?

Or, is it possible to check, whether is one application (checked by name/some id/vendor) installed (this method would be preferred)

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