ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Fullscreen Not Working?

Aug 14, 2009

I dragged the FLVPlayback component onto my stage and attached a source to it using the component inspector. When I view my .swf, I can't get the full screen option to work. I have uploaded my file here:[url]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Fullscreen Not Working

Aug 14, 2009

I dragged the FLVPlayback component onto my stage and attached a source to it using the component inspector. When I view my .swf, I can't get the full screen option to work. I have uploaded my file here:URL...

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Professional :: FLVplayback Fullscreen Not Working When Stage Is In Full Screen Mode

Jun 8, 2011

I have an SWF file with a full-screen button working perfectly. I have added an FLVPlayback component, working correctly.
However, if the whole stage is in "Full Screen" mode, and I click on the button which loads the FLVPlayback component, the screen becomes black and the FLV doesn't even load.
I have tried addind the action movieHolder.fullScreenTakeOver = false;  but it did not help.
I m working with Flash CS5 and AS 3

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IDE :: FLVPlayback Too Big In Fullscreen

Oct 13, 2009

I have an FLVPlayback component in an video.swf, and it has a fullscreen button. video.swf is being loaded by another main.swf. when the fullscreen button is clicked, it goes into full screen. But, the FLVPlayback scales too big and even the overlaying controls are out of the screen.

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Can't Get FLVplayback Component To Fullscreen Correctly

Sep 30, 2010

I have tried numerous things but when I insert the FLVplayback Component into flash that is linked to an external video source the fullscreen function will not work but the video plays as needed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen For FLVPlayback Control?

Jan 22, 2009

I am facing a weird issue while using FLVPlayback control.I have created a class which internally creates an instanceof the FLVPlayback control and sets the skin toSkinOverPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf.In the main program I have created n instances for this classto load different flv files [just like any multi windowedapplication, with each window playing its own flv file]. Once I click FullScreen button the video loaded last alwaysget in to full screen mode; irrespective of the

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Overlay Movieclip On Fullscreen Flvplayback

Jul 22, 2009

I'm coding a flash video jukebox. In this movie there will be a small box with subtitles for the flv playing at the moment. The problem is that, when I press the fullscreen button, the text overlay dissapears. I think that what is really happening is that the overlay is "hiding" at the back of the video.
Is there any way to put this overlay on top of the video so it remains even if I press the "fullscreen" button on the flvplayback component?

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Professional :: FLVPlayback - How To Get Project Always Fullscreen

Oct 1, 2010

Is there anyway to have a projector ALWAYS fullscreen, and use an flvplayback component with fullscreen button at the same time? It seems that they're somehow incompatible. If I have multiple instances of an flvplayback component on different scenes, when the projector is fullscreen, jumping to a scene with an flvplayback on it, leads to having a black screen only!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Fullscreen Controls On Flvplayback?

Jan 16, 2011

I have an stage on wich I have an flvplayback, custom controls to manage the flvplayback and some other infos bellow this controls.when I enter fullscreen with the fullScreenTakeOver set to true all the flash file goes to fullscreen, but I only want that flvplayback and the custom controls to manage go to fullscreen, not all the info below them.Is there a way to select what elements go to fullscreen and what elements not?I try to modify an skin of the flash predefined, but I do not find the way to add textfields to this skins and access dinamically to them from the file that has the flvplayback control.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Have Multiple Flvplayback Instances Using Fullscreen

Feb 20, 2012

I am using AS3 with CS5. I created a flash project which contains multiple instances of flvplayback. Each plvplayback plays a separate video and each has its own controls. It all works fine when playing, pausing and controlling the videos. The problem is with the fullscreen functions. If I click the fullscreen button on the first flvplayback, it makes the second video go full screen. If I click the second video fullscreen button, it opens fine into its own video except when I do it three to four times. After three to four times of toggling fullscreen on the second video, it opens the first video into the browser larger than its original size but not full screen. I have tried recreating the flvplayback instances by re-importing the video files. Each flvplayback has been given its own instance name. Even when I create a separate custom button, not part of flvplayback, and give it the command to launch fullscreen on the first video, it still opens the second video to fullscreen. When I use just one video and remove the other ones, toggling fullscreen works fine for that particular video.

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Actionscript 3 :: Keep An FLVPlayback Out Of Fullscreen Mode In Projector?

