ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Parent For MovieClips?

Mar 20, 2011

I am making my first flash game, and I have very little experience. How would I make a parent of MovieClips, so I can hide all of them onLoad at once, without having to do every single one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comunicating Between Loaded Child Movieclips And Parent Holder Movieclips?

Aug 6, 2010

I m trying to make sense of how to load a swf into a parent MovieClip and allow them to communicate.I ve attached two zip files � one which works fine and the other doesn�t. Unfortunately (for me), the one which doesn�t work is closer to my current project.I need to load movieclips into the parent movieclip. The parent movieclip has controls which rely on values parsed from the child movieclip.In the parent movieclips I wait until the loading is complete and so the values should be passed. However, the values aren�t passed unless I use a button (or timer), to pass the values (see the working exampes).The code which doesn�t work is:

Parent movieclip:

ActionScript Code:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();[code].............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Of Movieclips That Are Added As Children To A Parent Mc?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a set of movieclips that are added as children to a parent mc. I want to scale the parent mc up but keep one of the mc's in the same place on the stage. I think the easiest way to do that is to scale the mc up, calculate how far the child mc moves and move the parent an equal amount in th opposite direction. Everything works but I can't for the life of me wrap my head around the math required to calculate the distance to move the parent mc. Has anyone else tried this? Is there an easier way that I don't know about?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamically Add MovieClips To A Parent Clip?

Aug 12, 2009

I want to dynamically add MovieClips to a parent clip and display the most recently added at the to with the rest moving down as each new clip is added. So far I have it working but I get a gap right after the top-most clip.At the moment I'm just adding instances of one clip with a view to adding different ones later when I get the display sorted.

Code: Select allprivate var __content:Array;
public function Menustack(){
one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doAddone);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MovieClip Objects On Parent MovieClips?

Sep 11, 2009

So for my main timeline:

var lightBox:mc_lightbox = new mc_lightbox();
lightBox.x = 300;
lightBox.y = 200;

I get a lightbox up on the screen, within the lightbox is some more script, there are three menu options for that new window. So far when you click on it the loading part comes up just fine but whenever I have it go to another scene it leaves behind the lightbox above. I'm able to removeChild(loading) because its right there just a function above but I'm unable to removeChild(lightBox) because it's one up. How can I access that child? I tried many variations of parent, MovieClip, and root relationships but still couldn't get flash to find it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Stackable MovieClips - Parent / Child Relationship?

Aug 17, 2009

I am creating a pile of stackable movieclips. The dragging function is not a prob but I have a problem with the parent/child relationship in the "bringtotop" function.

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;
public class Colorbox extends MovieClip {
[Code] .....

The error generated is :
RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/setChildIndex()
at Colorbox/bringtotop()

but i don't understand what it means...

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Card Shuffle Animation - Accessing Parent MovieClips

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to implement a "card shuffle" animation using MovieClip instances on the stage. The instances are linked to the same class. From the class I am able to look at the numChildren of the parent:

Let's say I have three cards on the stage with these instance names: "orange_mc", "green_mc" and "blue_mc". They are all linked to a custom class I created. On a MouseEvent I would like to bring the selected card to the top depth. I know that this would do the trick:

I would like to animate the effect and it seems that to be able to do this I would need to know the depths of all the MovieClips on the stage (or at least to determine if the selected is at the top - for this, no animation would be required). I tried the following, only to get an error:

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Actionscript :: Get Url Path Of Self (movieclip) In Flash Within A Hierarchy Of Multiple Parent Movieclips?

Apr 3, 2011

Let's say I am loading a movieclip from a remote url within another movieclip on another server.

This movieclip now needs to load another child movie clip on the same server as itself.

How can it get its own url and not the url of its parent container so as to load this child ? Because if it refers to "child.swf" it will be relative to the super parent container insted of the first server isn't it ? So it will not be able to load the child correctly if all it can get is the url of the parent.

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Flash - Children Movieclips Doesn't Show Its Width And Height According To Parent Movieclip

Jul 19, 2011

I have placed 3 movieclips named mcParent, mcChild1, mcChild2 and 1 textbox in flash. child are childrens of parent movie clip. child1 and child2 both are of sizes 300 whereas parent movieclip is 600px, textbox is placed inside child2 movie clip .

I have made the flash to auto resize according to the screen area. Everything works well, but after resize it resizes parent and all childrens and textbox which is correct. The problem is with the correct placement of textbox on mcChild2. I have seen that after resize, mcParent width and scalex both changes but the child clips doesn't changed its sizes even they are stretched but there sizes are not updated due to which I am unable to get the exact location of where to place the textbox.

