Flex :: Test For An Event Sequence?
Feb 10, 2010
I have a component that, on creation, dispatches two events to populate data fields. The events should remain separate because they're used elsewhere for distinct actions.
I want to write an asynchronous flexunit test to confirm that these events are both sent. The problem is, they're both variants of the same event.
Here's the code:
The thing is, this only tests that the first get data event is dispatched, and worse, depends on the order of event dispatch. How can I test that both of these events are eventually sent out by this method, regardless of their order?
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[Code] .....
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In component.
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public class CustomerContainer extends VBox
public function CustomerContainer ()
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm using Flex 3.3, with hamcrest-as3 used to test for item membership in a list as part of my unit tests:
var myList: IList = new ArrayCollection(['a', 'b', 'c']).list;
assertThat(myList, hasItems('a', 'b', 'c'));
The problem is that apparently the IList class doesn't support for each iteration; for example, with the above list, this will not trace anything:
for each (var i: * in myList) { trace (i); }
However, tracing either an Array or an ArrayCollection containing the same data will work just fine.What I want to do is (without having to tear apart my existing IList-based interface) be able to treat an IList like an Array or an ArrayCollection for the purposes of testing, because that's what hamcrest does:
override public function matches(collection:Object):Boolean
for each (var item:Object in collection)
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