ActionScript 1/2 :: Removing Flvplayback From Scene - Not Working
May 31, 2009
I am tring to remove the flvplayback compiled clip from the stage with the following code but it only stop the movie, it does not remove the actuall player.
on (release) {
_root.instance1.instance2.my_FLVPlybk.stop(); _root.instance1.instance2.my_FLVPlybk.removeMovieClip();
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var i:int;
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Apr 11, 2012
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function emptyContainer() {
if (container.numChildren > 0) {
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Dec 21, 2009
In Flash CS4, if I create a new AS3 file and use File > Import > Import Video to bring in an mp4 video it works great. However, if I create a new scene and import the video into that, I instantly get this error at runtime:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/__setProp___id0__Scene2_Layer1_0()
at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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//Button click handling code goes here
function readyhandler(event:VideoEvent):void {
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Jun 8, 2011
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However, if the whole stage is in "Full Screen" mode, and I click on the button which loads the FLVPlayback component, the screen becomes black and the FLV doesn't even load.
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Jan 27, 2011
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Feb 16, 2011
I have created a simple game which is started by a start button in a Movieclip that opens at the beginning using the code :
var splashscreen:MovieClip = new Splash();
splashscreen.x = 0;splashscreen.y = 0;
The splashscreen movieClip has its own code :
function playgame(e:Event):void{parent.removeChild(this); Play_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,playgame)
When I run the game the splashscreen does load and then disappears when the Play button is pressed but none of the eventlisteners seem to work. The background moves, the enemy ships fire but I can't move the ship or fire using the keyboard. The game works perfectly well when I don't use the splashscreen at the start.
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May 2, 2011
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btn_1.onRelease = function (){
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);
It gives me these errors:
1120: Access of undefined property btn_1.
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type int to an unrelated type String.
And I wind up with a looping flash movie of scene 1 and scene 2, even though I put a stop() on the timeline of Scene 1.
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Sep 13, 2004
Check out this code:
everything here is fine. It opens finely. But... i want to pass parameters where if i click a button in html page My.swf should open a particular scene called 'Scene 2' rather than scene 1. i tried
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Feb 25, 2009
I am working on someones as2 file and I noticed that they had an onEnterFrame running non stop in the movie. I don't use onEnterFrame personally. So I tried to create a conditional to stop it. While the conditional worked its stopped the fluid animation they had used. So I need to figure out some other way to get rid of the onEnterFrame. Anyone have any ideas here? The AS basically resizes a box on stage when certain movies are loaded.[code]
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Aug 31, 2010
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base_btn.onRelease = function() {
gotoAndPlay("Scene 2");
I want to upload the .fla but i dont know how to get the file size small enough. I read the post were it said to just delete the images from the library but it didn't replace anything with red shapes
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Jun 30, 2009
Using CS4 Actionscript 2.0
Check out what happens after percentage loaded. It just goes to Frame 1 of next scene but doesn't play it.... although if you right click and click PLAY it will indeed play it.. How to get it to start upon 100% loaded?? I SHOULD NOTE that the scene that won't play has an embedded FLV in timeline
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Dec 7, 2011
I have two scenes on my flash file viz., Scene 1 and Scene 2.
I have created one nested button i.e., button inside the movieClip and one normal button as in the following code.
ActionScript Code:
jan_btn.onPress = function() {
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);
The problem is the first button jan_btn works and it goes to Scene 2 when it is clicked. But the second nested one i.e., button inside the scroll_mc movieClip is not working.
I have kept jan to dec buttons inside scroll_mc movieclip (it will scroll) and kept on stage.
Why nested button i.e., button inside movie clip is not going to Scene 2 when it is clicked?
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Feb 28, 2008
I have a project where I'm removing code for bandwidth detection, but after I remove it, my code in the }else{ won't execute anymore like it did before. Not sure what I'm missing? Maybe a pair of curly braces somewhere? Here is before, and after bandwidth code removal:
images_xml = new XML();
images_xml.onLoad = startImageViewer;[code].....
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Apr 19, 2010
Ok... I have 2 scenes.... 1st scene is an intro menu with several movie clip symbols (let's call them buttons for all intents and purposes) that gotoAndPlay various sections of the 2nd scene when clicked ... The various buttons on this intro screen point to different frame numbers in the 2nd scene... button1 goes to frame 1 of scene 2... button 2 goes to frame 10 of scene 2.... button 3 goes to frame 20 of scene 2 and so on....
when I click the 1st button, it takes me to the 2nd scene at frame 1 and correctly shows me that page ... (all 2nd scene pages have a navigation bar at the top to access the other 2nd scene pages) ... when I click on a navigation button it takes me to the next page within the 2nd scene that I am looking for and each progresive page works correctly.
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Jul 7, 2011
I'm been working on a script for a while, and am just about finished. It plays a movie onscreen based on where the cursor is, then when the left mouse is clicked, it plays a new movie and then writes a file.
It works when I test the scene withing Flash (the app). However, when I save it off as a .swf, and then open it in Flash player it does not. The mouse cursor is still playing a movie onscreen based on where the cursor is, but the left mouse button won't do anything, nor will it write a file.
Am I supposed to open an Actionscript 3/Air app somewhere else, not the Flash Player? I want to make this standalone, not have to be launched as a test scene inside Flash to work.
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Nov 24, 2011
I have this in my constructor:
The problem is I get Error: Error #2094: Event dispatch recursion overflow. Why does removechild keep getting called if this.parent does not exist? Why doesn't removing event listeners work?
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Apr 27, 2010
I have attached a video on a frame of my website in Flash. When I preview the movie the film plays as it should.But when I export the Fla. as a Swf. file it then doesn't have the movie there anymore?It does show this error:
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'FLVPlayback' was already assigned to the symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'FLVPlayback', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
I really don't know what that refers too.
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Aug 11, 2009
so I have some buttons that, as of right now, simply trigger the scene to move on while at the same time killing some particle effect animations I have spawning when the animation is idle. What I now need to do is make these events move on to a specific scene AFTER the rest of the scene's animation has played out (about 400 more frames) I'm figuring that the gotoAndPlay command has to be tied to some sort of timer variable that I would have to figure out based on my fps. Or maybe there is a way to set up a timer directly tied to a certain amount of frames allowed to go by. I'm pretty noob at actionscript, so keep that in mind. Here is the script at the point where the animation pauses to await user input on the buttons:
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