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ActionScript 3.0 ::nest MovieClips Using Code / Display / Change Their Positions Reletive To Their Parent MovieClip

May 6, 2010

I have a MC with an instance name MovieClip_1 and I create another like this:[code]So basically, what I want to know is how to nest MovieClips using code, display them, and change their positions reletive to their parent MovieClip, and not the root/stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning Parent MC In Order To Center Child MC On Parent's Parent MC

Feb 5, 2010

[code]All clips are squared.Ok, on the PlayerPlane, there are little soldiers, which have hotkeys. The effect I'm trying to create is I want to position the GameStage so that the currently selected soldier appears in the center of the GameClicker clip.The GameStage is movable by the player (to scan other areas of the map)by holding the CTRL key, so it's easy to kinda lose track of where your players are.I have tried using localTo Global and globalToLocal techniques, but I think I'm lost on the actual math of getting the GameStage to move the correct distance so that the selected soldier is centered to the GameClicker.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Parent.parent.parent Child?

Jan 3, 2010

I got a "preloader" that creates an movieclip and loads an SWF. Now in the loaded SWF i want a close button to go back to the "preloader". The preloader isn't an actuall preloader but some sort of mainclip.Now i tried this:removeChild(MovieClip(e.currentTarget).parent.pare nt.parent)But i get error:ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()at MethodInfo-6()

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Of Nested Movieclips, Separate Of Parent Rotation?

Aug 11, 2010

Is it possible to have the child movieclip rotate separate of the rotation properties assigned to the parent? so ultimately giving the child element it's own axis?I've customized Lee Brimelows ( 3D carousel to spin on the x axis to make it a vertical carousel. I've also rotated that by45 degrees on the y axis to see all the items, and wrote a snippet of code to hide the left portion of the carousel. The entire carousel is contained within the 'container' movieclip, and inside of that are my carousel items (as seen below), with the larger item being the item in focus.

On rollover of the item in focus, I want to rotate it so it faces the viewer (as seen below),basically removing the 45 degree rotation applied to the container.The problem i'm running into is when you rotate the container (changing the rotationX of the container), the axis basically rotates with it, so when i rollover the next item 'in focus', the following happens..(in the example where it appears how it want it to, the carousel is at a rotationX of 0, so it works fine)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Link To A Parent Frame?

Nov 23, 2009

i know how to make a link to a parent frame in AS3

about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutClick);
function aboutClick(event:MouseEvent):void{

thats what i use.. works great. But how to I go up two movie clips, becuase the code above only goes up one movie clip. I'm trying to go up two movie clips instead of one now.

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Parent Change To Another Scene

Nov 18, 2003

If you put a button symbol into a movie clip. Then, place the movie clip onto the main time line. Add multiple scenes to the movie and multiple frames on the pain timeline. Go back to the button within the movie clip and program it


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Loaded SWF Call A Function That Is In The Parent SWF?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm trying to make a loaded SWF call a function that is in the parent SWF, but it is not working.In AS 2.0 I could just put something like _root.myFunction(); and it worked.But in AS 3.0 it does not work anymore.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Child Become Invisible While The Parent Is Visible?

Oct 11, 2010

If there an object is placed on the stage named square and with the document class Main an object was added to square with addchild,if I wanted the square to not be visible but still be the parent while the new object added to square was made visible, how would you accomplish that?

My Trials: It seems if you set the parent to false visibility and then try to set the child visibility to true it disregards that request because the parent visibility overrides it, so the entire movieclip object remains completely invisible.It seems you can make a child become invisible while the parent is visible, but I want to do the opposite.

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Filters Scale Relatively With Parent DisplayObject?

Nov 28, 2009

S there any way filters applied to a DisplayObject (drop shadow, glow, bevel) can scale relatively with the parent (the DisplayObject it is inside)?And what about other properties like .distance for drop shadow?For example... If I have a 100px rectangle with a 10px glow inside a container object, and I set scaleX/scaleY of the container to .1, I want the glow to inherit the scale change from the parent (1/10th the size) just as the display object does that the filter is applied to.Instead, if you try this, you will see the glow stays at 10px no matter what scale the filter target or the container is transformed by.Pseudocode example (steps to reproduce),

1) create a sprite called _myOuterSprite on stage at scaleX = scaleY = 1

2) create a sprite called _myInnerSprite inside _myOuterSprite at scaleX = scaleY = 1

3) draw 100px rectangle into _myInnerSprite

4) apply 10px glow to _myInnerSprite

5) transform scale of _myOuterSprite to .1


- child sprite (rectangle) scales to 1/10th the size

- glow stays the same size

How can I make it so that glow scales to 1/10th as well?

...without capturing and scaling bitmap data

...without losing interactivity on objects a way that would work visually for every filter, not just glow (drop shadow has distance property too, etc)

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Make MovieClip (any Other Symbol) To Keep Track Of A Parent?

Jan 31, 2011

Is there any way to make a MovieClip (or any other symbol) to keep track of a parent MovieClip?

Let's say I have a movieclip that contains a body, and then I want to add clothes on top of it, so I would write[code]...

And it works, but if change the X coordinate, I expect that clothes_image, change the coordinates as well, without explicitly write the instruction for it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Flash Child & Parent Linking?

May 29, 2010

Im working on a small project & Im not good in AS3. So please bear with me, I tried searching but cudnt find the keywords for this function.I have a Parent.swf that loads a Child.swf on the main stage of the Parent.swf that works perfectly with this as3.0.

