Flex :: Get Logging-to-trace To Work With FlashBuilder And FlexUnit?

Dec 29, 2010

I am using FlexUnit4 with FlashBuilder4. A lot of the classes that I'm unit testing make use of the Flash Logger.In the main app, we use TraceTarget so that the logging shows up in the trace window, which greatly aids in debugging:[code]I'd like to do the same thing for the unit test runner that FlashBuilder generates (FlexUnitApplication.mxml), but I'm not sure how to go about it. I could, of course, add TraceTarget to FlexUnit Application. mxml, but as the warning at the top of the file says,My question is: how do I get logging-to-trace to work with FlashBuilder and FlexUnit?

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Update: create basic HelloWorld.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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The style 'backgroundDisabledColor' is only supported by type 'mx.controls.TextInput' with the theme(s) 'halo'

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<mx:TextInput x="245" y="86" id="code1" maxChars="15" change="enableButton(event)" cornerRadius="9" borderStyle="solid" backgroundDisabledColor="#7977b6" />

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<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
creationPolicy="all" currentState="step1">


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Dec 6, 2010

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<mx:SomeClass initialize="{this.init()}" ... >


So, I get "unresolved function" for all the calls of the form someAttribute="{this.someFunction()}", even though the function is described in the same block file. Is it that I've been abusing AS3 / FlashBuilder for all this time ?

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public var content : IDeferredInstance;


I'm using FDT 4.0, under Linux, with a (valid) eval key I'm using a custom Flex 3.5 SDK (not one shipped with FDT, but not a too strange one either)

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Jun 9, 2011

I am going through the flex in a week training and I'm trying to use the Spark form in Flashbuilder 4, but it does not appear in the components windows. When I drag a form from there it is an mx form control. The project is set to use the 4.5 sdk and I can even create the tag in the code view, but when I do that is doesn't show up in the designer... How can I get the spark form control to either show up in the designer when created in the code view, or get the control to show up in the components window so I can drag it in?

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