Nov 14, 2010

I have an FLVPlayback component on my timeline (frame 4 or so), and my Flash Projector is running in fullscreen mode. The problem is that I can't seem to make my FLVPlayback component NOT be in fullscreen mode and at the same time, have my stage in fullscreen mode.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make The FLVPlayback Control Go Fullscreen?

Feb 3, 2011

I have an Adobe Air 2.5 app that has been written in Flash CS5.There is a need to play video's from within that app and I am not in the mood to write a video player from scratch. Soooooo... we attempted to use the FLVPlayer from http:[url].... but could not get the thing to work properly at all through their API.

The video player must go full screen and have the normal playhead scrubbing, play / pause / stop, and volume controls.Can you make the FLVPlayback control go fullscreen?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Fullscreen Mode For FLVPlayback Component

Oct 17, 2010

I am using a FLVPlayBack component to play some videos back inside a flash site I am making. Obviously I am using a Flash CS3 - AS2 skin since I am making the site using AS2.

Does anyone have the code to create a fullscreen mode button so that the videos go into full screen mode that are playing the FLVPlayBack Component?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Switching To Fullscreen With FLVPlayback Component On Stage

Sep 5, 2009

I've encountered a really frustrating problem recently when switching to StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN with a FLVPlayback component on the stage.

My movie:
bottom layer: a movie clip inside of which is a FLVPlayback component playing a flv movie
upper layer: movie clip (logo), second mc (fullscreen button)

Fullscreen button code:
function doFullscreen(event:MouseEvent):void {
if(stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN){
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
} else {
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
}}bFullscreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFullscreen);

Effect (Before clicking the fullscreen button):
Everything is okay, the movie plays, logo and button are visible.

Effect (After clicking the fullscreen button):
The only thing that is visible is the playing movie, but logo and fullscreen button disappear.

What happens:
The mc with the FLVPlayback component gets the highest child index and covers the logo and button. It is not the problem with aligning logo and button on the stage, as without the FLVPlayback component they are perfectly aligned. I also tried to manually switch the depth of the mc with the FLVComponent, unfortunately without any result.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create Fullscreen Functionality In FlvPlayback Component?

Aug 9, 2011

How to create the fullscreen functionality in FlvPlayback component.

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Flash - FLVPlayback Fullscreen Flickers And Back To Normal

Feb 10, 2010

I'm having a problem making my FlvPlayback go full screen. In FF it works great but in IE (8) it will only work once! the next time, it will flicker and return to normal state.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fscommand Fullscreen Auto-scales Flvplayback Component!?

Jan 20, 2010

I have an FLVPlayback component instance on my stage, into which I load videos based on button presses. When I create a .swf of my project though, if I use

fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
fscommand("allowscale", "false");

I get unexpected behavior. What should happen is the file loads, everything is centered, and the area around the project is whatever the background color is.This sort of works .. until the first FLV is played. The FLV gets scaled to 100% (fullscreen)and if I hit "esc" I go back to the "normal" sized player, but if I then maximize the window (almost the same as fullscreen), the entire flash player now decides to scale, not just the FLV playback component

I'd like to be able to have my windows projector file to take up the entire screen when it's loaded (without being scaled), but this doesn't seem possible. Any ideas what's going on? Regarding the FLVPlayback component, I've tried everything to make it fit and not scale ....set height, width, set scale to "noScale", set registrationHeight, registrationWidth, etc. Nothing works.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: FLVPlayback: Disabling VolumeBar, Seek, Play/pause, Mute, Fullscreen Buttons?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there a way to disable/enable the buttons in FLVPlayback component? I got a flv files loaded into a fla file and the swf file then loaded onto the main fla file which where I want to disable/enable the FLVPlayback button at certain time.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Events Not Working?