PHP Code:


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AS3 :: Flash - Make Parent Function Return The Selected Value Of A ComboBox?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm developing an AIR app that requires a menu to show only during the first run. In it the user will be able to choose the desired language for the app to run in.

I'm displaying this menu without a problem but I need it to stay visible until the "select language" comboBox is changed and then return the selected choice's data value.

how to return a value only after the combo box is changed.

function promptFRMenu():String{
FRMenu.enabled = FRMenu.visible = true; //when I detect the app is running for the
// first time, the dialog box is enabled


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Unable To Make The Imported Buttons Control The Timeline Of The Parent?

Jan 18, 2009

I have an swf file, MyRoundButtons, which is a set of radio buttons I built (not components). It works fine, but if I import it into a parent it won't work anymore. I have to write a script to load it into a movieclip, (which I hate, because I'll have a several different swfs to assemble on my final stage. I really want to see them all on the stage together, not just at runtime.)

Even when I load it into a clip and the buttons work, however, it doesn't seem to have a separate timeline when double-clicked ,and:I can't make the imported buttons control the timeline of the parent.I defined a test function:

Code: Select allfunction goToNirvana() {gotoAndPlay("nirvana")};

Frame "nirvana," in th parent, has a Trace instruction in it.
goToNirvana works on its own in the parent. [code].....

Whether I define that function in the child, the parent, or both, the instruction won't work. Now, I'd prefer not to do the loadMovie thing at all if I can avoid it, I'd rather have fully rendered button clips onstage at authoring for me to arrange and move about, with fully independent timelines right there. But you see what I'm trying to do. I just can't get it done.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Make Filters Scale Relatively With Parent DisplayObject?

Nov 28, 2009

(i'm using flashdevelop / flex sdk)IS there any way filters applied to a DisplayObject (drop shadow, glow, bevel) can scale relatively with the parent (the DisplayObject it is inside)?And what about other properties like .distance for drop shadow?

For example... If I have a 100px rectangle with a 10px glow inside a container object, and I set scaleX/scaleY of the container to .1, I want the glow to inherit the scale change from the parent (1/10th the size) just as the display object does that the filter is applied to.Instead, if you try this, you will see the glow stays at 10px no matter what scale the filter target or the container is transformed by.Pseudocode example (steps to reproduce),

1) create a sprite called _myOuterSprite on stage at scaleX = scaleY = 1

2) create a sprite called _myInnerSprite inside _myOuterSprite at scaleX = scaleY = 1

3) draw 100px rectangle into _myInnerSprite

4) apply 10px glow to _myInnerSprite

5) transform scale of _myOuterSprite to .1


- child sprite (rectangle) scales to 1/10th the size

- glow stays the same size

How can I make it so that glow scales to 1/10th as well?...without capturing and scaling bitmap data ...without losing interactivity on a way that would work visually for every filter, not just glow (drop shadow has distance property too, etc)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Stage - Add Bullets To The Stage Rather Than Using Parent.parent.parent.addChild?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm currently making a platform game and when the player shoots i want to add the bullets to the stage. The players gun class is in charge of adding bullets. The "players gun" is a child of "players gun holder" which is a child of "player" which is a child of the stage. is there a better or more dynamic way for the "players gun" to add bullets to the stage rather than using parent.parent.parent.addChild (bullet);

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Flash - Make Sure Children Stays Inside Parent Movieclip's Shape?

Mar 17, 2010

Red: Shape inside parent movieclip,

Yellow: Children inside parent movieclip

I'd like to animate the yellow dots, but make sure that they never gets out of the red shape's boundary.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make 2 Movieclips Have The Same Actions?

Jun 8, 2011

So how can i make 2 same movieclips (copy paste) have a working actions, because now only 1 works? The movie clips that have same coding are the walls.[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make 5 Out Of 10 Movieclips Invisible?

Nov 23, 2006

I want to make 5 out of 10 movieclips invisible.

I know this works for each movie :
item1._visible = false;
item2._visible = false;

But whats the correct syntax to do it in the loop. This seems to clear all 10 movieclips.


for (var y = 0; y<5; y++) {
["item"+(y)]_visible = false;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Arrays Of MovieClips

Oct 26, 2007

I'm trying to create something (which has probably been created a 1000 times before) that will fade in and out a series of images. I load the images into my movie and then I want to make some action script to loop through them to fadeIn/Out.So to begin with I want to store all the image names in an array and then loop through this. But I'm having problems accessing the movie clips from the array. Where am I going wrong?

var images:Array = new Array();
images = [wine_mc, sunset_mc, poppies_mc, pool_mc, eastView_mc]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Movieclips And Class Files

Sep 30, 2009

How would you go about accessing a movieclip inside another movieclip using a class file?ould you have to export every single part of a movieclip? Can it be done by just exporting the main movieclip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movieclips Disappear At Random

Jul 29, 2010

I have squares that make up the background on my stage. I would like to have the squares fade out one by one using code.

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