Flex :: Externally Configure Logging In App?

Dec 24, 2009

I was wondering what people are using for externally configuring logging in a Flex app. Are there any ready baked solutions out there, similar to Log4J's configuration via properties files for instance?

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Flex :: Disable Logging Data Returned From BlazeDS Call When Debug Level Logging Is Enabled?

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Based on this guide, I have enabled debug level logging and also enabled date, time, level and category logging.

This works great, except now I am seeing all my data that's returned being logged. Is there a way to disable this? I would still like to see the calls logged. I've tried info level, but that turns off request logging.

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Actionscript 3 :: Logging Injection For Flex?

Mar 18, 2011

Is it possible to trace every single method call in flex/actionscript by injecting logging statements some way? Like how it's possible in C# using PostSharp.

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Flex :: Parsley Logging - Messages In 4.5 Project

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Flex :: Stop A Custom Logger From Logging It's Own Functions?

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I am trying to write a custom logger target by extending TraceTarget and overriding the mx_internal function internalLog. I would like to send the occasional error log to our server for recording. I am doing this using an HTTPService, and sending it each time internalLog() is called.

However, if one does the following,
logTarget = new StandardLogTarget();


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Flex :: Get Logging-to-trace To Work With FlashBuilder And FlexUnit?

Dec 29, 2010

I am using FlexUnit4 with FlashBuilder4. A lot of the classes that I'm unit testing make use of the Flash Logger.In the main app, we use TraceTarget so that the logging shows up in the trace window, which greatly aids in debugging:[code]I'd like to do the same thing for the unit test runner that FlashBuilder generates (FlexUnitApplication.mxml), but I'm not sure how to go about it. I could, of course, add TraceTarget to FlexUnit Application. mxml, but as the warning at the top of the file says,My question is: how do I get logging-to-trace to work with FlashBuilder and FlexUnit?

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Flex :: Channel Security Error While Logging Into Two Different Domains From Single App

Jul 1, 2009

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Flex :: Configure AMF Serialization Warnings?

Apr 9, 2010

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public function testMyObjectSerialization():void {
var myobj:MyObject = new MyObject();[code]....

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Feb 16, 2011

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Flex :: Configure Port For BlazeDS?

Dec 12, 2011

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Flex :: How To Configure BlazeDS To Work Over HTTPS

Oct 5, 2011

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<service-include file-path="remoting-config.xml" />
<service-include file-path="messaging-config.xml" />
[Code] .....

The thing here is that in my-secure-amf channel, I use mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel in the channel-definition, and flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint (not flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureAMFEndpoint). This has probably something with the Apache-Jboss setup to do, but I haven't found anything that explains what the different tags actually define. To get some sense in all of this, what happens when defining channels and endpoint, using different urls and classes?

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Flex :: Centralized Logging With Flex?

Sep 1, 2011

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Dec 22, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Logging IN Flex Running Flash Player In Normal Mode (not In Debug Mode)?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a set of users who run my application in non debug mode. Off late they have been reporting lot of issues. But I am not able to debug as there is no log file.Is it possuible in flex 3 to do logging in a file without running in debug version. I understand trace only works if we run application in debug version.

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Feb 14, 2011

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The crossdomain.xml is following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<cross-domain-policy> [code].....

However, I still got the error 2048. Therefore, I would like to know is anything I need to configure or miss in my case and how to fix the error.

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Flashlog.txt Not Logging?

Dec 3, 2009

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My home in XP is H:. So currently I have the flashlog.txt file here: H:Documents and Settings(username)Application DataMacromediaFlash PlayerLogs

mm.cfg is here: H:Documents and Settings(username)
mm.cfg contains:

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Accessing A Class From An Externally Loaded Flex SWF?

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import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import com.Index ;
protected function start(event:FlexEvent):void


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Media Server :: Changes From FMS 3 To 4 In Logging?

May 18, 2011

As far as I can tell, there are not changes in logging from 3 to 4 -- is this the case?I ask because we change the LOGDIR location, and while our test systems are okay for unknowns, our public systems need to be uniform (plan ahead).

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Logging - Where (on OSX) Is The Flash CS4 Crash Log

Apr 15, 2010

I have one particular FLA that is crashing every time I try to compile (after switching to Snow Leopard). Flash just stalls and I am forced to use "Force Quit"... I have no idea what could be causing this and I cannot find any crash report. Where on the system does Flash put crash logs?

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Turn On Logging / Debugging?

Nov 25, 2011

I know virtually nothing about Flash so I'm kind of casting about in the dark.

I have the misfortune of being a BT customer, and whilst I have reasonable bandwidth (can view streaming high res video fine) I always have problems listening to radio programmes from the BBC. I think it could be buffering due to traffic shaping, or it could be the Flash applet used to play the content, or something else.

Is it possible to bring up some kind of debugging console, or view some kind of error log to see if there is some diagnostic information that could be useful in finding the problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Catching / Logging All Errors?

Aug 28, 2009

Is it possible to log any and all errors in Flash? The debug player definitely has access to the information when a bug is encounted, is there a way to get that info and send it off in the background?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Logging All Unhandled Errors?

Aug 21, 2008

Is there a way to retrieve the debug information for all unhandled errors and perhaps output that error to a web script (php etc)? I was looking for a listener which could listen for any error which is thrown. Otherwise how would you ever know what errors happen in the public? People need to be running the debug flash player to see errors. So assume there would be a way to record them also.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Logging System?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to develop a logging system for my application. This system is intended to log warning,messages(like traces) and errors in a log file in the server with time stamp and user information.I am familliar with flash tracer but that is temporary. Sometime to debug real time user's reports I need this system.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Develop A Logging System For Application?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to develop a logging system for my application. This system is intended to log warning,messages(like traces) and errors in a log file in the server with time stamp and user information.
I am familliar with flash tracer but that is temporary. Sometime to debug real time user's reports I need this system. Some of the files in the application are in AS1 and the rest in AS2.

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Media Server :: Logging Unique Visitors, Not IPs?

Mar 18, 2011

Is it possible to set up FMS to log uniqe visitors in FMS access log file? I am aware of unique IP and session ID (c-client-id) logging, but these do not represent actual number of viewers. So I was hoping to get something like unique browser ID (a cookie?) which I guess is the closest I can get to the actual number of unique visitors.

If anyone has other ideas, how to log unique visitors or a variable close to unique visitors, If browser cookie is the way to go, can someone tell me how to "forward" this to FMS log file? Also, what software would you recommend for FMS log analysis? Im currently using Sawmill, but Im not completely satisfied, because I cannot see how many people have watched the webstream for how many minutes, therefore the reporting is inaccurate.

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Media Server :: Admin Console Not Logging In On AWS

Oct 18, 2011

I recently setup Flash Media Server on Amazon EC2 and things are going well so far; however the admin console wont login.  I've set the username, password, and port in the config file and opened that port, among others, in the security group.  I've then restarted both FMS and admin server multiple times.
When I try to login I get no errors.  Nothing happens at all.  When I open FireBug and/or Fiddler2 to watch the communication, I'm not seeing a single thing happen.  Clicking "Login" submits no requests at all.  Do I just not understand how FMS works?  I would assume some sort of request would need to be made.

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