Jul 2, 2011

I have an instance of FLVPlayback on my stage called amplayer. I also have buttons next to it that stop the player and change the source. Some of the buttons not only change the source, but seek to a cue point as well. I'm trying to create the function that seeks to the desired cue point once the new video source is loaded and the player is ready, but it is giving a cryptic error at compile time.Here is my code:

//Button click handling code goes here
function readyhandler(event:VideoEvent):void {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Removing Flvplayback From Scene - Not Working

May 31, 2009

I am tring to remove the flvplayback compiled clip from the stage with the following code but it only stop the movie, it does not remove the actuall player.

on (release) {
_root.instance1.instance2.my_FLVPlybk.stop();  _root.instance1.instance2.my_FLVPlybk.removeMovieClip();

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Passing Value From Js To As In A Flvplayback Component Not Working

Jun 2, 2009

my flvplayback component is not working when i tried to pass the url of the video to be played from js to the actionscript.(using actionscript 2)
I properly embedded the swf and added the object ids as well. i just assigned the url to a string and then passed it to the function in the as but it's not working...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flv Fullscreen Not Working In Div?

Feb 14, 2009

Flv fullscreen not working in div,Here is the code i m using :-

Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
F = 1;
fulscreen_btn.onPress = function() {


but its not working,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fullscreen Not Working In IE7

Nov 15, 2007

I have developed a flash video player which had a fllscreen option.but the problem is fullscreen is not working in IE7.In some machine got this problem.[code]

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Flash AS3 Fullscreen Not Working On Tablet PC

Nov 10, 2009

I have a Flash (AS3, CS3) piece that has a button that will make the piece go full screen.

This works great in all of the computers that I have tested it in except a tablet PC (HP 2710p is the only tablet I have to test on, but I hear the same behavior happens on all tablets). The scale mode is set to exact fit, but I have tried the other options as well:
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ASnative Not Working In Fullscreen?

Jan 22, 2009

need to detect if the middlemouse button is pressed or not..and for that Im useing

ActionScript Code:
if (ASnative(800, 2)(4))
//Do something

and ofcourse the whole if-statement is inside of an enterFrame"Listener" or what its ever...this doesnt work once your i fullscreen mode..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Mode Not Working?

May 27, 2007

I'm not really getting a flex HTML template I have this

HTML Code:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
id="${application}" width="${width}" height="${height}"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Not Working Correctly In Loaded Swf?

Dec 11, 2008

I have a swf loading an external SWF which is a video player. The video player loads fine into the SWF, but if I hit full screen it goes full screen but I cant see anything. Its all black. I can still see the "hit escape to exit" bubble thing.If I embed the video player by itself(ie. ISNT loaded into a swf) the full screen function works fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Presentation With Videos, Can't Get It Working On Fullscreen

Jan 2, 2010

I made a flash presentatsion and because i'm using FlashEff components it has to be in as3. I'm a total newbie in coding, particularly in as3. I have made my presentatsion in as3 before and got everything working fine. This time my presentation contains videos. And this becomes a problem when going on fullscreen mode. My project size is 1024x768, I made a html and use a brauser to open it. I wan't my project to go fullscreen so that there aren't borders. If the stage goes fullscreen i don't want my movies to go fullscreen. When playing a video on fullscreen mode everything just goes black. Soo finally i figured out that i have to tell the videos not to scale.
My project is set up as follows:
1. MAIN TIMELINE On the first layer i have all the frames converted to movieclips and inside each movieclip is the content. On the as layers first frame i have this code. This is for navicating on the presentatsion slides with arrow keys.
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, goNextFrame);
function goNextFrame(event:KeyboardEvent):void{if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){this.nextFrame();}}
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, goPrevFrame);
function goPrevFrame(event:KeyboardEvent):void{if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){this.prevFrame();}}
On each slide there is some content that is called with a mouse click.

//On the fist frame
bg_mc2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSlide);bg_mc2.buttonMode = true;
function playSlide(event:Event):void{ play();
//On the last frame
bg_mc2.mouseEnabled = false;

I have tried so many fullscreenmode - don't scale the video codes.I have tried so many ways but every time i play a video i get the typeerror 1009 Can't access a property of method.

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Professional :: Flash Fullscreen Working In All Browsers Except IE?

May 26, 2011

the following code not working in IE for fullscreen?

Here is my code
Flash file code: 
on(release){getURL("html/file name.html", "_blank"); }


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube As3 Api Fullscreen Button Not Working?

Sep 20, 2011

i am working on youtube api player in as3 and stuck on fullscreen btn problem. Is there any inbuilt functionality to make it work

in as2 youtube work the code is

ActionScript Code:
var listener:Object=new Object();


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